Some Recent Samples of CIA Twitterbot Agitprop

What Does It Really Mean For Twitter To Be Full Of Bots?

I have had the joy of working in the tech space for about a decade now. 

You build, you find a customer, you build some more, and find a customer. 

Great ideas sometimes get led astray by this process. 

Google was a great idea — give the user exactly what he wants to find. 

That has turned into “Give the user exactly what Google wants him to find.”  

Twitter too was a great idea — let the user communicate succinctly with anyone he wants to communicate with.

It has turned into, “let the user be communicated with by anyone Twitter wants him to communicate with.” 

In this, we have a problem. Twitter, the home of influencers, appears to be filled with bots. Bots are a programmed account intended to behave in a predictable way. It could be a human behind an army of accounts, all behaving predictably. It could also be a machine behind the army of accounts. Often it is some combination of the two. 

 It comes down to this though — a bot is a reliable way to circulate information out into the world, while making that information seem way more “organic” than it actually is.  

If you have a Twitter account, you may have “people” you have never met who communicate with you and like and retweet a lot of your stuff. That may be a real person interested in you authentically, or it may be a bot. The bot will communicate in a way that seems authentic. And that bot does its job when it fools you into thinking that communication is authentic. 

You see, many people long ago became savvy around the fake news media. They came to understand that the media was manipulated and that truth was hard to find in its pages. 

As the media, which has turned into little more than propaganda and programming, has lost its impact on the public, a new tool — social media — emerged to help supplement that. 

Social media can be a powerful tool for communicating with those you know in a relatively relaxed and trustworthy environment. It can be far more effective at communicating propaganda to you. You are relaxed, you are having a good conversation with a friend, perhaps about something lighthearted, and then that friend retweets something from a friend of a friend. 

You perk up. You are not sure about what is written there. So instead of thoughtlessly recirculating it, you take it a step further and click on the original poster’s account profile first. Their account is anonymous, but it looks like someone you could follow. Maybe they wear a mask if you are on the left or have a virtue tag such as a Ukrainian flag or BLM symbolism. If you are on the right, maybe they have a Pepe profile photo, or a screen name that mentions “Trump” or “45.” Maybe they support a cause you support — such as the environment, breast cancer, veterans, or caring for stray animals. 

Maybe they have the words “MD” or “RN,” in their bio, along with a name and photo that seems real. It lends an air of credibility — someone you could be a friend with, maybe even someone you could trust. 

Let me share with you some tweets posted verbatim by many automated accounts recently on Twitter. 

“I just left the ER.

We are officially back to getting

crushed by COVID-19.

Delta Variant is running rampant

and it’s MUCH more transmissible

than the original virus.

99% of our ICU admits did NOT receive a vaccine”

What would it mean if millions of people began to believe and repeat that narrative? 

Imagine the power in the hands of someone who could make that a reality. 

Social media is an effective way to make that happen. 

Here is another Tweet that appeared verbatim across numerous accounts. 

“You have been the softest, most reassuring voice of reason I’ve felt in years. Thank you, PRESIDENT Joseph R. Biden for taking us all on, when you never, ever had to. Thank you for the respite of peace. I speak for everyone when i say we love you.”

Or this one:

“I speak for the whole of America when I say we need a hard 6-month lockdown, none of this essential work or exercise garbage from last time. Masks to be worn at all times, even at home. Strictly enforced. We can then begin a gradual easing but letting folks out a year after booster!”

Or this one:

“Honest US citizen here, I don’t get why many people hate Biden. I think he’s one of the best presidents in the country right now. He needs time to do this. We should back him and trust the process. We can do this! Let’s go US!”

If you do not believe that these are repeated by accounts on Twitter, just search a unique portion of the phrases above on Twitter or even in an internet search. You will find those tweets. Soon, Snopes may even run an article calling this misinformation to claim that the Twitter platform is home to bots used to influence public opinion.  

Almost everyone is missing the Elon Musk story. It isn’t about shareholder value if the number of fake Twitter accounts are high. It isn’t about advertising revenue. It isn’t about the morality of lying on financial statements. 

All those statements, of course, may be calm and sober and may play well in traditional media and open up the doors to judicial deliberation of this disagreement, but the bot argument is about so much more. 

This is why that really matters: If Musk removes the bots from Twitter, he has denied the CIA one of its most useful propaganda tools on this planet. 

Project Pureblood launched last week and is off to a successful start. Its cousin project, “The Converts,” is now open for those who see the evil of the vaccine and mask mandates refuse to comply with them. Have a look here ( to learn more about The Converts. Devoid of bots and full of brave warriors like those who read the esteemed pages of LRC, The Converts is the exact opposite of the CIA spin machine that Twitter has become. 

From LRC, here.

Putin Is Also One of the Apex Predators!

Excerpt from The Corbett Report:

The problem comes when we try to map that simplistic, binary, black-and-white storyline on to real-world events. What “guy” are you talking about? Do you still believe that Putin is Russia? That’s as absurd as saying that Biden is NATO (or even the US). And can we jump from NATO bad to BRICS good that easily?

Well, if you’ve been listening to me over the last decade and a half you will know that it’s not that easy. The BRICS are controlled oppositionPutin and Xi are both tyrannical thugs. The Chinese government and the Russian government both love controlling their citizens every thought and speech and action, and their supposed opposition to the globalist empire is a smoke-and-mirrors distraction hiding the fact that they are absolutely on-board with the ultimate agenda of world control.

Or are you the type of person who watches the clip of Schwab bragging about all the cabinets the World Economic Forum has “penetrated” around the world without noticing that the second person he lists in his stable of WEF acolytes is Vladimir Putin?

Are you the type of person who conveniently forgets how to read when Xi and Putin release documents extolling the creation of the New World Order that call on all states “to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture” and declare that “In order to to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” states will have to “take practical steps in key areas of cooperation” like “vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity”?

Are you the type of person who constantly forgets that Vladimir Putin is close personal friends with Henry Kissinger?

Are you the type of person who believes that the Russian COVID vaccine is the good kind of vaccine and the Russian vaccine passports are the good kind of vaccine passports and the Russian COVID clown show is the good kind of COVID clown show?

Are you the type of person who believes that preemptive invasions of foreign countries are good when they’re done by the good guys for good reasons and that the people who die in such operations are just collateral damage (who probably deserved to die anyway)?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not that type of person. The sad truth for those who are still waiting for the White Hat on the White Horse to deliver them their fix of Hopium is that Putin is an “anti-globalist crusader” in the exact same way as Donald “Fill the Swamp” Trump is an “anti-globalist crusader,” which is to say, not at all. Because if you are still waiting on the sealed indictments and the watermarked ballots and Vladimir the Great to upset the globalist apple cart, you have yet to understand the nature of the globalist system.

The Media: Sins of Omission

To Tell The Truth: Major News Outlets Refuse to Cover “Inconvenient Truths” Relating to COVID-19

To Tell the Truth is a Human Events News’ press analysis series. These stories will focus on “news” being reported by either The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC News, NBC News, or CBS News. Despite 24-hour cable broadcasts, and an untold number of internet sources, these established, mainstream platforms continue to influence the majority of American citizens and their political opinions.

The “news” generated by these press is better regarded as “opinion” crafted in a way designed to discourage skepticism and critical thought on the part of the audience. To Tell the Truth will be Human Events News’ periodic effort to help address this bias, and restore the skepticism necessary on the part of all Americans to maintain a free society.

On Jan. 15, Newsweek reported on a groundbreaking study published ten days prior in the European Journal of Clinical InvestigationThe study, conducted by Stanford researchers, found that mandatory lockdowns in response to COVID-19 “did not provide significantly more benefits to slowing the spread of the disease than other voluntary measures.”

Five days after Newsweek’s report, news of the study remains absent from the websites of major American news outlets, including the New York TimesThe Washington Post, NBC, ABC, and CBS.

“The study compared cases in England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the U.S. – all countries that implemented mandatory lockdown orders and business closures – to South Korea and Sweden, which instituted less severe, voluntary responses. It aimed to analyze the effect that less restrictive or more restrictive measures had on changing individual behavior and curbing the transmission of the virus,” Newsweek reports.

“We do not question the role of all public health interventions, or of coordinated communications about the epidemic, but we fail to find an additional benefit of stay-at-home orders and business closures,” wrote the researchers.

The named outlets have continued to cover coronavirus-related news and even research studies, especially those having to do with the severity of the virus and the importance of a vaccine. The New York Times has covered several studies in the days since the Stanford research was released, including the following:

Continue reading…

From Human Events, here.

Two-Year-Old Letter to the Editor Regarding the Corona Crackdown

Sent in by a female reader, and unedited.

It still holds up quite well, don’t you think?

To The Writers,  Reporters and Subscription Staff,
I have been a loyal reader and customer since the inception of your newspaper.
I even used to sell subscriptions and advertising during your first years of the english edition.
I don’t expect to see this letter in print,  but I want you to know that I am severly disappointed in your recent publications.
You seem to have lost your sense of right and wrong, your discriminating eye and you just publish all the
lies and fabrications  that are sent your way as “news” without actually checking or  asking yourselves if what they are telling you is true or even if it makes sense.
You  do no investigative reporting and just swallow the government “party line/lies/ propaganda” hook, line and sinker.
And then report it to people that trust your reporting as true.
While you may believe that it is perfectly normal  to wear masks, close schools, shuls , and forbid weddings—
you have never questioned the government policy to forbid doctors treating this virus .
Why aren’t they allowing doctors to treat this virus when it appears.
Imagine stepping on a rusty nail and then told to go home and take acamol,  wait until the infection takes over your body,
 —and then once your body is totally infected, then the hospital will allow a tetnus shot.
You would never permit such a thing.
And yet while hundreds of Drs in the states and other countries  have testified  that when they have treated patients successfully and immediately with Dr Zelenko’s  protocal — of hydrochloroquine, zinc, and azithramycyne.,and less than 1% ended up in the hospital.
Of course after they reported their finding each Dr reports that they were threatened with having their license
revoked. Since when is a Dr told by phamacutical companies what he  may and may not give his patients.
This is unprecedented.
I myself am high risk and asked my Dr to prescribe Hydrochoroquine and he told me that he was not allowed to give it to patients.
How come you don’t know that and if you do, are keeping quiet?
Why aren’t you questioning why for a death rate less than the flu, the government has crashed the economy
and are forbiding many people from supporting their families.
That’s a new one  historically.
Why aren’t you condemning all the slander, tattletaling and  bullying,  that are taking place all in the name of wearing a mask, when there is no proof that masks actually protect people from getting this virus—and might actually be causing harm.
Look at the research!
Since when does the Torah demand that an individual seclude themelves  for public health —especially when the mortality rate is so low. That’s of course not counting all the people that have reported finding the cause of death on their loved one’s “Death Certificate as “Covid 19” when they clearly died of other causes–like a car accident.
I never saw you report all the false Death Certificates.
The government has begun to classify citizens as “essential workers” and ” non essential workers”.
There was another time in recent history when people were called “non essential” and then taken out of regular society .
Not allowed to work.
 The Holocaust.
They also tested people’s reaction to authority and decrimination when in 1933 they posted soldier’s outside jewish businesses , forbiding German’s from entering Jewish businesses.
No one protested.
 Then they took away/murdered , handicapped, gypsies, etc and no one protested.
Then it was our turn but there was no one left to protest.
So they understood that people would submit themselves without a  fight .
No one questioned the justice or morality of the new laws .
 Of course the leaders didn’t either protest—and whether you admit it or not, a newspaper doesn’t report what people think
—it informs people what to think.
You call yourself a “Torah Newspaper”, but where is your checking the facts and critical thinking?
You might claim that you do ask Gedolim.
But if you don’t present all the information to the Gedolim how are they supposed to
make a correct decision .
In the Gemoras describing the times before the arrival of our Mashiach, it says that “Religious people will be despised”.
We see that that is happening right now. People all over are blaming religious people for the spread of this virus.
Obviously, it’s all from HaShem, but where’s your responsibility to give religious people the right perspective.?
Give them information to alleviate the fear and make good choices for themselves and their families.
Give them information to empower them and not get caught up in the false narrative of fear!!!! and Death!!!!!
By withholding a successful treatment, the govenment is responsible for many of the deaths.
Where’s your responsibility for not reporting a treatment that has been around for almost 70 years
and has helped people around the world?
Now their threatening to force  vaccines on people, and then not allow people who arent vaccinated to go to restaurants, travel, receive government assistance, go to schools, etc….
A vaccine that was tested for a matter of months. Usually they test a vaccine for  years.
Do you know what respected scientists are saying about this supposed “vaccine”?
 Will you be courageous enough to ask the question and then inform your readers
of the real facts  and not just  just report the govenment propaganda?
Please cancel my subscription and stop all continued payments.
I hope someone at your newspaper will take what I wrote to heart.
You might respond,” There are so many voices out there, how do we know what is true?”
That’s actually not an answer, because at the end of the day, you do put out a newspaper that people read.
And trust.
You are responsible to try to figure out the fact from the fiction the best that you can or at least report all relevant information.
You are chayuv.

Coronavirus IS NOT ‘Yene Machla’!

Excerpts from a blog article:

Even now, two years into the #ForeverPlague, I still hear people talking about getting Covid as if they were admitting to having an STD–always in hushed tones with eyes askance. It’s as if the only way a person can be infected is if they are reckless with their health and careless about everyone else, or if they’re a knuckle-dragging science denier whose backwards lifestyle begs to be punished by such an illness. After all, it’s the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” who deserve a long, dark winter of sadness and death, or somesuch.

Weird how even people who are vaccinated can get the disease. Also people who are super careful. Even people in Antarctic research stations.

So much of the public conversation about Covid seems couched in shame and exclusion language, and that nonsense needs to end.

Here’s the reality about Covid-19, gang:

  • It’s a respiratory virus, so it’s never going to be eradicated. We’ll have to figure out how to live with it, just like we live with influenza.
  • Treatments will continue to be developed and improve. More options will become available for both prevention and treatment.
  • Vaccines don’t protect against ever getting infected. It stinks, but it’s true. However, vaccines *do* seem to make subsequent bouts of the illness easier to manage. We can discuss and dispute over whether or not that’s sufficient justification for getting it versus the possible risks and side effects.
  • We should all be free to make the decision about vaccines without external compulsion of any kind. This should be stupidly self-evident, but there you go.
  • Natural immunity is usually better than artificial immunity. Artificial immunity is probably better than simply living with higher vulnerability due to comorbidities.
  • We can do a lot of things to boost our immune systems and give ourselves the best chance to fight off the #ForeverPlague. Take good-quality supplements for Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Drink water. Sleep sufficiently. Eat good-quality food.
  • If you test positive, talk to your own doctor (and not some whacko on the internet) about what treatments and medications may be appropriate for you personally based on your medical history and current health status. Again, talk to YOUR doctor and make a decision with YOUR doctor’s input.
  • Pay attention to your symptoms and don’t be a doofus and go out in public when you’re clearly sick. It’s not rocket surgery.

To address the end of the video above: yes, people are deciding to go back to work, go back to school, and move on with life. The virus should be taken seriously, but we still have to move on. It’s not the bubonic plague, killing a third of the population in a matter of months or years; with some basic preventative and/or supportive care, 99% of folks who get Covid will be okay in a few weeks. The rest, we can all try to watch out for and help out as we can.

And ultimately, I believe that whether or not you catch the ‘Rona is in God’s hands. Do your best, be wise about it, and trust the sovereignty of the King of the Universe. Our days are in His hands, and we’re not even promised our next breath. So just chill out and be grateful for His myriad blessings.

See the rest here…