US Government: ‘Predator of the World’

A map of all the countries the United States has invaded

From Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, the US has had a military presence across the world, from almost day one of her independence.What constitutes invasion? As one map below shows, the US has a military presence in much of the world without being an occupying force (though some would dispute that definition).

For instance, although the Confederacy considered the US to be a hostile invading power, indy100 are not counting the Civil War or any annexation within the continental United States as an ‘invasion’.

Using data on US military interventions published by the Evergreen State College, in Olympia Washington, indy100 has created this map (below). The data was compiled by Dr Zoltan Grossman, a professor of Geography and Native Studies.

The map documents a partial list of occasions, since 1890, that US forces were used in a territory outside the US.

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From Indy100, here.

New Kabbalah Prohibition for Ellul

Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 581:
אין אומרים תחנון בערב ראש השנה בשחרית. ואף על פי שנופלין על פניהם באשמורת בסליחות, ולפעמים נמשך על היום – מכל מקום בשחרית אין נופלין, כבכל ערב יום טוב. ואין תוקעין בערב ראש השנה, כדי להפסיק בין תקיעות רשות לחובה. אבל בביתו להתלמד – מותר. ובלילה לא יתקעו בכל חדש אלול, אפילו להתלמד; דאין לעשות התעוררות בלילה, והתקיעות מעוררים המדות העליונות. והמנהג להתיר נדרים בערב ראש השנה.
Note: This was brought to my attention perhaps through Rabbi Avi Grossman’s site.
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Good News!


I want to tell you about a new and unique yeshivah program for English speakers that we are starting this September. We’ve realized Yeshiva-age students from abroad are in real need of a Torah environment where they can roll up their sleeves and learn practical Torah skills, while integrating into Israeli society.

Torah L’Maaseh’s vision is all about making Torah relevant to every-day living in Israel. Our students put their study into practice and translate their theoretical knowledge into action while being immersed into a real Israel experience (not trapped in a bubble of English-speaking friends and teachers).

At Torah L’Maaseh, studies focus on real-life halacha. Students will be encouraged to use their acquired knowledge hands-on, for example, by tying their own tzitzit or harvesting their own arba’a minim, and will be provided with an all-encompassing support system so that they can immerse themselves in Israeli culture and society. Torah study tracks will be customized for their interests in a warm, one-on-one atmosphere which supports every student’s unique capabilities. All classes and activities will be completely integrated within Yeshivat Ramot, a Hesder-optional Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

Torah L’Maaseh is now accepting applications for its pilot program to begin this coming September. Applicants can be men aged 18-25: Gap-year students, shana-bet students, potential olim, new olim, children of olim, lone soldiers, college students on leave, and college graduates.

I’m sure you know of someone who did not get accepted to the yeshiva of his choice or is too old to go to a post-high-school program or someone who wants to find a yeshiva unlike any other. He is who we are looking for! If you know him, or would like to recommend someone for the yeshiva, call 054-675-4963 or email or visit

Look at our amazing website

(I designed it – so just for that it’s worth seeing!)

Help us! share it and spread the word!

Thank you,

Avi & Bat-Chen Grossman