Historian Rabbi Dovid Katz Reads the Haftarah Following the Attack November 8, 2023 – כ״ד במרחשוון תשפ״ד by HyehudiIsaiah discusses the current situation in the Middle East. ReallyRead the pesukim here.Listen here…Some other articles:Jews NEVER Abandoned the Temple Mount!Doctor, Why Do I Enjoy Anti-Israel Articles? Is This Also About My Mother?Nice, Generic ‘Israel Moving Rightward, Here’s Why [Gnashing of Teeth]’ ArticleINTERVIEW: Rabbi Daniel Lapin of ‘Thou Shall Prosper’IST: Israeli Standard Time (read: Later Than Announced…) \ בדיו”ק ר”ת: ביז דער יידען וערדן קומעןPowered by YARPP.