Did Corona Pack Hospitals?

The single most important interview I’ve ever done: former Kaiser nurse Gail Macrae

90% of the COVID deaths in hospitals were attributed to COVID treatment protocols. ICU doc estimated up to an 80% increase in mortality due to the COVID vaccine.

Executive summary

My interview with former Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa nurse Gail Macrae is the single most devastating interview I’ve done since I first started speaking out against the COVID vaccine in May 2021.

Key points of the interview include:

  • Hospitals were actually empty when the press told us they were full.
  • 90% or more of the COVID deaths were actually caused by the treatment protocols dictated from above, not the virus. There were both early treatments as well as inpatient treatments available that reduced the COVID death rate by over 90%.
  • The COVID vaccines increased all-cause mortality in hospitals by up to 80% according to one ICU doctor I spoke to who worked in the same hospital as Gail and made meticulous notes on patient outcomes.
  • One of the potential reasons people believed that there was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is that the EMR systems were programmed to default all COVID cases to unvaccinated and nurses weren’t told how to change it.
  • After the vaccines rolled out for an age group is when the hospitals started seeing very unusual things they’ve never seen or rarely seen before for that age group.
  • Doctors are still afraid to speak out.

Bottom line: it wasn’t the virus that caused the pandemic. It was our response to the virus (top-down dictated treatment protocols and vaccination directives) that caused nearly all the morbidity and mortality. It was all preventable had we listened to the people that our government wanted to silence.

Today, there is still a total lack of transparency of what happened in hospitals in 2021 after the shots rolled out. If the protocols and vaccinations were a huge success, why aren’t we seeing any hospital publish their numbers?

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From Steve Kirsch’s newsletter, here.

The Rabbis Who Pushed the Corona Needle Are…

How the “Unvaccinated” Got It Right

Scott Adams is the creator of the famous cartoon strip, Dilbert. It is a strip whose brilliance derives from close observation and understanding of human behavior. Some time ago, Scott turned those skills to commenting insightfully and with notable intellectual humility on the politics and culture of our country.

Like many other commentators, and based on his own analysis of evidence available to him, he opted to take the Covid “vaccine.”

Recently, however, he posted a video on the topic that has been circulating on social media. It was a mea culpa in which he declared, “The unvaccinated were the winners,” and, to his great credit, “I want to find out how so many of [my viewers] got the right answer about the “vaccine” and I didn’t.”

“Winners” was perhaps a little tongue-in-cheek: he seemingly means that the “unvaccinated” do not have to worry about the long-term consequences of having the “vaccine” in their bodies since enough data concerning the lack of safety of the “vaccines” have now appeared to demonstrate that, on the balance of risks, the choice not to be “vaccinated” has been vindicated for individuals without comorbidities.

What follows is a personal response to Scott, which explains how consideration of the information that was available at the time led one person – me – to decline the “vaccine.” It is not meant to imply that all who accepted the “vaccine” made the wrong decision or, indeed, that everyone who declined it did so for good reasons.

  1. Some people have said that the “vaccine” was created in a hurry. That may or may not be true. Much of the research for mRNA “vaccines” had already been done over many years, and corona-viruses as a class are well understood so it was at least feasible that only a small fraction of the “vaccine” development had been hurried.The much more important point was that the “vaccine” was rolled out without long-term testing. Therefore one of two conditions applied. Either no claim could be made with confidence about the long-term safety of the “vaccine” or there was some amazing scientific argument for a once-in-a-lifetime theoretical certainty concerning the long-term safety of this “vaccine.” The latter would be so extraordinary that it might (for all I know) even be a first in the history of medicine. If that were the case, it would have been all that was being talked about by the scientists; it was not. Therefore, the more obvious, first state of affairs, obtained: nothing could be claimed with confidence about the long-term safety of the “vaccine.”

    Given, then, that the long-term safety of the “vaccine” was a theoretical crapshoot, the unquantifiable long-term risk of taking it could only be justified by an extremely high certain risk of not taking it. Accordingly, a moral and scientific argument could only be made for its use by those at high risk of severe illness if exposed to COVID. Even the very earliest data immediately showed that I (and the overwhelming majority of the population) was not in the group.

    The continued insistence on rolling out the “vaccine” to the entire population when the data revealed that those with no comorbidities were at low risk of severe illness or death from COVID was therefore immoral and ascientific on its face. The argument that reduced transmission from the non-vulnerable to the vulnerable as a result of mass “vaccination” could only stand if the long-term safety of the “vaccine” had been established, which it had not. Given the lack of proof of long-term safety, the mass-“vaccination” policy was clearly putting at risk young or healthy lives to save old and unhealthy ones. The policy makers did not even acknowledge this, express any concern about the grave responsibility they were taking on for knowingly putting people at risk, or indicate how they had weighed the risks before reaching their policy positions. Altogether, this was a very strong reason not to trust the policy or the people setting it.

    At the very least, if the gamble with people’s health and lives represented by the coercive “vaccination” policy had been taken following an adequate cost-benefit analysis, that decision would have been a tough judgment call. Any honest presentation of it would have involved the equivocal language of risk-balancing and the public availability of information about how the risks were weighed and the decision was made. In fact, the language of policy-makers was dishonestly unequivocal and the advice they offered suggested no risk whatsoever of taking the “vaccine.” This advice was simply false (or if you prefer, misleading,) on the evidence of the time inasmuch as it was unqualified.

  1. Data that did not support COVID policies were actively and massively suppressed. This raised the bar of sufficient evidence for certainty that the “vaccine” was safe and efficacious. Per the foregoing, the bar was not met.
  1. Simple analyses of even the early available data showed that the establishment was prepared to do much more harm in terms of human rights and spending public resources to prevent a COVID death than any other kind of death. Why this disproportionality? An explanation of this overreaction was required. The kindest guess as to what was driving it was “good-old, honest panic.” But if a policy is being driven by panic, then the bar for going along with it moves up even higher. A less kind guess is that there were undeclared reasons for the policy, in which case, obviously, the “vaccine” could not be trusted.

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From The Brownstone Institute, here.

And Corona Communism Is Back! Yay!

A New Covid ‘Variant’…Just in Time for Election Season!

By Ron Paul, MD

Ron Paul Institute

August 29, 2023


Just four and a half months since President Biden declared an end to the Covid “emergency,” the media is suddenly full of stories about the return of Covid. This time a new “variant” is being rolled out and the media, in collusion with big Pharma and the fear-industrial complex, are churning out stories about how forced masking is making a comeback.

Also, the “unvaccinated” are again to be denied basic human rights in the name of fighting a virus that the vaccine demonstrably does not protect against.

In short, they are desperately trying to revive the tyranny, insanity, and utter irrationality of the two-year Covid scare. And they are pretending none of us remembers how they destroyed society with their lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. They are hoping that none of us will remember the suicides, lost jobs, broken marriages, increased alcoholism and drug abuse, and the rest of what went along with the world’s experiment with global lockdown.

Even Fauci himself is back – like a moth drawn to the light of publicity. Despite all the scientific evidence that the lockdowns were a disaster, that they did far more harm than good, Fauci has re-emerged with his trademark arrogance and claimed that they were the right thing to do and should be done again if that’s what it takes to force people to take the vaccine. A vaccine that does not work.

They won’t even allow us to mention the spike in all-around mortality or the millions who may have been vaccine-injured the first time around. They want us to think that 20-year-old world-class athletes have always just dropped dead of heart attacks out of the blue. It’s all normal! Don’t question it! What are you, some kind of conspiracy theorist? Are you a science-denier?

Yes, look for a renewal of all those old hollow phrases used to attack those of us who can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears. Their slogans are meant to silence any debate. The same “experts” like Fauci who claimed “I am the science” are back and they shamelessly demand to silence us again.

The big question is…why? Why are they doing this and how do they think they can get away with it a second time? One reason they believe they can get away with it again is that no one has ever been punished for what they did the first time. The Federal Government made sure that the pharmaceutical companies would not be liable for vaccine damages.

The public figures who openly became monsters, demanding the unvaccinated be drummed out of society and maybe even off the face of the earth have not been shamed or shunned. Politicians who displayed cowardice and worse have not been voted out of office for their treachery.

Why are they coming back around for another round of Covid tyranny? Fear is a weapon to gain control. Last time around they generated fear to radically change how America voted. Suddenly everyone was mailed ballots. How closely were they checked? No one knew and no one dared ask. The people who did ask about the election are now facing jail terms.

They want us to shut up while they do it again. Will we?

From LRC, here.

Corona Communism Is a Comeback Kid!

The Unwelcome Return of Covid Restrictions and Lockdowns

covid mask and judge gavel

Covid restrictions are back. Almost a year after President Joe Biden said “the pandemic is over,” several hospitals, businesses, and universities have reinstated mask mandates and social distancing requirements. Meanwhile, nearly sixty universities have announced that students must take a covid vaccine to attend for the fall 2023 semester.

Although these restrictions are still limited to only a handful of organizations, their implementation demonstrates that the destructive public health dogmas responsible for the devastation of the last three years are still with us. The American people must stop tolerating these ruinous policies and the totalitarian paradigm underlying them.

The current dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant is a subvariant of Omicron called EG.5. Informally, it’s been nicknamed Eris after the Greek goddess of strife. The strain was first identified back in February 2023. It overtook the previous dominant variant at the beginning of August. The symptoms of the Eris variant are those of a cold—a runny nose and a sore throat. There is no evidence that Eris is more contagious or severe than the previous dominant variant.

Another Omicron variant called BA.2.86, nicknamed Pirola, has also been detected, but the few confirmed cases have also been very mild.

In recent weeks, an uptick in covid has been detected in wastewater, indicating a rise in cases. The trend is the familiar “summer wave” in viral spread seen as people move indoors to escape the late-summer heat. Still, the case numbers are extremely low, and the virus has the severity of a cold.

And yet some institutions have reinstated restrictions on their customers and workers in response to Eris. On August 17, two New York hospitals reimposed mandatory face masking and covid testing. Then, on August 20, Morris Brown College in Atlanta reinstated its mask mandate and banned large gatherings. The school also reimplemented contact tracing, symptom monitoring, and general social distancing requirements. The next day, the movie studio Lionsgate instituted a mask mandate for its offices. Two days later, a San Francisco medical center followed suit.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration publicly urged people to get fall booster shots last Monday. Then, last Friday, the president said he was requesting funds for a new covid vaccine that he anticipates will be recommended to everyone. And, as of August 26, fifty-eight universities have notified their students that they are required to take the covid vaccine to attend classes this fall semester.

These developments are disturbing because they indicate that the paradigm underlying the totalitarian pandemic response is still very intact. That paradigm was laid out well by both Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aaron Kheriaty in their lectures at the Mises Institute’s Medical Freedom Summit this year.

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From Mises.org, here.

An Open Letter to the Rabbis of Baltimore and the Five Towns

An Open Letter to the Rabbis of Baltimore and the Five Towns

As the prohibition of chanufa is most severe, I begin this letter without honorary salutation so as not to display feelings of affinity or respect for you that I do not harbor.

The promotional video that you appeared in about a year ago in which you urged people to “get vaccinated” with the Covid shots was never befitting Rabbonim. Even leaving aside for the moment the veracity of the message or lack thereof, this is hardly the manner in which Rabbonim should deliver halachic opinions. Never in a million years would Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and the Chafetz Chaim, to name just a few gedolim and poskim of modern times, have agreed to perform in such a video (and a performance is what it was).

Indeed, delivering trite, scripted messages via a professionally produced and edited video, and passing this off as a serious rabbinic ruling that the public is meant to unquestioningly follow, is simply unprecedented. It makes a mockery of the halachic process – which must be unfailingly honest, thorough, transparent, and subject to the rigorous scrutiny of scholar and layman alike – and reduces it to mere sound bites.

Everything, literally everything, depends on the integrity of the halachic process. The Jewish people have been sustained by this process for three thousand years, and you demolished it in three minutes. That was the most significant accomplishment of your commercial advertisement for Covid shots, in which you served as celebrity endorsers. Were your scripted message for people to take the shots the correct halachic conclusion, the process by which you arrived at and delivered this message could not have been more inappropriate and damaging to the mantle of Torah that you wear.

Not surprisingly, however, your scripted message was not correct. It isn’t now, and it wasn’t then. The carnage caused by these accursed shots, produced and forced upon us by accursed people, can no longer be denied or explained away. The meteoric rise in heart attacks, strokes, cancers, fertility problems, sudden “unexplained” deaths, and numerous other severe health problems that directly correlate to the shots can no longer be brushed aside as mere coincidence, except by the most cynical and corrupt.

Our ancestors stood and watched as the sea split before them, and recognized it as God’s miraculous intervention. There were those who witnessed the same event and scoffed at the lack of scientific evidence. Perhaps the winds blew in just the right way, or perhaps the sea naturally split on extremely rare occasions, and the Jewish people happened to be in the right place at the right time. There are always those who refuse to accept the stark reality staring them in the face. Likewise, there are those who still insist that the shots are “safe and effective”, contrary both to mountains of studies and, no less significant, the reality staring us in the face.

You demanded that people take these shots. You leveraged your authority as rabbis and community leaders, the trust every decent Jew yearns to have in our shepherds, to deliver this “halachic ruling” with no actual substance. By participating in this pharmaceutical advertisement, this charade, you called upon Jews who live by the Torah and fear heaven to take the shots based on their respect for you alone.

That is not how the Torah works. That is certainly not how decisions affecting the physical and spiritual health of the entire Jewish people are to be made.

Surely you knew this, which is why none of you followed up your commercial appearance with a proper halachic teshuva that could be studied, analyzed, and critiqued as per Torah norms. You had every opportunity to do so – and every obligation to do so – yet not one of you has substantiated his scripted message with a proper ruling as befits your station. This is a disgrace to the Torah, to the rabbinic institution, and to the entire Jewish people. There is no excuse, and there can be no excuse.

Furthermore, it was obvious that the videos were sponsored, at least in part, by the government, which would have been reason enough for you to decline to participate. A rabbi must leave no room for suspicion that his halachic rulings are influenced by money, politics, or other outside interference. A rabbi should certainly not collaborate with the government in developing and disseminating his halachic rulings.

But it gets worse. To no surprise, recent investigative work has discovered that funding for this propaganda campaign derived from the Open Society Foundations – none other than George Soros. I should not need to elaborate on the significance of this. You might as well work for Amalek.

The Rambam in Hilchos Teshuva 3:6 lists twenty-four types of people who “have no share in the world to come, but are cut off, lost, and judged for their great wickedness and sins forever and ever.”

One of these is מחטיאי הרבים, those who cause the public to sin. As the Rambam writes in 3:10, it makes no difference whether one causes the public to transgress a great sin, such as idolatry, or even a lighter matter, such as canceling a positive commandment. This includes misleading the people until they sin or forcing them to sin.

You have caused the public to violate numerous sins, as I outlined in my article Wholesale Sinners, and you caused them to cancel countless positive commandments by supporting the closures of shuls, yeshivos, and cancellation of normative Jewish life at the unscientific whims of heretical “health officials”.

Another type the Rambam lists is mosrim, those who hand over their fellow Jews to goyim to be harmed or killed, or their money to goyim or criminals (3:12). You have done precisely that, under the false pretense of protecting their lives.

You might want to review what the Rambam writes about mosrim in Chovel Umazik 8:9-11 and Eidus 11:10, the Rivash Siman 79, and the Margaliyos Hayam on Sanhedrin 46A:6-7, to name just a few sources. I am not a posek, nor am I advocating violence or for anyone to take the law into their own hands, but these sources should make your hair stand on edge. There is a Judge and there is Justice.

Another type the Rambam lists is מטילי אימה על הציבור שלא לשם שמים, those who inflict fear upon the public not for the sake of heaven (3:13). “Unvaccinated people died. Died!” You did nothing but terrorize people into taking shots and viewing all social interaction as a lethal danger. You did not do this for the sake of heaven. You did it for your own benefit and to suit the agenda of those at war with Hashem.

None of this is a stretch. You represent three types of people who lose their share in the world to come, and get punished forever.

The Rambam concludes this frightening chapter with a hopeful message. Even the worst of sinners have the opportunity to do teshuva, in which case they reclaim a share in the world to come. Furthermore, the community accepts repentant sinners – even those who committed grave sins – back into the fold.

It is impossible for you to fully rectify the harm that you have caused. Those who lost their lives due to the shots cannot be brought back to life; those who suffered serious harm will not be cured by your repentance; those who suffered economic devastation, estrangement from family, friends, and community might not recover what they lost.

However, it is still incumbent upon you to repent for your actions and rectify the damage to the best of your ability. Yehoshua bin Nun implored Achan to repent before his execution, even though he would still be put to death. Achan’s repentance brought honor to the Jewish people and salvaged his own soul in the next world. This is the same opportunity and responsibility that is before you.

I recommend the following plan of action for your teshuva process. This is the minimum that would be acceptable; the more you add to this, the better.

1) Issue a video-recorded confession of your sins and distribute it via the same public channels as your original video.

2) Express sincere remorse and ask the entire tzibur for forgiveness.

3) If you know individuals who were harmed by your “ruling”, do teshuva to them personally, in accordance with the halacha.

4) Publicly disclose everything you know about the propaganda campaign targeting your community, the individuals and entities involved, their tactics – everything. As the people near the top of this chain are extremely sinister, you may well be endangering your life by betraying them. Nevertheless, this is a step you must take to rectify the damage you caused. If you pay with your life because of this, your death will be an atonement.

5) Publicly disclose any compensation you received directly or indirectly through your institutions for collaborating with this campaign. Dedicate this sum toward rectifying the damage you caused, such as by spreading the truth and assisting victims of the shots.

6) Step down from any positions of leadership in the community, and, if you are accepted back into the fold, refrain from retaking such positions in the future.

I sincerely hope that you will follow in the positive example of Achan and mend your ways while you still have the chance. As much damage as you caused, true repentance will bring tremendous healing to the community and deliver a serious blow to our enemies. It will also salvage your share in the world to come and spare you punishment that is beyond anything we can imagine.

Is that not worth the shame and material dangers of coming clean?

We have lost a great deal, but there is still so much that can be saved. Be brave now and do the right thing.


Chananya Weissman

Baltimore rabbis who performed in the video:

Zvi Teichman

Shmuel Kaplan

Zvi Weiss

Dovid Heber

Elchonon Lisbon

Jonathan Seidemann

Ori Moshe Millrod

Menachem Goldberger

Nesanel Kostelitz

Mordechai Shuchatowitz

Yaakov Hopfer (He appeared in a separate government-affiliated video here, in which he conveniently failed to acknowledge the reality that people don’t want to take vaccines because of the serious potential dangers involved. All he could surmise was motzi shem rah that they are selfish or gamblers who enjoy living on the edge, at the expense of others.)

Five Towns Rabbis who performed in the video:

Eytan Feiner

Yaakov Feitman

Uri Orlian

Yaakov Bender

Yaakov Trump

Yitzchok Dovid Frankel

Zvi Ralbag

Shalom Axelrod

Ephraim Polakoff

Elie Weinstock

Aaron Glatt (He must also answer for his role in the death of Deborah Bucko, as referenced here and here.)





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