If You Are Both Rich and a Loner, You Can Skip This Article June 12, 2018 – כ״ט בסיון תשע״ח by HyehudiAffordable communities in Eretz Yisroel For English-speaking Kollel/Chareidi familiesבס”דContact us and/or join for updates:https://groups.io/g/aviraderetzyisroelaviraderetzyisroel@gmail.com072-2986213Some other articles:Anglos of Eretz Yisroel, Unite!Made Aliyah? Tell Your Story, so Others May Follow!Made Aliyah? Yoel Berman Has 4 Requests (From Kedushas Tzion Convention Speech)Al HaAretz – Free Print Subscriptions for Principals and Gabba’im!How Would You Like to Rent 90 Meters (4 Rooms) for 1,600 Shekels?Powered by YARPP.