לא להוציא דבה על ארץ ישראל

פה זה ארץ ישראל – פה טוב

הגר”מ שפירא ז”ל סיפר שנזדמן לו לנסוע עם הרבי ר’ מאיר”ל מאמשינוב ז”ל למירון בל”ג בעומר, בדרך היה מאד מאד חם עד כדי בלתי נסבל, אחד החסידים שישב מאחור סנט שחם עד כדי שא”א יותר, הרבי הסתובב אליו ואמר לו מצדי תפשוט את בגדיך, רק אל תאמר כך – פה זה ארץ ישראל, פה טוב.

(בשם ספר תביאמו ותטעמו עמ’ קב).

2 Torah Portions Are Very Embarrassing for Diaspora Jews…

Israel? No Thanks

By Tzvi Fishman – 26 Sivan 5776 – July 1, 2016
Two Torah portions are very embarrassing for Jews in the Diaspora. The first is the Torah portion of “Lech Lecha” where G-d tells Abraham that He is giving him and his descendants the Land of Israel as their eternal Homeland. While everyone in shuls from New York to LA, Melbourne, and Antwerp, manage to keep a Shabbos smile on their faces while the Torah portion is read, droplets of sweat start to form under the knots of their ties. After all, G-d obviously wants His children living in the Promised Land, so what are they doing in New York, LA, Melbourne, and Antwerp?
The other embarrassing portion is this week’s reading, “Shelach.” The Torah relates how the leaders of the nation, the leading rabbis and the directors of the major Jewish organizations (which were called Tribes in those days and not Federations, Unions, or Congregations) rebelled against G-d’s commandment to live in the Land of Israel, preferring to remain in the wilderness of Sinai, where they enjoyed the good life, like Jewish life in America and Australia today. They claimed that while the Land of Israel was certainly beautiful, it was dangerous to live there. Knowing the Torah better than Hashem, they argued that saving Jewish life was the most supreme mitzvah, freeing them of the obligation to obey Hashem’s oft-repeated command to journey on into the Holy Land. They said, no, “We will keep all of the commandments except the one about living in Israel – that isn’t for us.” Calling them rebels and non-believers, Hashem killed them all. It is all written very clearly in the Torah. I’m not making things up.
Only two of the leaders, Yehoshua and Calev, agreed to follow Hashem. Their efforts to rally the others proved fruitless. All of the other 10 leaders, the top rabbis and the directors of the major Jewish organizations, along with all those who followed their rebellious advice, perished in the wilderness in shame.
The book “Mesillat Yesharim” or “The Path of the Just” is a universally recognized classic Jewish text, found in every yeshiva, and in every Orthodox home. In Chapter 19, in his study of saintliness, the book’s universally respected author, Rabbi Haim Luzzato, explains that the reason the Spies, who were the leaders of the Tribes, the leading rabbis and heads of the Sanhedrin, didn’t want to make Aliyah to the Land of Israel was because they feared it would lessen their honor. Yes, their honor. They realized that in Israel, it wasn’t enough for a leader to be expert in learning Gemara and Halacha in the Beit Midrash, while the Clouds of Glory took care of all the physical needs of the people. In the Land of Israel, a new type of leadership was needed, leaders with a multitude of talents, including military talents, agricultural talents, economic talents, political talents, building talents, national figures who could inspire the Jewish People to build their own independent Statehood, without being dependent on the Clouds of Glory – or whatever foreign, gentile country that took care of national needs.
The Spies realized that in Israel they wouldn’t continue to be big rabbis and directors of Diaspora organizations for which there was no longer a need. So instead of urging the Jewish People to continue on to the Land of Israel, they told them that it was best to stay put where they were, in the wilderness, as strangers in strange gentile lands. That’s what it says in the book “Mesillat Yesharim.” I am not making things up.
Once again today, Diasporas leaders are not leading the Jewish People to Israel. Instead, they are holding on to their positions of honor. And the Jews in the Diaspora are ‘diasporing’ away.

Tzvi Fishman is a recipient of the Israel Ministry of Education Award for Creativity and Jewish Culture. His many novels and books on a variety of Jewish themes are available at Amazon Books, including four commentaries on the teachings of Rabbi Kook. Recently, he has published “Arise and Shine!” and “The Lion’s Roar” – 2 sequels to his popular novel, “Tevye in the Promised Land.” In Israel, the Tevye trilogy is distributed by Sifriyat Bet-El Publishing. He is also the director and producer of the feature film, “Stories of Rebbe Nachman,” starring Israel’s popular actor, Yehuda Barkan.

He can be contacted via his website: www.tzvifishmanbooks.com

Reprinted from The Jewish Press, here.

שיר – עם ישראל עוד חי

יהודי זה הכי – מקהלת משאלות | Yehudi Ze Hachi – Mishalot Boys Choir

Nov 20, 2022

כל העולם נושא עיניים
לארץ כה קטנה
ומדברים בלי סוף עדיין
אבל בינתיים
חלפה לה עוד שנה

כל מקום שבו תלך
כולם יודעים שבניסים הוא מתקיים
וכל מי שרק תשאל
יאמר שעם ישראל עוד חי

יהודי זה הכי
זה שלם, לא חצי
זהו כוח אדיר
לעולם הוא מאיר
יהודי זה הכל
לעולם לא ייפול
זהו זן מיוחד
זה עם אחד

וארץ ישראל פורחת
ממש מעל כולם
ואת הדלת היא פותחת
לכל מי שרוצה לבוא לכאן

כל מקום שבו תלך
כולם יודעים שבניסים הוא מתקיים
וכל מי שרק תשאל
יאמר שעם ישראל עוד חי

יהודי זה הכי
זה שלם, לא חצי
זהו כוח אדיר
לעולם הוא מאיר
יהודי זה הכל
לעולם לא ייפול
זהו זן מיוחד
זה עם אחד

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

RON PAUL: Stop Taxing Tips!

From RPI

Ron Paul | Jun 24, 2024

Donald Trump recently promised that, if he wins the November election, he will support eliminating taxes on tips as part of his proposal to renew and expand the 2017 tax cuts. This tax law change would be a long overdue boost for millions of Americans.

Tips often comprise a substantial portion of the earnings of waiters and waitresses, as well as of other service-sector employees. However, unlike regular wages, a service-sector employee usually has no guarantee of, or legal right to, a tip. Instead, the amount of a tip usually depends on how well an employee satisfies his customers. Since the amount of taxes one pays increases along with the size of tips, taxing tips punishes workers for doing a superior job!

Many service-sector employees are young people trying to make money to pay for their education, or single parents struggling to provide for their children. Making tips tax free gives these hard-working Americans an immediate pay raise. A person may use this pay raise to devote more resources to his children’s or his own education, to save for a home or retirement, or to start a business.

Eliminating taxes on tips will provide some (limited) relief from the Federal Reserve’s inflation tax. This tax results from the decline in the dollar’s purchasing power caused by the Federal Reserve’s monetization of federal debt. The inflation tax is the worst form of tax because it is hidden. Thus, most people will not blame the Fed for higher prices. The inflation tax is also regressive, as price inflation is more of a burden to those at the lower end of the income scale than to billionaires. The Fed-created price inflation has forced many Americans to work two jobs.

This is not to suggest that reducing taxes on tips will fully compensate working people for the income they lose to the inflation tax. The best way Congress can help relieve the people of the inflation tax is to cut federal spending that leads to the Federal Reserve monetizing debt. Congress should also pass a law forbidding the Fed from monetizing debt by purchasing federal debt instruments.

It is also long past time to stop talking about tax cuts “costing” the government money. Talking about tax cuts in terms of how much money they cost the government, as opposed to how much money they leave in the hands of the people, accepts the premise that the government has a greater moral claim to the money than those who actually earned it. In truth, saying cutting taxes cost the government money makes as much sense as saying stopping a mugger from taking everything in your wallet “cost” the mugger money. Instead of worrying about how much tax cuts cost the government, the politicians should worry about how much welfare and warfare spending cost taxpayers.

The idea that tax cuts should only be supported if they promote “efficiency” should also be rejected. All tax cuts promote efficiency because, as economist and Ludwig von Mises Institute President Thomas DiLorenzo put it, “private individuals always spend their own money more efficiently than government bureaucrats do.” Instead of worrying about whether the government can “afford” tax cuts or whether tax cuts promote economic efficiency, those concerned about the government deficit should focus their efforts on reducing government spending. If the government stopped trying to run our lives and run the world, there would be no need to punish hard-working Americans by taxing their tips.

Copyright © 2024 The Ron Paul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

From The RPIhere.