On Judaism and Leftism
Hyehudi Oldie: Mr. J. Rosenblum outdoes himself.
Hyehudi Oldie: Mr. J. Rosenblum outdoes himself.
One paragraph in a recent article typifies so much of the foolishness and evil of “Tzarich Iyun”.
Pinchas Freudiger [Translator, Computer Programmer and Instructor] writes:
“… As the West continues to lose its pride, it is up to us, the Jewish nation, to provide the moral and legal justification for how to live a healthy, wholesome, and upstanding life and how to run a country with fairness and justice. Jews such as Yoram Hazoni, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, and Louis Brandeis have led the charge on this. We need to follow their lead.”
Mr. Freudiger, have you ever stepped in a yeshiva?
Sir, have you no shame?
Disclaimer: I didn’t register, because I don’t trust Tom Woods not to insert immodesty, among other reasons, but maybe you can download and listen, or something.
Regarding Friday’s article, one of our dear readers found the original video, see minute 4:16 here.
(The sound is also slightly cut off.)
Thank you!
He is quoted saying just so in a translation of a shmuess on “Kikar” (bolding added):
“בגלל החורבן כאן עכשיו ר”ל אנחנו יכולים לתאר לעצמנו מה עוד, ולהיפך, עלינו לחזק את עצמנו בביטחון של אחתחלא דגאולה, אדרבה, מהמצב הזו אנו מחזקים את עצמנו, כאשר אנו עומדים מול הקדוש ברוך הוא, ומרבים להביא כבוד שמים, ובסופו של דבר את הגאולה השלימה במהרה בימינו – אמן” סיים חבר המועצת וראש הישיבה הגאון רבי משה הלל הירש את דבריו.
If this is true, his rightwing opponents are sure to exploit this pronto (hey, some of them actually read Hyehudi…). I find it hard to believe he said this.
But wait! First off, I can’t find the English original (didn’t try too hard). Translations are always problematic (let alone this clearly slapdash job).
Even if he really said it he probably didn’t mean it (slip of the tongue\ שטפא דלישנא). He likely meant the “kosher” alternative expression, “Ikvesa Demishicha“.
As the neologism goes, “סיפא דגלותא”. (By the way, see Chazon Ish here.)