Renewing the Old: ‘Yashan’

Yoshon: Why More Today Than Years Ago?

Q. Why does it seem that there is a greater emphasis on Yoshon today than there was generations ago?

A. The Rama (Yoreh De’ah 293:2) writes that where we are uncertain when grain is planted and harvested, it is permissible based on a sfek sfeika (double doubt): The wheat may have been harvested before Pesach, and even if it was harvested after Pesach, it may have taken root before Pesach. In past generations, it was impossible to know when a particular sack of wheat was harvested or in which month it was planted. In addition, historically (until the 1970s) the U.S. stored their surplus grain from one year to the next. Under such circumstances, it was possible to apply the sfek sfeika of the Rama.

However, today the wheat supply can be tracked so efficiently that there is much less doubt as to whether the wheat is from this year’s or last year’s crop. Every shipment of wheat contains paperwork that identifies the type of wheat and the year it was harvested. Crop reports inform us when each variety of wheat is planted for every state. Furthermore, there is little chance that the wheat is from a previous year, since the U.S. exports its wheat surplus. Far from qualifying as a double doubt, in certain circumstances one might even know with certainty that a particular batch of flour is chodosh. The Mishnah Berurah (489:45) cautioned against purchasing Russian wheat which was known to be chodosh.

However, the opinions of the Magen Avrohom and Bach (cited in the previous Halachah Yomis) would still apply, for those who wish to be lenient.

This column comes from OU Kosher’s Halacha Yomis dedicated in memory of Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Reb Dov HaLevy Belsky, zt’l, Senior OU Kosher Halachic Consultant (1987-2016). Subscribers can also ask their own questions on Kashrus issues and send them to These questions and their answers may be selected to become one of the Q and A’s on OU Kosher Halacha Yomis.

From Matzav, here.

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Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna Was a Real Boy!

I don’t know about you, but it’s hard for me to relate to scholars whose only surviving words are written in the impersonal, judicial or exegetical voice. And if I can’t relate I cannot hope to emulate.

Want to get a sense for the Gaon’s personality? His works have a “distant” tone. The hagiography makes it even worse. What to do? See this excellent post by Rabbi Avi Grossman here. Rabbi Grossman highlights evidence of “humanity” in the personal letter by the Gaon to his family. (His point is different.) Short and sweet.

P.S. A whole book on our heroes could probably be written in this manner. A word to the wise…

Agudas Yisrael on Child Sex Abuse – The Record

Agudah on Pedophilia: Too Little, Too Late!

I am a non-partisan critic of Jewish organizations. I will go after any group that enables child abuse. In my last post I revealed Satmar’s sad history in the case of Yisroel Moshe (Israel) Weingarten.  Today I want to talk about Agudath Israel of America. They think of themselves as the voice of torah-true Jewry. Yet they are guilty of collusion with the ongoing epidemic of sexual abuse of children by frum Jews. They can hurl thunderbolts to confront a modern orthodox rabbi who ordains one woman. They can mobilize their masses for rachmonis on Martin Grossman, a vicious Jewish murderer. But suddenly they loose their oomph and speak bikol dmamah dakah when it comes to child molesting (unless of course the offender is a goy).

After being confronted by protesters two years ago at their convention they made noises about their willingness to confront the issue. A year ago, their lay leader, Rabbi Dovid Zweibel, Esq. used their convention to speak with passion about their dawning realization about the problem and their commitment to find a way to respond.  This year they unveiled their response. It took the form of high profile speech by the head of their Moetzes, the Novominsker Rebbe (Rabbi Yaakov Perlow). At their annual convention over Thanksgiving weekend, Rabbi Perlow devoted over 12 minutes to the issue. Below are his words, followed by my reactions.

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From Frum Follies, here.