Coronavirus Tyranny Backfires…

For Whom The Covid-19 Bell Tolls

What Big-Government, Fascist, Left-Wing Indoctrinationists Never Thought Would Happen: Homeschooling, The End Of Doctoring, Reliance On Self-Care, Vitamin Pills In Place Of Vaccines And Maybe Even Gold-Backed Money

What’s next?

The COVID-19 coronavirus lockdown has brought about unexpected changes in the fabric of America.  Whomever is behind the evil events that have transpired around the globe in the past five months knows what will come next.  Forced vaccination?  Welfare payments for all?  Permanent school closures?

The federal government created this mess with its lockdown, so now the populace is only left to plea to government for relief.  Any resistance to government, which is what this country was founded upon (limited powers) has been thrown to the winds.  The last whimper of resistance came from a President who advised what the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” -Ronald Reagan

Somewhere in the following two catch phrases, we realize Americans have lost any resistance in dealing with the overreach of government:

“If we have to kill 12 people to save 1 human life, it will have been worth it.” – Unknown

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.  It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt

We are at a disadvantage.  We can only be reactionary and defensive.  Like a friend of mine said, when you go up to bat in baseball you have to realize the pitcher has the advantage.  He knows what is coming next, you don’t.

The flip side of the coronavirus lockdown

But there is another ironic side to this unprecedented social engineering project that is underway.

  • Who would have ever thought that mothers, fearful of their children being infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, aren’t thinking of taking their kids to the doctor for shots after the epidemic is over.
  • Who would have thought that doctors, fearful of getting infected by their patients, are retiring for good, ushering in an era of self-care.
  • Who would have thought the masses would be taking vitamins instead of Big Pharma’s drugs to protect against the COVID-19?
  • Who would have thought that parents may not be taking their kids back to school come Fall and have decided to homeschool.

If this moment in time is truly intended to reform and correct a false economy and to bring about lasting quality of life, then maybe some of the following things will happen, some good, some bad.  Regardless of any intended reforms, in some instances the citizenry has taken charge and refused to follow instructions by their overseers.  Here is what Americans could possibly see happen in the coming months:

1. According to economist John Williams, the U.S. is increasing money supply by 15-20%. That could mean inflation of 15-20%.  The U.S. Federal Reserve quotes 2.2% inflation which is its target number and the financial press conveniently publishes that number to the masses. But actual inflation prior to the entry of the COVID-19 virus has been ~6% according to, meaning a worker would have to ask for a 6-percent pay raise every year to keep up with inflation.  Well, now that number may rise to 20%.

2. This is how the idea of a guaranteed income arose. Low-income workers are doomed.  America has a real plague of low income workers (53 million workers — 44% of all workers — who have low-wage jobs of ~$10/hour and annual incomes of less $20,000; many of these being females with children in part-time jobs).  Something must be done apart from price controls to keep the price of food, energy, housing and transportation from pushing millions of Americans into the street.  If we don’t maintain free markets and competition the price of food will never go down.  Recognize, the federal government bought 1.4 billion pounds of cheese that it has stockpiled.  Rather than reduce dairy subsidies the USDA has been paying to have surplus milk made into cheese.  Food banks could use this cheese, especially now.

3. Many Americans fear 5-G networks for reasons of imagined gene mutations, impaired immunity and electronic toxicity. The problem with that thinking is, so does sunlight.  That drivel serves to distract from the real intent of the 5-G revolution. The impetus to usher in 5-G satellite networks is to bring in an age of robotic “workers” and AI-controlled vehicles.   This will be the new division of labor in America.  5G is needed so there is no lag-time in commanding these electronic slaves.

Robots will replace human labor, in particular low-skilled/low-income workers whose repetitive work can be automated.   By bumping millions of workers performing menial labor out of a job makes room for the 5-G controlled robots.

Then the U.S. will have a highly productive labor force of 24/7 robots that never require sick-time, vacations, or even FICA deductions out of their paychecks to fund Medicare and Social Security.  While this advancement makes America more competitive and independent, this new division of labor scuttles any idea of funding Medicare in its present form.  Un-skilled immigrants won’t be coming to America for jobs any longer.  Some may return to their country of origin.  Social welfare costs will decline.

Thus the U.S. will be able, via AI robotic labor, shed itself from reliance upon cheap foreign labor overseas to produce many products it now imports.  AI is a shot to the heart of China.  The Chinese will have to start paying their labor more money to create their own consumer economy.  (However, even China intends to utilize robotic labor.). The problem is, robotics and AI are a bonanza for the wealthy.  Where will the menial laborers go?  This question is asked with regard to the forecast by that the American population will decline by 230 million over the next five years.  Maybe the movie Soylent Green, which attempted to show what the U.S. would be like in 2022, was prescient.

4. The U.S. may sell off $16.8 trillion of its estimated $200 trillion of assets (oil leases, empty post office buildings, veterans’ hospitals, military bases) and bring the National Debt to zero, making the U.S. a creditor nation rather than a debtor nation. President Trump ordered the General Accounting Office to appraise the value of U.S. assets and came up with that $200 trillion figure.  Then the $574 billion in interest paid on the National Debt would vanish, the largest tax cut in history.

5. We would expect to see currency reform. There is talk of gold-backed currency, maybe in bitcoin form rather than paper money.  Gold-backed money is one way to fight inflation and stabilize the value of money and halt the practice of printing more money just prior to elections to win re-election, which is what is going on now.The U.S. has eleven aircraft carriers.  Any country that threatens to go to a gold-backed currency gets an aircraft carrier off their coastline.  Our fiat currency is backed by nothing more than the confidence we bestow upon it (good faith and credit of the United States).  Printing money to the point of absurdity (think Zimbabwe million-dollar paper money that was worth pennies), which is what is going on now, could make the U.S. dollar nearly worthless.  Then again, this might be used to usher in gold-backed currency.  Crash the currency to force a gold standard.  President Trump brought in Judy Shelton to study such an idea.

Also, maybe currency reform will be an opportunity to devalue the currency – maybe -30% on the dollar.

The U.S. owes over $1 trillion to Japan and China respectively.  If Japan or China decides to sell off their U.S. Treasury Notes (IOUs) at a 30% discount, the U.S. dollar would be worth 30% less in international trade.  The cost of imported good would soar.  It is difficult for the U.S. to compete with countries that internationally devalue their currency to out-compete American companies for business. A devalued dollar helps America compete internationally.

The problem is, the U.S. dollar is the reserve currency used in foreign exchange.  For example, when one country is buying something from the U.S., the other country’s currency must be converted to U.S. dollars.  Also, when economies weaken, foreign countries tend to buy U.S. dollars which they believe are safer.  The value of the U.S. dollar is somewhat determined by demand.

So, we must be prepared for something like devaluation of our currency.  This may be a move on the chessboard.  If you think unwelcome changes like this can be avoided, think twice.  Here is a chart from the CPA Journal that displays the unsustainable future America faces:

6. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are quasi-government entities that serve as a backstop for home loans that have soured. We should Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shift to privatization.  President Trump has signed an executive order for that to happen.  These quasi-governmental organizations serve as a dumping ground for lenders to send their bad non-performing loans.  Wall Street is balking, but take away the dumping ground for bad home loans and maybe the banks won’t offer them anymore.  The lending industry would immediately be cleansed.  Already the mortgage industry has tightened home lending requirements, something that should have happened in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse.  You now actually have to have a job to get a home loan!

By the way, home values are now next to zero.  On a supply-and-demand basis, there is probably little if no demand to buy a house at the present moment.  Why should homeowners make their mortgage payments when the value of their property is zero and the lender has received a multi-billion-dollar bailout?

7. The era of doctoring is over. Many doctors have suddenly retired.  Hospitals are closing.  High-cost modern medicine has driven itself out of business.  Hopefully, an era of self-care may be ushered in to replace it. In the midst of an infectious disease lockdown, self-care is almost all that Americans have because they fear going to doctors’ offices and hospitals where they may acquire the dreaded COVID-19 coronavirus.

Unimaginably, the coronavirus epidemic has literally wiped out store shelves of natural remedies such as vitamins C, D and zinc.  Americans are learning to stay healthy without doctoring.  Even hospitals have now prescribed vitamins and minerals for their protocols to treat COVID-19 coronavirus in-patients.  This includes zinc lozenges.

I’ve written about the bewildered cardiologists in the U.S. who want to know where all their cardiac patients have gone.  A 30% decline in mortal heart attacks is guesstimated.  The disappearance of vitamin C pills from store shelves may be the answer as to why.  The same thing happened in 1970 when Linus Pauling published a book entitled VITAMIN C AND THE COMMON COLD.  The refusal of modern medicine to embrace preventive care is being exposed.  Will the people ever return to their doctors?

One nutraceutical, resveratrol, could replace almost all cardiac drugs as it is a blood thinner, vasodilator (widens constricted blood vessels), prevents damage to heart muscle during a heart attack, actually stimulates collateral circulation much like internal bypass surgery, and even inhibits growth of coronaviruses.  This remarkable natural remedy is shunned by modern medicine.  Maybe now it will get a second look as prevention may save the day in health care.

Childhood vaccinations have temporarily been suspended during the COVID-19 lockdown.  Now mothers are not sure about the safety of taking their children to the doctor’s office, given 30% of those affected are healthcare workers.  The vaccine model of health has become impractical.  Over 70 approved vaccines and another 240 under development.  By age 18 children receive 51-54 vaccine doses (shots or oral). There is strong evidence that vaccination induces autoimmune disorders.  How many jabs can our children tolerate?

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) reports UNVACCINATED kids are far healthier.  CHD is citing an authoritative study published at SAGE OPEN MEDICINE that reveals vaccinated children are twice as likely to experience developmental delays and ear infections and four times as likely to develop asthma compared to unvaccinated children.

It may not take long for mothers of small children to learn that zinc activates T-cells produced in the thymus gland to produce antibodies against each and every pathogen children (and adults) are exposed to.  No need for vaccines.  Instead of vaccinating against each and every disease, the thymus gland produces antibodies against all of them as a child is naturally exposed.  Zinc supplementation represents a natural alternative to vaccination, as explained at Who would have ever thought this would happen?

8. The advantages of home schooling are now being considered by many parents. A survey shows six in ten parents are likely to homeschool in the next academic year.  The era of indoctrination education (examples: global warming, socialism, evolution, guaranteed medical care for all, guaranteed income, etc. ) may be over for many who choose to school at home.  The distaste for the politicization of education has brought about a push back by conservatives like Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla in the movie NO SAFE SPACES (see trailer).

Americans need to stop being so servile.  Americans are not here to please government.  It is supposed to be the other way around.

Throw down your useless masks and breathe the fresh air of freedom again!  Not convinced you’ve been duped over masks? Listen to health educator Peggy Hall inform how to defend your right to breathe and avoid brain damage (Watch parts 1,2,3,4,5).  Learn how to get your own MEDICAL CONDITION CARD at the  Learn there is no law that forces you to wear a mask. There are guidelines, but not laws.

The big, BIG, BIG story is that most of these unexpected changes are citizen driven.   The President gets some credit for planned reforms, but not until they take place.  This is not a political revolution.  It is individual Americans and families by virtue of their aggregate independent decisions that are pushing back against government tyranny.  Big Pharma with its 240 upcoming vaccines is going down for the fall and is responsible for its own undoing.  Big BANKSTERS may finally be reigned in — no more endless amounts of money that erodes the public’s wealth.  Self-care drives a stake into the delivery of health care that has previously been delivered on doctors’ terms.  The vitamin fanatics were right all along.  Now just how to wash the censorship out of the news media’s mouth with soap?  The best way to halt fake news is to stop watching or reading it.  The news media is a front for its big business advertisers.  Let’s put a halt to the propaganda together, regardless of which side of the political aisle you are on!  Health, wealth and freedom are apolitical.

From LRC, here.

Corona: Prepper Says ‘Told Ya So!’

What I Learned During the COVID Crisis

The COVID-19 crisis has affected just about every family in the United States in some way or another. All of our situations are unique and everyone I’ve spoken to has learned some lessons about their levels of preparedness. Some of those lessons are unconventional but valuable nonetheless. There are a whole lot of things you can’t learn from a book or a blog.

Here are the things I’ve learned.

Trust your instincts.

I began writing about this virus back in January when it was announced that the entire city of Wuhan was being locked down and millions of people were under stay at home orders. With that many people under a mandatory lockdown, I was firmly convinced that this had potential global ramifications.

I had come back from Europe to attend a funeral in early January and was supposed to return on January 28th. After doing the research for the article mentioned above, I rescheduled my flight for March 28th and settled in with my youngest daughter at her apartment to help out with the bills. We immediately began stocking up.

A lot of folks at that time said I was crazy – a few here on my website but more so on other sites that republished my work. I’m no stranger to being called crazy – I’m in the preparedness industry and I like guns, so right there, the mainstream media sees me as a lunatic. It no longer bothers me and I was convinced that this was going to be a big deal.

Every day from January 23rd to the present, I’ve spent hours researching as this pandemic has unfolded. I sincerely wish that I had not been correct, but here we are, still in lockdown in many parts of the country.

You can prepare fast if you’re aware before other folks are.

I had sold or donated nearly everything that my daughters didn’t want before I took off on an open-ended trip to Europe last fall. The other items were divided up between my two girls. So while the daughter with whom I stayed still had a few things, like firearms, water filters, etc., the stockpile was pretty much gone.

By the end of January, I was pretty sure that we were going to see mandatory quarantines or lockdowns here and I began stocking up. It’s important to note that at this point, you could still buy anything you wanted or needed. I grabbed some extra masks and gloves but most of my focus was on food and other everyday supplies. By the end of February, I was pretty content with the amount of supplies we had. I had spent as little as possible on “right now food” and focused most of my budget on shelf-stable items like canned goods, pasta, and rice.

For about $600, we accumulated a supply that would see us through a minimum of 3 months without leaving the house. I figured, if it turned out that I had overreacted, my daughter would use the food anyway.

I also started a personal spending freeze at the end of January. If it wasn’t an item we needed to become better prepared, I didn’t spend a dime. I was able to put back a few months’ worth of expenses while still stocking up. It helped that my daughter was living thrifty in a less expensive apartment with utilities included. I was very concerned about things like cash flow and it turns out, this has been a huge problem for a lot of people.

You can’t always have the “ideal” situation.

There were a lot of things about my situation that were less than ideal. But that’s probably true in a lot of cases. You just have to adapt to the reality of your situation instead of endlessly wishing it was different or feeling that it’s hopeless. “Less than ideal” does not mean that all hope is lost.

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

Corona as American Biowarfare Backfire – Conspiracy Theory

The Biological War Against China

The American economy has been shut down by foolish government orders, and the insights of Mises and Rothbard tell us that complete collapse is only a matter of time. In an earlier column, I warned that the Deep State might seek to start a war with China to divert attention from our domestic mess. As I warned last month, “Because the epidemic started in China and spread from there, hostility toward Chinese people living in the US has gone up. Chinese-owned stores have been threatened, and gun sales to Chinese who fear attacks have soared. Chinese restaurants have few takeout customers.

“The President’s talk about the ‘Chinese virus’ fans the flame of ill-feelings, and some fear that the government may provoke a war with China in order to distract attention from a tanking US economy. US government propaganda has spread false claims about predatory Chinese trade practices to get the American people ready for hostile action toward China.”

Unfortunately, things have gotten much worse since last month. America continues its policies of naval confrontation in the South China Sea; there are threats to sue China for damage caused by the coronavirus; and President Trump has threatened to pursue payment on long-defunct Chinese bonds in order to bankrupt the Chinese economy. Our disastrous trade war with China continues.

But today I want to focus on something even more sinister. There is good reason to believe that the coronavirus epidemic is part of an American biological warfare campaign against China and Iran. The brilliant physicist Ron Unz, who has time and time again been proved right by events, makes this case in a scintillating analysis.

Unz notes that “ Shortly before the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, that city had hosted 300 visiting American military officers, who came to participate in the 2019 Military World Games, an absolutely remarkable coincidence of timing. As I pointed out at the time, how would Americans react if 300 Chinese military officers had paid an extended visit to Chicago, and soon afterward a mysterious and deadly epidemic had suddenly broken out in that city?…

“Scientific investigation of the coronavirus had already pointed to its origins in a bat virus, leading to widespread media speculation that bats sold as food in the Wuhan open markets had been the original disease vector. Meanwhile, the orchestrated waves of anti-China accusations had emphasized Chinese laboratory research on that same viral source. But we soon published a lengthy article by investigative journalist Whitney Webb providing copious evidence of America’s own enormous biowarfare research efforts, which had similarly focused for years on bat viruses.”

Unz adds a number of items that lend cogency to his analysis. First, this is by no means the first suspicious biological attack on China. “During the previous two years, the Chinese economy had already suffered serious blows from other mysterious new diseases, although these had targeted farm animals rather than people. During 2018 a new Avian Flu virus had swept the country, eliminating large portions of China’s poultry industry, and during 2019 the Swine Flu viral epidemic had devastated China’s pig farms, destroying 40% of the nation’s primary domestic source of meat, with widespread claims that the latter disease was being spread by mysterious small drones. My morning newspapers had hardly ignored these important business stories, noting that the sudden collapse of much of China’s domestic food production might prove a huge boon to American farm exports at the height of our trade conflict.  . . So for three years in a row, China had been severely impacted by strange new viral diseases, though only the most recent had been deadly to humans. This evidence was merely circumstantial, but the pattern seemed highly suspicious.”

In order to deflect attention from its own activities, the US government has hinted the virus came from a biological laboratory in Wuhan, but it is hardly likely that the Chinese government would inflict a damaging disease on its own people. “It’s a classic propaganda tool for the US government to deflect attention from its own activities by accusing the enemy of ‘starting it.” Unz says, “Despite America’s growing economic conflict with China over the last couple of years, I had never considered the possibility that matters might take a military turn. The Chinese had long ago deployed advanced intermediate range missiles that many believed could easily sink our carriers in the region, and they had also generally improved their conventional military deterrent. Moreover, China was on quite good terms with Russia, which itself had been the target of intense American hostility for several years; and Russia’s new suite of revolutionary hypersonic missiles had drastically reduced any American strategic advantage. Thus, a conventional war against China seemed an absolutely hopeless undertaking, while China’s outstanding businessmen and engineers were steadily gaining ground against America’s decaying and heavily-financialized economic system.

“Under these difficult circumstances, an American biowarfare attack against China might have seemed the only remaining card to play in hopes of maintaining American supremacy. Plausible deniability would minimize the risk of any direct Chinese retaliation, and if successful, the terrible blow inflicted to China’s economy would set it back for many years, perhaps even destabilizing its social and political system. Using alternative media to immediately promote theories that the coronavirus outbreak was the result of a leak from a Chinese biowarfare lab was a natural means of preempting any later Chinese accusations along similar lines, thereby allowing America to win the international propaganda war before China had even begun to play.”

Unz points to another significant fact. After China, the next country to suffer from the virus was Iran, America’s main target in the Middle East. “As the coronavirus gradually began to spread beyond China’s own borders, another development occurred that greatly multiplied my suspicions. Most of these early cases had occurred exactly where one might expect, among the East Asian countries bordering China. But by late February Iran had become the second epicenter of the global outbreak. Even more surprisingly, its political elites had been especially hard-hit, with a full 10% of the entire Iranian parliament soon infected and at least a dozen of its officials and politicians dying of the disease, including some who were quite senior. Indeed, Neocon activists on Twitter began gleefully noting that their hatred Iranian enemies were now dropping like flies.”

When I read Unz’s analysis, it brought to mind an incident in the American bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999. The US bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, and I thought at the time that the attack was deliberate. American military assaults on China go back a long way. Unz agrees. “The [British] Sunday Observer published a remarkable expose in October 1999, citing several NATO military and intelligence sources who fully confirmed the deliberate nature of the American bombing of the Chinese embassy, with a US colonel even reportedly boasting that their smartbomb had hit the exact room intended.”

Even if the American warmongers don’t succeed in provoking a disastrous military conflict in China, we have much to fear. As Murray Rothbard has taught us, the State has throughout history been the great enemy of liberty. The monstrous controls over the American people and over our economy are never going to be fully repealed, even if the coronavirus goes away. The great historian Robert Higgs in and other works has documented to the hilt the way in which restrictions imposed in emergencies have lingering effects. This is his famous “ratchet effect.”

Unz doesn’t mention Higgs, but he does call attention to a vital fact that makes it extremely likely that the restrictions will stay put, however bad their impact. I’ll conclude with his incisive comment: “But as we see absolutely demonstrated in our daily news headlines, America’s current government is grotesquely and manifestly incompetent, more incompetent than one could almost possibly imagine, with tens of thousands of Americans having now already paid with their lives for such extreme incompetence. Rationality and competence are obviously nowhere to be found among the Deep State Neocons that President Donald Trump has appointed to so many crucial positions throughout our national security apparatus.”

From LRC, here.