Agudath Israel of America ACTUALLY Provoking the Goyim

Isn’t that what the Diaspora chickenhawks accuse the Jews in Israel of doing?
Agudath Israel of America (who can’t take care of their own business) just had to put out a “Statement” taking sides and inciting one nation to raise swords against another.
“We commend the Biden administration for its decisive action to bring substantial economic and other pressures to bear on the Russian government. We commend as well all the nations that have joined in condemnation of the invasion and in the concerted effort to isolate Russia.”
Bear” indeed.
Gemara Megillah 12b:
ויאמר המלך לחכמים מאן חכמים רבנן יודעי העתים שיודעין לעבר שנים ולקבוע חדשים אמר להו דיינוה לי אמרו היכי נעביד נימא ליה קטלה למחר פסיק ליה חמריה ובעי לה מינן נימא ליה שבקה קא מזלזלה במלכותא אמרו לו מיום שחרב בית המקדש וגלינו מארצנו ניטלה עצה ממנו ואין אנו יודעין לדון דיני נפשות זיל לגבי עמון ומואב דיתבי בדוכתייהו כחמרא דיתיב על דורדייה…

What’s next?!

  1. Announcing a boycott by international Jewry?
  2. Mustering volunteers for action?

No one in the American government would have massacred American Jews without this flattery (unlike in the past), so it appears they mean it, the chickenhawks. Whom did they ask before taking this foolish course of action? (I’m scared to ask.)

If Jews are purposely harmed by someone who read or heard of this brave “Statement“, Agudath Israel gets the credit!

If WWIII breaks out, let’s not forget who added their thumb to the scale! To quote an earlier “Statement” by the same fools, “War, traditionally, has not been kind to Jews”. Oh, you think?

Where are the protests against these evil men?

The Subtle Conflict Between Anti-Zionist Activism and Jew-Hatred

Violence Against Diaspora Jews Weirdly Ineffective In Convincing Them Jews Don’t Need Israel For Safety

Activists acknowledged such treatment only accelerated the emigration of Jews.

Cairo, February 3 – Opponents of Jewish sovereignty in the ancestral Jewish homeland voiced frustration today that their ongoing efforts to demonstrate that Jews do not need that sovereignty, by means of harassing, attacking, and inciting against those Jews everywhere, has borne little practical fruit, with vanishingly few Jews remaining in those lands that spent hundreds or thousands of years treating them as second-class at best, and as fodder for extermination at worst.

Anti-Zionist activists in the Middle East, where thriving Jewish communities existed until the middle of the twentieth century amid rising persecution, expressed puzzlement and disappointment in numerous interviews and discussions this week that their main avenue of endeavor to convince Jews to trust their host cultures to protect them – in the main by confiscating Jewish property, mass-raping Jewish women, imprisoning Jews on trumped-up charges, subjecting Jews to massacres and pillage, and generally making living safely as a Jew in countries throughout the region untenable – has enjoyed precious little success. In fact, the activists acknowledged, such treatment only accelerated the migration of Jews from the lands they had inhabited for up to twenty-five centuries to the reestablished Jewish one.

“Jews don’t need to cause trouble or risk displacing Palestinian Arabs by establishing a state of their own,” argued Moroccan activist Hassan Mubruk. “That’s a point my predecessors and I have made repeatedly, but the Jews refused to listen, and now the region has seen a century of turmoil. As soon as the Zionists declared their statehood more than seventy years ago, our governments stressed that in cogent terms: we nationalized their property, looted their homes, beat them in the streets, and sent them packing with little more than the clothes on their backs – and they spat on our faces by going, by and large, to the Zionist entity, in direct contravention of everything we had worked to instill in them. The lack of appreciation for our concern for their welfare just galls.”

“We don’t have any Jews left here,” noted Yemeni activist Itbah al-Yahud. “The last handful were expelled last year. It’s a shame that after more than two thousand years here, they failed to realize how good they had it, and after 1948 left in large numbers whenever an opportunity presented itself. How could they possibly not want to stay? They had protected status, which our society understood as license to abuse, torment, oppress, and harass them. Ingrates.”

Activists also observed that their colleagues in most European countries expressed parallel puzzlement.

From PreOccupied Territory, here.

A Time for Joy: Rape-Enabling Rosh Yeshiva Lipa Margulies Finally Dies

You should never say anything bad about the dead, only good.
Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Margulies is dead. Good!

From Wikipedia:

The yeshiva made headlines when one of its teachers and assistant principal, Joel (Yehuda) Kolko, was charged in 2006 with… Six former students also filed suit against the yeshiva, alleging the school administrators knew about Kolko’s molestation of students for decades, but sought to cover it up and intimidate students who spoke out. Kolko later pleaded guilty to two lesser counts of child endangerment and was sentenced to three years’ probation, later left the school, and died in November 2020. The suit also alleged that school principal Lipa Margulies waged “a campaign of intimidation, concealment and misrepresentations designed to prevent victims from filing lawsuits.” Four of the lawsuits were dismissed for being filed beyond the then five year statute of limitations. In October, 2016 it was reported that the school had reached a $2.1 million settlement on the two remaining cases.

Thanks to Yerachmiel Lopin for bringing this to my attention!

Needless to add, the Rasha was eulogized in Yeshiva World News, Matzav, Hamodia, Bechadrei, JDN, and perhaps more to come. (Not to mention being warmly greeted in The Purgatory Post.)

Rabbi Yair Hoffman over at VIN News tries a hilarious whitewash:

There were those, even among Rav Margulies’s many admirers, who felt that he was too overzealous in his vision to ensure the reputation and continuity of the remarkable Torah institutions he had built, and to disbelieve accounts of grave dangers in his institutions. And, sometimes, other Gedolim perceive the true depth of such dangers – whereas others do not. Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l had argued with Rabbi Margulis on such a matter. Boruch Hashem, however, there were wise Baal HaBatim involved in his Yeshiva who took the necessary steps to ensure that Rav Margulies’s vision continue, while still ensuring that, to some extent, those who were harmed or had tried sounding an alarm were vindicated.

The efforts of these dedicated Baal Habatim and family members made sure that Rav Margulies work and lifetime of dedication to Torah and its continuity, not only remain alive but thrive and prosper.

Independent Yerachmiel Lopin puts it slightly differently:

Rabbonim going back to Rav Avigdor Miller begged Lipa to fire Kolko. Some askanim were even willing to buy out Kolko and set him up to make money in some way that did not involve children. But Lipa refused. Over and over, he fought back using all sorts of dirty tricks. He kept Kolko employed until the Brooklyn DA finally charged Kolko with abuse. Lipa is guilty of the retzichah of neshomos for thirty years.

For more, see this.

באבד רשעים רנה

Beis Din? ‘Why Don’t You Just Tell Victims To Go to the Police?!’

A Jewish Beis Din has certain advantages, even without legal enforcement capability.

Mishpacha interviewed Rabbi Zev Cohen of Chicago’s unique “Special Beis Din” dealing with issues of abuse.

Select excerpts from the article:

We have found that the fear of discovery, and the communal outcry that goes with it, is often a deterrent. It appears that the way the Special Beis Din has dealt with the cases has had a positive impact in reducing the instances of abuse. For instance, after our most high-profile case, in which we were forced to take a very public stand to stop the abuse, our caseload has dropped off considerably.

If a victim tells us that she wants to go to the police, she receives our encouragement.  But frequently, victims are too traumatized to testify to the police, and find it easier to speak to rabbanim. In addition, it is important to remember, one cannot just go to the police and have someone thrown in jail. We had one case where the victim wanted to go to the police. The accused immediately posted bail and was soon back on the streets. But at that point, we could no longer impose our own restrictions on the perpetrator, because the police were already involved.

In formulating the restrictions to be imposed on the perpetrator, we first work together with local mental health professionals, who have ongoing relationships with state and city authorities. We present the accused with a set of carefully crafted requirements to which he must conform. That means that the perpetrator must be removed from all the circumstances and situations in which he had contact with his victims. And we try to ensure that he will never be in a place where his victims will see him. That has even included telling a father or a grandfather that he cannot attend his daughter’s or granddaughter’s wedding. Cases where siblings or other family members are considered a threat are obviously the most complicated, and require extreme sensitivity on the part of the Special Beis Din, working in conjunction with mental health professionals.

The perpetrator may be barred from the men’s mikveh and not allowed into shul without a constant shadow. And the permission to attend shul may be conditioned on leaving prior to the kiddush, and never departing from the area of prayer at any time. All those responsible for the places from which the perpetrator is barred or limited will be informed of the restrictions in place.

It is crucial that the perpetrator knows that he is being observed. And further, that if he violates the conditions we have set for him, the entire community will be alerted as to his deeds and his failure to comply with our restrictions. That remains a powerful deterrent even after the passage of much time.

Something I’ve been speaking about for years is the necessity of a national data bank of abusers so that they cannot just leave one place and return to their former ways in another city. We once had a case where we found out that someone on our lists had taken a job as a mashgiach for a Pesach program. Baruch Hashem, we were successful in having him removed before the program started, but a national database of shuls and organizations, like Agudah, Orthodox Union, and Young Israel, would have protected against him being hired in the first place.

Read the rest on here (recommended)…

Rabbi Reuven Nakar describes a similar process in Israel.

Massive thanks to the honorable subscriber who brought this gem to our attention!

An Anonymous Online Comment That Deserves Republishing Here: The Churban ‘They’ Caused

As a survivor of abuse, I resent the way Walder’s suicide was recieved by the powers that be in Bnei Brak. There have been so many times in my life that I contemplated suicide. The pain was too much to bear. Killing myself seemed like the only respite. I would fantasize about it and do things that would allow me to feel closer to death. But I never did it. Not because I was afraid, not because I didn’t want to, but because I would have to answer up to my creator. I knew that suicide would not really put me out of my misery but cause a whole new problem for all of eternity. I fulfilled the mitzvah of vechai ba’hem lishmah, without any other ulterior motive other than I cannot go against my creator. Then comes this monster, the one who caused so many people to find themselves in the same predicament as me, and for no other reason other than not being able to face the music when the party was over, goes and murders himself and gets kavod melachim. It’s a chilul Hashem at its finest! Don’t think for a minute that suicide didn’t just become a little lighter in the eyes of those struggling with it. Don’t think for a minute that adultery and pedophilia didn’t just become a little less severe in the eyes of those who commit them or are tempted to. The churban they caused is immeasurable!

(Found on VIN News here.)