Chananya Weissman Psychoanalyzes the Corona Tyranny Toadies

A Short Thought and More Mask Police

I had another doozy of an experience earlier today. I davened mincha outside an actual shul, but I was on a park bench on the street, outside the shul limits. Someone approached me after davening, introduced himself, and asked me to wear a mask in the future, as that is the practice of the shul. I told him there is no such thing in halacha and I am not bound by it, plus I’m outside the shul area. He asked me to do it “out of respect” for the other people.
I told him to pretend I was beating my wife or abusing children and look the other way. That was not the answer he was expecting. He said even people who already had corona wear the mask out of respect and I can talk to the rabbi if I want. I told him I’m not a confrontational person, I’m minding my own business, and I’m happy to have a conversation with anyone, but I’m not going to wear a mask.
I also noted that there were about 20 people at the minyan, which is against the current arbitrary guidelines. Why is that? Do they only follow some guidelines and not others? “Yes!” he answered. I told him that obviously doesn’t make any sense. If anything, having more people there is a greater danger than having one person without a mask, so it’s really just about bullying and controlling people. I said the real reason this bothers him is because if more than 10 people daven there, it doesn’t make anyone look foolish, but if they’re wearing masks and I’m not playing along, it makes them all look foolish.
He suddenly found himself in a hurry to go somewhere and scurried off. Score one for sanity and the good guys.


Corona Vaccine Terror Sets a Precedent

Episode 392 – The Future of Vaccines

 • 12/23/2020

If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet. This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

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From The Corbett Report, here.

‘To the Doctor With a Needle, Everything Sounds Like CORONA’

A teenage friend had virus-like symptoms and a sore throat. He also got the silly automatic call (חקירות אפידמיולוגיות טכנולוגיות) from the Shabak spies because his phone passed next to a “confirmed” Corona patient. So, he was told to stay far away from the “selfless” government doctors and just wait (and wait and wait…!) for a Corona test. And stay under lockdown.

He refused the test (אכמ”ל) but stayed inside. Meanwhile, he wasn’t getting better. Then a relative had the unoriginal idea of looking down his throat. One glance and it turned out he has strep, not Corona. But he was not being treated with antibiotics, because he was never even examined, let alone tested…

Streptococcus is a lot more dangerous than Shekerona!

(Of course, no matter what happened, you can be sure this would become a Corona statistic. Heaven help us.)

Moral: Corona excepted, you are on your own. More so than ever.

P.S., I’m too upset to do this scandal justice here (and I’m probably getting details wrong).

Corona Illustrates We Don’t Need Government Involvement In Medicine

The steps being taken are an acknowledgment the state’s medical system cannot take the strain, even though the whole excuse for them in the first place, is only the state can deal with the large demand.
They are perennially stretched to the limit, even by their own “good enough for government” standards!
So, either they are exaggerating, in which case, the cure is worse than the disease. Or they get no credit because it’s their fault they don’t have enough beds in the first place…
(This is a counterfactual, not intended to prove anything to the unconvinced, but rather an illustration for those who already agree.)