Kotzk Blog: An Uncredited ‘Founding Father’ of Modern Mussar: Benjamin Franklin… December 3, 2024 – ב׳ בכסלו תשפ״ה by HyehudiRead the Kotzk Blog article here…I made similar points in my own research 5 years ago over here:Mussar Sefer ‘Cheshbon Hanefesh’: Goyish, Maskilic, and Plagiarized!Some other articles:Whitewashing Mendel Lefin, Evil Author of Cheshbon HanefeshDownload ‘Making of a Godol’How Kotzk Ended… (למיחש!)Mussar Sefer ‘Cheshbon Hanefesh’: Goyish, Maskilic, and Plagiarized!Proto-Zionist R’ Schneersohn, as R’ A. Y. Shlesinger, Also Opposed Old ‘Kollel’ Mendicant SystemPowered by YARPP.