Corona Tyranny: Enquiring Minds Wish To Know IN ADVANCE

Questions, Questions, Questions.

***Immunites are those with natural immunity having recovered from Covid-10
****Mandater are those citizens that wholly support government power to force compliance.

As Biden and the Davos crowd accelerate towards a caste system where the non-compliers are legally and constitutionally discriminated against (just as the Blacks, Native Americans and Japanese once were), it is time to ask the pro-government mandaters a few questions.

Dear Mandaters,

As you embark on your effort to support and endorse government policy to discriminate against your fellow humans, have you considered the extent of pain you are okay with as you support government Covid-19 policy? After all, it will be YOU who will empower the “government” to bring the pain – so any moral framework would at least ask you to consider the ramifications of the volitional decisions you are making. Can you at least be that charitable to us, the discriminated class? So we can get our affairs in order?

As you consider the actions you are going to take to remove natural rights from your fellow man, consider these nine questions so you are fully aware of your historic place when all of this is recorded one day in the future.

  1. If we the unvaxxed or natural immunites don’t comply, do you believe we should be denied normal medical care? Dental care? Urgent Care? Hospital care? Access to life-saving medications? Yes or No?
  2. For Social Security recipients and Medicare recipients who don’t comply with mandates, should we the unvaxxed or natural immunites lose our Social Security as a way to “compel” us to comply? You know, “either get the vaccine or no more social security?” Yes or No?
  3. How about operating our own businesses? Since we the unvaxxed or natural immunites are now less than human, and you are in the majority, will it be allowable to earn an income? Do you think we should even be allowed to earn income? Yes or No?
  4. Do you think we the unvaxxed or natural immunites should be allowed to own property if we won’t comply and get the vaccine? Should you have run out of carrots, will that be a big stick to get the unvaxxed to comply you will use? Yes or No?
  5. We the unvaxxed or natural immunites understand that free-speech is no longer allowed, but will we ever be allowed to speak against any “government” policy? Or, because we won’t comply with the Covid vaccination edicts, we can’t speak against any edicts? Yes or No?
  6. Will you eventually just support removing us from society? If you support this, please have the courtesy to let us know so we can try and get our affairs in order. Knocking on the door by the “blue” at 5 a.m. really is kinda immoral. But, we the unvaxxed or natural immunites understand in the police state you want, most likely, you will want to quell your fears and thus, that might be the only way you can think to handle us. Kick our doors in and take us away. Will you support kicking our doors in? Yes or No?
  7. We the unvaxxed or natural immunites also understand that grocery stores, movies, restaurants, travel, vacations, malls etc will soon be off limits for all of us. But will home delivery of food be allowed? Will we be able to stop at roadside stands for fresh vegetables? Will we be allowed to dumpster dive if we can’t shop? Or is starvation in our future? Yes or No?
  8. If we the unvaxxed or natural immunites are allowed to keep our property, will we be allowed to use public utilities like water and electricity? If not, we need to start investigating wind power and well water if you intend to bring this big stick to our families for not complying with your fears. Will we be allowed to use your “public” utilities? Yes or No?
  9. We also understand that our children and grandkids won’t be allowed into school, but, if we the unvaxxed or natural immunites who have children and grandchildren don’t comply with vaccine mandates, do you intend to take our children away from us unless we get “jabbed.” Yes or No?

Now, it will be easy to dismiss these questions as hyperbole, but they are not. Are you watching Australia, NYC and following the rhetoric of our government overlords – all all levels? Folks, you think this is crazy, but imagine every Jew who learned ahead of time of Hitler’s “quest” for a “Final Solution.” Imagine every Ukraine learning ahead of time of Stalin’s coming genocide. Imagine every Chinese father and mother learning ahead of time of Mao’s Great Leap Forward.Every one of these groups would be asking these same questions of their fellow citizens who supported their “government” taking these actions.

We the unvaxxed or natural immunites have taken seriously the admonition to not forget the past, even though it appears we’re about to repeat it – on a global scale. So, in an attempt to plead with the majority who are empowering government vaccine policy, we are merely humbly asking the empowered “vaccinated” community how bad they want to hurt those of us who don’t agree with them.

Will you at least be kind enough to let us know the extent of the pain you want to bring to us?


Respectfully hoping,

The unvaxxed or natural immunites

From LRC, here.

Coronavirus Madness Getting You Down? ‘Be the Change’!

Email received from a friend:

Chizuk Please

Hey, whoever you are,
I’m not falling apart, so don’t freak out. But I do feel that the outer layers of the Jewish people are being burned off and getting exposed for what they are, for what I always knew they were, and have until now felt uncomfortable for being disgusted by them. On the one hand, it’s vindicating. But it’s still, I admit, much more painful and just so sad, than any vindication could satisfy.
This hurts, even though I knew I was right this whole time.
Now as more and more “Rabbis” support segregation against the “unvaxxed” they are all taking off the masks they’ve been wearing this whole time and revealing I was right about them all. But I still want to cry.
Who the hell is even out there who is standing up for what’s right? Is there ANYONE? Who is going to be left after all this disgustingness? This is pure, concentrated, totally insane sinas chinam. It’s like we’re being purged. In a good and bad way. I can’t make out what’s happening. It’s horrible and beautiful all at the same time and I’m spinning in circles.
I feel like I’m in a centrifuge and I just have to hold on as tight as I can.
Just hold on.

My dear ______, you wrote: “whoever you are”.

Are there any rebeim you know of that are still sane? Chananya Weissman is on our side but any poskim out there who understand what is going on here?

Don’t think of others; be constructive. All Jews must become independent Torah scholars, if possible. And don’t jump to conclusions, either.

Start here.
By the way, see what I posted the other day: 

My Response to Two Corona-Vaccine ‘Halachic Rulings’

The end.
P. S., Even if one’s opinion is one way, that doesn’t necessarily mean a halachic decisor shouldn’t be diplomatic, so Jews aren’t seen as pathogens, “Mishum Eivah”, especially in Chutz La’aretz.

הכל לפי הענין, היינו לפי מה שמשער כעסן ופחזותן. ודע דהיום כשבאו מהאומות שחוץ לגבולינו לשלול שלל ולבוז בז בודאי מחויבים אנו לצאת בכלי זיין אפילו על עסקי ממון וכדינא דמלכותא וכן מבואר ברוקח ואגודה דהיכא דאיכא חשש שמא יכעסו יושבי הארץ עלינו מחללין עי”ש.

’Never Believe Anything Until It’s Officially Denied!’

Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration

For libertarians – and even many non-libertarians – it’s not shocking to discover that a US Administration lies and deceives the electorate. For government on all levels, lying to the American people is as American as apple pie. Sometimes the liars are held to account for their deception, but most often they are not.

Watching these early months of the Biden Administration it’s hard not to think that lying, deceiving, and manipulation is rising to a whole new level.

Take “ending the endless war” in Afghanistan. President Biden was cheered for achieving what even Donald Trump could not deliver: an end to the pointless 20 year – and several trillion dollar – war in Afghanistan. By the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we were told, the war would be over.

The only people furious about this decision were the bombmakers at Raytheon and the rest of the military-industrial complex and the laptop warriors in the Beltway think tanks. It turns out, they really didn’t need to worry.

The US is not finally leaving the Afghan people alone to run their country as they see fit. Just this week, Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that the US is increasing – not ending – its airstrikes on Afghanistan. The US would be pulling regular military troops out of the country (though likely keeping CIA, Special Forces, and mercenaries on the ground), but it would continue to bomb Afghanistan using “over the horizon” facilities from the Persian Gulf.

I’m sure that makes Afghan victims of US bombs feel much better.

Then last week Biden announced an “end of the US combat mission” in Iraq by the end of the year. While we’ve heard that line before, still it seemed like good news. However, as usual, the devil was in the details. While the “mission” was over, the US troops would remain in-country in an “advisory role.” This is despite the fact that the Iraqi Parliament formally requested last year that US troops leave the country.

Biden has bombed anti-ISIS militias supported by the Iraqi government twice this year (so far).

The 900 US troops illegally occupying Syrian territory would also remain in-country, the Biden Administration announced last week.

Also, just over a week ago President Biden told us that if we got the vaccine we would not get Covid. Then a few days later his own CDC released data from a Massachusetts study showing that 78 percent of the people who caught Covid were fully vaccinated. Is it any wonder Americans have lost all faith in “the science” as it pours forth from the politicized “scientists” in charge of US public health institutions?

The US mainstream media has morphed into a de-facto arm of the Biden Administration, however, covering up for all of these lies and word-games and holding precisely no one in government accountable. So much for a free media acting as a check on government power.

In fact, any “enemy” country overseas with such a subservient press would be targeted for a State Department color revolution.

Governments lie. We understand that. It is the nature of politics and power. In the absence of independent institutions to hold government accountable, however, such lies become indistinguishable from facts, and soon “freedom” itself becomes slavery, as Orwell wrote. Let’s hope more of America wakes up soon.

From LRC, here.

CORONA: How Moshe Feiglin Lost Faith in the Medical Establishment

Feiglin: Those who listened to instructions are not healthier

Former MK says he has ‘completely lost faith in the health care system,’ calls on parents not to allow their children to receive COVID shot.

Yoni Kempinski , Jul 29 , 2021 6:06 PM

Former MK Moshe Feiglin on Monday spoke to Arutz Sheva about his views on COVID and the vaccine.

“About a year ago I became convinced that ‘Healthy Logic’ scientists were making sense, and they convinced me that the correct way to be protected against this virus is to protect the at-risk population, which is about 15-20%, and to release the rest. Later, I completely lost faith in the health care system.”

“I would like to draw attention to a simple fact: About 11,000 were diagnosed as of last week – 100 of them from the haredi and Arab populations. What do the haredim and Arabs have in common? They did not listen to instructions. They did not have more deaths in previous waves than the general population. Those are false data. The fatality rate was the same as that of the entire population. They got sicker, recovered and are now healthier. And whoever listened to the instructions is not healthier. I heard the director of Herzog Hospital say he is opening a second coronavirus ward, and all his patients are vaccinated. He doesn’t have unvaccinated inpatients. In the short term, side effects from the vaccine are being discovered, and we do not know what will happen in the long term,” Feiglin added.

He asked, “Why should a child who is not at any risk from the coronavirus have to get an injection from which he can develop myocarditis? And this is not the only side effect.”

In his opinion, the prime minister’s attack on those who choose not to receive the injection was wrong. “Bennett’s speech was disgraceful. To take a million people, who are concerned for their health, after scientists have said that those who do not get vaccinated do not endanger others in any way, and mark them as enemies of the people and say that because of them we cannot live our lives? Bennett has revealed his tyrannical nature and his fundamental lack of understanding about who here is the boss – the people or the manipulators who took power in the greatest act of deception that has ever taken place in the history of Israeli politics.”

“I know what it is to refuse an order, I do not know what it is to refuse a vaccine. I assessed and investigated and declined the vaccine, and thank G-d I am a healthy person,” Feiglin said.

“To all the parents who still face intense pressure to approve this injection for their children – please, for a trip abroad or temporary peace of mind, don’t endanger the health of your child with experimental material which we already know has serious side effects in the short term, and of which nobody knows what the long-term effects will be,” he concluded.

From Arutz Sheva, here.