Corona Narrative Believers ‘Don’t Have Much Time’ To Answer Questions…

Dialogue with a Narrative Believer

Responses to My First 10 Questions!

Much to my glad surprise, one narrative believer 1 was plucky enough to respond to 30 Questions for a Narrative Believer!

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass
30 Questions for a Narrative Believer
Do you (or did you) believe the COVID narrative? If so, would you be willing to answer some questions? All I ask is that you honestly engage with the questions. I promise to listen attentively and respectfully. Your responses may help me and many others answer questions of historic importance…
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While I received numerous responses from narrative skeptics (which I plan to share later—I’m still trying to find time to read them all), this has been my first (so far) from someone who identifies as pro-lockdown, pro–social distancing, pro-masking, pro–school closures, and pro-vaxx (although against mandates and vaxxports).

  1. I apologize to the participant for the use of “narrative believer,” which some have interpreted as pejorative. I have asked everyone who has expressed this objection (including him) to please help me come up with a noninflammatory, succinct term that describes those who accepted the COVID story being told by mainstream media, governments, pharmaceutical corporations, and agencies profiting from this ever-fluctuating and yet perfectly synchronized narrative. I am open to suggestions. Meanwhile, I have used this term in the title of this piece so people understand it includes responses to 30 Questions for a Narrative Believer.

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From Margaret Anna Alice, here.