Send This Article to Your Medical Doctor…

Censorship in Medical Journals Is Harmful, Also for Patients

It has become increasingly difficult to publish articles in medical journals that are critical of drugs or the drug industry, or that expose fraud and other wrongdoing committed by doctors. It is also difficult to publish articles documenting that the status quo in a medical specialty is harmful for the patients even though such articles should be warmly welcomed. Particularly in psychiatry, it has been amply documented that guild interests are far more important than the patients’ survival and well-being.1,2

For top general medical journals, e.g. Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine, the conflicts of interest are obvious, as the revenue from drugs ads and selling reprints of trial reports constitutes a substantial proportion of their income.3 Top specialty journals have similar conflicts. In addition, they usually have part-time editors who are keen to protect the specialty’s guild interests and prevailing dogmas.

Another problem is the threat of litigation. The BMJ has an insurance that mandates the editors to adhere to their lawyers’ advice; otherwise, the insurance won’t cover the costs of a libel lawsuit.

The corruption of our most prestigious medical journals has been exposed by current or previous editors-in-chief of the top journals, e.g. BMJLancet and New England Journal of Medicine.4

Aggravating the situation is the fact that big publishers buy smaller enterprises all the time. This means that there are fewer players on the market, which are therefore easier to corrupt than if there had been many. The five big publishers are Reed-Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis and Sage. They published more than half of all academic papers in the peer-reviewed literature in 2013.5 In 1973, the five largest publishing houses controlled 20% of scientific papers published, but by 2006, that number had already risen to 50%.5

Not surprisingly, there has been increasing concern that journals may be censoring scientific research and stymieing debate, and there are many examples of gross violations of publication ethics and even of journals violating their own rules.2,4,6-8

The HPV vaccines

A particularly egregious recent example was when a Springer journal refused to publish two papers from my research group9,10 even though its editors had accepted them after peer review, and we had paid the fees for open access. Researcher and medical reporter Maryanne Demasi described these events in an article from 13 July 2020.4

By using clinical study reports we had obtained from the European Medicines Agency, we found evidence suggesting that the HPV vaccines in rare cases may cause serious harm.9 This finding contradicts the official reassurances that there is nothing to be worried about but agrees with other independent research, e.g. from the Uppsala Monitoring Centre,8,11 which is a WHO collaborating centre that accepts reports of suspected harms of vaccines and other drugs.

Our systematic review of the HPV vaccine trials9 is much more reliable than the 2018 Cochrane review as we based it on clinical study reports and not on journal publications. It was accepted for publication in Systematic Reviews on 6 March 2019.8 However, a year later, it had still not been published although the journal promises publication within 20 days of acceptance. Our email correspondence took up an astonishing 74 pages,4 and we had been given a total of 20 apologies and a variety of odd, contradictory and implausible reasons why our paper had not been published. One of the excuses was that the journal lacked staff to publish our papers, which was clearly not the case, as Systematic Reviews had published 309 papers during that year.

On 16 February 2020, we wrote to Springer that it seemed they deliberately delayed the publication and highlighted that, “If this is the case, it is scientific censorship that borders on scientific misconduct and fraud. We have a big network with renowned scientists, many connections with the international media, and a strong social media presence. If Springer NatureBMC and Systematic Reviews fail to publish our papers before 1 March 2020, we are obliged to alarm our fellow scientists and the international and social media about Springer Nature’sBMC’s and Systemic Reviews’ editorial practices. We will also involve the Nordic Cochrane Centre’s and the Danish taxpayers’ legal teams if the 1 March 2020 deadline is not met.”

This caused Springer to publish our review with record speed, only 12 days later, on 28 February, during which time we checked the proofs and corresponded several times with a high-ranking person, William F Curtis, PhD, Executive Vice President Journals, Medicine & Life Sciences, Springer Nature. We had clearly made Springer nervous.

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From LRC, here.

Corona Likely Man-Made…

– The most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory

The well-known Norwegian virologist Birger Sørensen and his colleagues have examined the corona virus. They believe it has certain properties which would not evolve naturally. These conclusions are politically controversial, but in this interview he shares the findings behind the headlines.


“I understand that this is controversial, but the public has a legitimate need to know, and it is important that it is possible to freely discuss alternate hypotheses on how the virus originated” Birger Sørensen starts to explain when Minerva visits him in his office one morning in Oslo.

Despite the explosiveness of his statements and research, Sørensen remains calm and collected.

Sørensen has been a point of controversy ever since former MI6 director Richard Dearlove cited a yet to be published article by Sørensen and his colleagues in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. The article claims that the virus that causes Covid-19 most likely has not emerged naturally.

“It’s a shame that there has already been so much talk about this, because I have yet to publish the article where I put forward my analysis”, Sørensen says in the form of an exasperated sigh.

Together with his colleagues, Angus Dalgleish and Andres Susrud have authored an article that looks into the most plausible explanations regarding the origins of the novel coronavirus. The article builds upon an already published article in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics that describes newly discovered properties in the virus spike protein. The authors are still in dialogue with scientific journals regarding an upcoming publication of the article.

News outlets are thus confronted with a difficult question: Are the findings and arguments Sørensen and his colleagues put forward of a sufficiently high quality to be presented and discussed in the public sphere? Sørensen explains that they in their dialogue with scientific journals are encountering a certain reluctance to publishing the article – without, however, proper scientific objections. Minerva has read a draft of the article, and has after an overall assessment decided that the findings and arguments do deserve public debate, and that this discussion cannot depend entirely on the publication process of scientific journals.

In this interview with Minerva, Sørensen therefore puts forward his hypothesis on why it is highly unlikely that the coronavirus emerged naturally.

On May 18th, WHO decided to conduct an inquiry into the coronavirus epidemic in China. Sørensen believes that it is important that this inquiry looks into new and alternate explanations for how the virus originated, beyond the already well-known suggestion that the virus originated in the Wuhan Seafood Market.

“There are very few who still believe that the epidemic started there, so as of today we have no good answers on how the epidemic started. Then we must also dare to look at more controversial, alternative explanations for the origin,” Sørensen says.

Birger Sørensen and one of his co-authors, Angus Dalgleish, are already known as HIV researchers par excellence.

In 2008, Sørensen’s work came to international attention when he launched a new immunotherapy for HIV. Angus Dalgleish is the professor at St. George’s Medical School in London who became world famous in 1984 after having discovered a novel receptor that the HIV virus uses to enter human cells.

The purpose of the work Sørensen and his colleagues have done on the novel coronavirus, has been to produce a vaccine. And they have taken their experience in trialling HIV vaccines with them to analyse the coronavirus more thoroughly, in order to make a vaccine that can protect against Covid-19 without major side effects.

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From Minerva, here.

Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Eulogizes the United States of America

My Fear

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
If you have ever wondered how dictatorships take root in once-great republics, recent occurrences in this still great country could help you understand how it happens. It is beating a dead horse to examine how the fear of a new virus allowed people to willingly give up their rights in the belief that by doing so they were helping to prevent a pandemic from killing millions of people.
Trusting people they had never previously heard of, as well as government, which they rarely trust, citizens of this country, as well as of virtually every country in the world, accepted that they must lock themselves in their homes and cut off human contact. They were told that doing so would flatten the curve of illness and death until it would approach a manageable level. At that point, they would be allowed to return to their normal lives, albeit with safety precautions until a vaccine could be developed.
Schools closed, houses of worship shut down, and nearly every form of commerce was put on hold. Markets crashed, people lost their sources of income, and billions of dollars were gone, all in the name of flattening the curve. Anybody who dared to deviate from the firm lockdown laws was immediately shunned, publicly embarrassed, and slammed with severe penalties.
After some time, the virus stopped spreading, the curve had been flattened, and certain states began reopening and resurrecting their moribund citizens. Slowly but surely, life returned, morale picked up, and things were returning to quasi normal.
However, other states stubbornly refused to let go of the chokehold and kept their emergency stay-at-home laws in effect. They continued to punish people who ventured out without a mask, shutting down weddings, funerals and gatherings of any kind. Worship in groups remained banned, shopkeepers desperate for income could not open their stores, and children were chased from parks.
People in the shut states quietly accepted the situation without voicing protest. The fact that the entire citizenry was cowed into going along with the shutdown, which was no longer supported by science or medicine, is a fearful indication that the time is ripe for an effective, charming demagogue to take hold of the country.
New Jersey whistleblowers revealed that the governor of the Garden State, who last week renewed his state of emergency for another month, is not guided by science as he keeps the state in lockdown. Instead, he is “making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end.” The revelation was not noticed by many and certainly did not cause anyone to rise up and demand an explanation.
Even as over half of the states successfully reopened, people in the closed states continued to willingly give up their rights to live freely, practice their religion, educate their children and earn a living. That should strike fear into you that one day, someone can come along and goad people into suspending the constitution and democracy that separate this country from all others. And then, from out of nowhere, a perfect storm hit, blowing Covid-19 out of the headlines and exposing even more glaringly the hypocrisy and insincerity of the governors and mayors who are maintaining their chokehold on the law-abiding citizens of their states and cities.
A horrific crime perpetrated in broad daylight in front of incredulous witnesses was caught on video. A white Minneapolis policeman choked an unarmed black man to death. As the man, George Floyd, pleaded for his life, the callous murderer kept his knee on the man’s throat for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, snuffing the life out of him. Three other policemen stood by and watched, without attempting to interfere to save the man’s life.
After simmering for a couple of days, the video engendered much grief, pain and anger among all those who watched it. A nation of laws cannot tolerate blatant murder, especially when it is perpetrated by someone sworn to uphold the law. Protests began in Minneapolis, the city where the crime was committed, and then began spreading throughout the country and then to cities around the world. Along with the protests came rioting and looting in 145 American cities.
Coining A New Mantra
Egged on by Democrat politicians and the media, the riots continued night after night. They gained steam as voices began decrying the “systemic racism” of the United States, its white citizens and the police. Together with the charge that cops kill black people, it became a rallying cry, and soon, talking heads began repeating the allegations over and over as fact. In the words of National Geographic, “The nature of Floyd’s death forces America to confront an immoral reality: the United States remains stubbornly committed to a long-standing practice of violent and often lethal policing of African Americans.”
This country does have a racist past, and blacks were brought here to serve as slaves to white masters. But the country has come a long way since then. The nation fought a civil war over slavery many years ago, and when the anti-slavery forces emerged victorious in 1865, all the slaves were freed. It has been a long march for equality, but the way the country treated blacks a generation ago has no reflection in the nation’s current culture. Sweeping civil rights laws passed in 1964 and 1965 granted blacks equality in many areas that had been closed to them. Lynchings are a thing of the past, as meaningful social progress has come a long way. Everything in this country is integrated, and billions of dollars have been poured into black communities in a bid to effect change.
Police killings of blacks are extremely rare. Blacks have been elected to every political office in this country, including the presidency. Blacks are represented in every level of society and endeavor, and many have achieved great success in this democratic country.
At a memorial for Mr. Floyd in Minneapolis, the family’s lawyer, Ben Crump, inflamed the passions, telling the crowd, “It was not the coronavirus pandemic that killed George Floyd, I want to make it clear. It was that other pandemic that we’re far too familiar with in America – that pandemic of racism and discrimination – that killed George Floyd.”
Noted race-baiter Al Sharpton spoke with characteristic demagoguery. He intoned, “George Floyd’s story has been the story of black folks. Ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to be is you kept your knee on our neck. We were smarter than the underfunded schools you put us in, but you had your knee on our neck. We could run corporations and not hustle in the street, but you had your knee on our neck.”
What happened to Floyd, he said, “happens every day in this country – in education, in health services and in every area of American life.” His voice rising to a crescendo, he proclaimed, “It’s time for us to stand up in George’s name and say, ‘Get your knee off our necks.’”
The self-victimization of black people has not gained them much. Those who are successful have taken advantage of all this country has to offer. They were educated and worked to provide for themselves and their families, as so many others do here. To say that there is no racism is foolish, but it is also foolish to deny that anyone with a good education and work ethic can get ahead in this country, no matter the color of their skin or their background.
The Facts
Facts happen to be stubborn things, and the fact is that overall, in the year 2019, a total of ten unarmed black people were killed by police. Eight of the killings were found to be justified, and in the other two cases, the culprits were brought to justice. But that doesn’t matter. Nor does the fact that more unarmed whites are killed by cops than unarmed blacks. Nor does the fact that thousands of blacks are killed by blacks, and the only reason that more aren’t is because of the police. Invariably, when protests such as those going on now are over, police pull back and crime in the inner city rises. But that all has nothing to do with the prevailing narrative that the country suffers from systemic racism and that police are prejudiced against blacks and love to kill them.
Mayors encouraged the protesters to carry on, as their cities were being systematically destroyed. Look at Manhattan for example, New York State’s engine of tax income and worldwide bastion of commerce. The city has been devastated; its prominent downtown and midtown avenues covered with miles of plywood as 90% of stores are boarded up.
As cities burned, and as family-owned businesses stifled by the corona lockdown were emptied and trashed by people posturing over the “evils” of this country and its 800,000 police officers, the same authorities who threatened people with jail if they violated the stay-at-home rules the week before the murder took hypocrisy to a new level.
They kneeled in front of protesters and encouraged people to join the demonstrations.
These are the same people who put a giant padlock on schools and shuls, and didn’t let people die with any relative present or be buried with a respectable funeral service. These same people played down the violence committed by the protesters who were disobeying all the Covid rules. These same people, who wouldn’t let you celebrate a decent wedding or bar mitzvah, a siyum or bris, because of the terrible danger they presented, encouraged people to join large protest gatherings of thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder. Does that make any sense?
The New Rallying Cry
It should scare us how fast the “systemic racism” and police-kill-blacks narratives spread and were adopted by people of all stripes across the country. This has led to the new rallying cry: Defund the police.
As the nation sees what happens when police are handcuffed and prevented from doing their job, protestors and politicians are touting their latest solution to ending racism in the United States: stopping the flow of money to police departments. It sounds like the far-fetched rumination of an out-of-touch-with-reality conspiracy theorist, but it is the truth and it is already happening.
A veto-proof majority of the Minneapolis city council promised to dismantle their police department. They said that they would create a new public safety system. No word yet on what they have in mind.
Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, a city wracked by savage looting, announced that he is slashing up to $150 million from the city’s police force. In New York, 40 Democrat politicians called for a $250 million annual cut to the NYPD budget. They said that the allocated money would be better served funding summer youth employment programs. New York City’s failed mayor, Bill de Blasio, joined the “defund the police” campaign on Sunday, saying, “I want people to understand that we are committed to shifting resources to ensure that the focus is on our young people.”
Similar moves are being strongly advocated in Philadelphia, Dallas and Nashville. After all, in the words of Mayor Garcetti, the recent unrest is “a movement to change who we are in America when it comes to black America and our criminal justice system.”
It should be obvious that without a system of laws and people enforcing them, a civilized society cannot exist, as Chazal teach (Avos 3:2) that if not for fear of government, men would swallow each other alive. By defunding the people who enforce the laws and protect the innocent, the only result can be increased crime.
But word has gone out and the narrative has been repeated so many times by so many people that it sticks, and anyone who dares voice any opposition is quickly silenced. Drew Brees, a New Orleans hero, quickly lost that status when he said in an interview that he would “never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America.” He added, “I love and respect my teammates, and I stand right there with them in regard to fighting for racial equality and justice. I also stand with my grandfathers, who risked their lives for this country, and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”
Brees was roundly condemned and forced to repeatedly apologize. He said that his comments were “insensitive and completely missed the mark… They lacked awareness and any type of compassion or empathy.” His wife also apologized and said, “We are the problem.”
Echoing State Propaganda
The New York Times, formerly the undisputed newspaper of record famed for its news coverage, went into a meltdown over the weekend for publishing an op-ed written by Republican Senator Tim Cotton in support of bringing in federal troops to help quell the rioting and looting if all else fails. The publication of an opinion piece, on the opinion page, not in keeping with the politically correct narrative caused a revolt in the ranks. The newspaper, which had claimed to be journalistically impartial, lost all pretense and apologized for publishing the article. The editorial page editor was pushed out and the publisher issued a statement saying that he agrees “that it will take a new team to lead the department through a period of considerable change.”
The chief editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer was sent packing. Over there, the article itself was kosher, as it justified black anger. The problem was the headline, which read, “Buildings Matter, Too.” A play on “Black Lives Matter,” it was found to be insensitive.
A Sacramento sportscaster was also fired. He tweeted, “All Lives Matter.” No, no, you’re out.
This country is slipping towards socialism, where everyone lives at the mercy of the state, which feeds them and tells them how and what to think and say. Millions of people here are now being paid not to work and attempts at protest of the corona-inspired lockdown were quickly shut down. Only protests that are in line with the agenda of the powers that be and can be used to overturn the present White House administration are sanctioned and supported. People are scared into silence and then acquiescence, lest they be shamed and ostracized for disobeying the state and violating political correctness.
Regrettably, in our community as well, people feel forced to toe a party line. You don’t hear many askonim advocating for a reopening of schools and stores. Tens of thousands of children are regressing, and nobody sees that as a cause to rally around and remedy. Storekeepers and small businessmen are suffering, yet we don’t hear anyone taking up their cause and pointing out the hypocrisy of what is being perpetrated clearly for political gains.
There is an insurrection taking place. The left is fighting to change this country and it is getting scary. Should they assume power, they will blame all the ills of the country on conservatives, Republicans, whites, and of course President Trump.
President Trump is a convenient scapegoat for now. Democrats and protesters blame him for everything. They twist his words and make up quotes to make him look like a fool. Last Friday, the president held a press conference to crow about the unemployment numbers. His prediction that the economy would bounce back from the ravages of the Covid shutdown as soon as states would open was borne out and he was proud of the accomplishment.
In his remarks, the president spoke about the ongoing protests over the murder of George Floyd. He said, “Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, gender, color or creed; they have to receive equal treatment from law enforcement. We all saw what happened last week. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that’s happening for our country. It’s a great day for him; it’s a great day for everybody in terms of equality. It’s really what our constitution requires and that is what our country is all about.”
The media went on to report that Trump said that Floyd was looking down from heaven and was proud of the job numbers. They castigated the president as a self-absorbed, callous fool. Joe Biden also got into the act, remarking that what Trump said was “despicable.” He never said it. They made up the quote and then condemned the president. How is anyone to know that the quote was bogus.
But Donald Trump will not remain in office forever. He may not even be there past January 20th. The liberal policies which the leftists will institute will be of little help to the poor blacks – and whites. Their promised utopia will not materialize, and they will need someone to blame. Who will they blame for their failures? Who will they turn on then?
Historic Scapegoat In The Wings?
Sorry to say, but historically, the people who have been blamed when things do not go right are the Jews. Presently, this golus is the most comfortable in our long and painful history, but you see how fast the narrative can change. With the snap of some fingers, the country has gone mad over “systemic racism.” A new orthodoxy has taken root and nobody can argue.
If you have ever wondered how Hitler took over a largely docile German people and turned them into rabid murderers, these past few weeks should help explain how that metamorphosis occurred. A seed was planted and a story germinated about a deadly group of people who had to be exterminated for the state to survive. It doesn’t take long for people to become frightened about their lives and convinced that they must do everything in their power to stamp out the evil and the threat, be it systemic racism, police brutality, or people who disobey the Covid lockdown rules.
Chof Sivan, the day that commemorates the Gezeiros Tach V’tat of the Crusades, is this weekend. Klal Yisroel in years past would fast and do teshuvah on that day, but as memories of the murderous period of the years 1648-9 receded, the practice ended. Perhaps, as we now see the potential for destruction and the direction in which this country is headed, on that day we should we should reflect and daven that the horrors of the past not be repeated, r”l.

Coronavirus Tyranny Backfires…

For Whom The Covid-19 Bell Tolls

What Big-Government, Fascist, Left-Wing Indoctrinationists Never Thought Would Happen: Homeschooling, The End Of Doctoring, Reliance On Self-Care, Vitamin Pills In Place Of Vaccines And Maybe Even Gold-Backed Money

What’s next?

The COVID-19 coronavirus lockdown has brought about unexpected changes in the fabric of America.  Whomever is behind the evil events that have transpired around the globe in the past five months knows what will come next.  Forced vaccination?  Welfare payments for all?  Permanent school closures?

The federal government created this mess with its lockdown, so now the populace is only left to plea to government for relief.  Any resistance to government, which is what this country was founded upon (limited powers) has been thrown to the winds.  The last whimper of resistance came from a President who advised what the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” -Ronald Reagan

Somewhere in the following two catch phrases, we realize Americans have lost any resistance in dealing with the overreach of government:

“If we have to kill 12 people to save 1 human life, it will have been worth it.” – Unknown

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.  It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt

We are at a disadvantage.  We can only be reactionary and defensive.  Like a friend of mine said, when you go up to bat in baseball you have to realize the pitcher has the advantage.  He knows what is coming next, you don’t.

The flip side of the coronavirus lockdown

But there is another ironic side to this unprecedented social engineering project that is underway.

  • Who would have ever thought that mothers, fearful of their children being infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, aren’t thinking of taking their kids to the doctor for shots after the epidemic is over.
  • Who would have thought that doctors, fearful of getting infected by their patients, are retiring for good, ushering in an era of self-care.
  • Who would have thought the masses would be taking vitamins instead of Big Pharma’s drugs to protect against the COVID-19?
  • Who would have thought that parents may not be taking their kids back to school come Fall and have decided to homeschool.

If this moment in time is truly intended to reform and correct a false economy and to bring about lasting quality of life, then maybe some of the following things will happen, some good, some bad.  Regardless of any intended reforms, in some instances the citizenry has taken charge and refused to follow instructions by their overseers.  Here is what Americans could possibly see happen in the coming months:

1. According to economist John Williams, the U.S. is increasing money supply by 15-20%. That could mean inflation of 15-20%.  The U.S. Federal Reserve quotes 2.2% inflation which is its target number and the financial press conveniently publishes that number to the masses. But actual inflation prior to the entry of the COVID-19 virus has been ~6% according to, meaning a worker would have to ask for a 6-percent pay raise every year to keep up with inflation.  Well, now that number may rise to 20%.

2. This is how the idea of a guaranteed income arose. Low-income workers are doomed.  America has a real plague of low income workers (53 million workers — 44% of all workers — who have low-wage jobs of ~$10/hour and annual incomes of less $20,000; many of these being females with children in part-time jobs).  Something must be done apart from price controls to keep the price of food, energy, housing and transportation from pushing millions of Americans into the street.  If we don’t maintain free markets and competition the price of food will never go down.  Recognize, the federal government bought 1.4 billion pounds of cheese that it has stockpiled.  Rather than reduce dairy subsidies the USDA has been paying to have surplus milk made into cheese.  Food banks could use this cheese, especially now.

3. Many Americans fear 5-G networks for reasons of imagined gene mutations, impaired immunity and electronic toxicity. The problem with that thinking is, so does sunlight.  That drivel serves to distract from the real intent of the 5-G revolution. The impetus to usher in 5-G satellite networks is to bring in an age of robotic “workers” and AI-controlled vehicles.   This will be the new division of labor in America.  5G is needed so there is no lag-time in commanding these electronic slaves.

Robots will replace human labor, in particular low-skilled/low-income workers whose repetitive work can be automated.   By bumping millions of workers performing menial labor out of a job makes room for the 5-G controlled robots.

Then the U.S. will have a highly productive labor force of 24/7 robots that never require sick-time, vacations, or even FICA deductions out of their paychecks to fund Medicare and Social Security.  While this advancement makes America more competitive and independent, this new division of labor scuttles any idea of funding Medicare in its present form.  Un-skilled immigrants won’t be coming to America for jobs any longer.  Some may return to their country of origin.  Social welfare costs will decline.

Thus the U.S. will be able, via AI robotic labor, shed itself from reliance upon cheap foreign labor overseas to produce many products it now imports.  AI is a shot to the heart of China.  The Chinese will have to start paying their labor more money to create their own consumer economy.  (However, even China intends to utilize robotic labor.). The problem is, robotics and AI are a bonanza for the wealthy.  Where will the menial laborers go?  This question is asked with regard to the forecast by that the American population will decline by 230 million over the next five years.  Maybe the movie Soylent Green, which attempted to show what the U.S. would be like in 2022, was prescient.

4. The U.S. may sell off $16.8 trillion of its estimated $200 trillion of assets (oil leases, empty post office buildings, veterans’ hospitals, military bases) and bring the National Debt to zero, making the U.S. a creditor nation rather than a debtor nation. President Trump ordered the General Accounting Office to appraise the value of U.S. assets and came up with that $200 trillion figure.  Then the $574 billion in interest paid on the National Debt would vanish, the largest tax cut in history.

5. We would expect to see currency reform. There is talk of gold-backed currency, maybe in bitcoin form rather than paper money.  Gold-backed money is one way to fight inflation and stabilize the value of money and halt the practice of printing more money just prior to elections to win re-election, which is what is going on now.The U.S. has eleven aircraft carriers.  Any country that threatens to go to a gold-backed currency gets an aircraft carrier off their coastline.  Our fiat currency is backed by nothing more than the confidence we bestow upon it (good faith and credit of the United States).  Printing money to the point of absurdity (think Zimbabwe million-dollar paper money that was worth pennies), which is what is going on now, could make the U.S. dollar nearly worthless.  Then again, this might be used to usher in gold-backed currency.  Crash the currency to force a gold standard.  President Trump brought in Judy Shelton to study such an idea.

Also, maybe currency reform will be an opportunity to devalue the currency – maybe -30% on the dollar.

The U.S. owes over $1 trillion to Japan and China respectively.  If Japan or China decides to sell off their U.S. Treasury Notes (IOUs) at a 30% discount, the U.S. dollar would be worth 30% less in international trade.  The cost of imported good would soar.  It is difficult for the U.S. to compete with countries that internationally devalue their currency to out-compete American companies for business. A devalued dollar helps America compete internationally.

The problem is, the U.S. dollar is the reserve currency used in foreign exchange.  For example, when one country is buying something from the U.S., the other country’s currency must be converted to U.S. dollars.  Also, when economies weaken, foreign countries tend to buy U.S. dollars which they believe are safer.  The value of the U.S. dollar is somewhat determined by demand.

So, we must be prepared for something like devaluation of our currency.  This may be a move on the chessboard.  If you think unwelcome changes like this can be avoided, think twice.  Here is a chart from the CPA Journal that displays the unsustainable future America faces:

6. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are quasi-government entities that serve as a backstop for home loans that have soured. We should Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shift to privatization.  President Trump has signed an executive order for that to happen.  These quasi-governmental organizations serve as a dumping ground for lenders to send their bad non-performing loans.  Wall Street is balking, but take away the dumping ground for bad home loans and maybe the banks won’t offer them anymore.  The lending industry would immediately be cleansed.  Already the mortgage industry has tightened home lending requirements, something that should have happened in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse.  You now actually have to have a job to get a home loan!

By the way, home values are now next to zero.  On a supply-and-demand basis, there is probably little if no demand to buy a house at the present moment.  Why should homeowners make their mortgage payments when the value of their property is zero and the lender has received a multi-billion-dollar bailout?

7. The era of doctoring is over. Many doctors have suddenly retired.  Hospitals are closing.  High-cost modern medicine has driven itself out of business.  Hopefully, an era of self-care may be ushered in to replace it. In the midst of an infectious disease lockdown, self-care is almost all that Americans have because they fear going to doctors’ offices and hospitals where they may acquire the dreaded COVID-19 coronavirus.

Unimaginably, the coronavirus epidemic has literally wiped out store shelves of natural remedies such as vitamins C, D and zinc.  Americans are learning to stay healthy without doctoring.  Even hospitals have now prescribed vitamins and minerals for their protocols to treat COVID-19 coronavirus in-patients.  This includes zinc lozenges.

I’ve written about the bewildered cardiologists in the U.S. who want to know where all their cardiac patients have gone.  A 30% decline in mortal heart attacks is guesstimated.  The disappearance of vitamin C pills from store shelves may be the answer as to why.  The same thing happened in 1970 when Linus Pauling published a book entitled VITAMIN C AND THE COMMON COLD.  The refusal of modern medicine to embrace preventive care is being exposed.  Will the people ever return to their doctors?

One nutraceutical, resveratrol, could replace almost all cardiac drugs as it is a blood thinner, vasodilator (widens constricted blood vessels), prevents damage to heart muscle during a heart attack, actually stimulates collateral circulation much like internal bypass surgery, and even inhibits growth of coronaviruses.  This remarkable natural remedy is shunned by modern medicine.  Maybe now it will get a second look as prevention may save the day in health care.

Childhood vaccinations have temporarily been suspended during the COVID-19 lockdown.  Now mothers are not sure about the safety of taking their children to the doctor’s office, given 30% of those affected are healthcare workers.  The vaccine model of health has become impractical.  Over 70 approved vaccines and another 240 under development.  By age 18 children receive 51-54 vaccine doses (shots or oral). There is strong evidence that vaccination induces autoimmune disorders.  How many jabs can our children tolerate?

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) reports UNVACCINATED kids are far healthier.  CHD is citing an authoritative study published at SAGE OPEN MEDICINE that reveals vaccinated children are twice as likely to experience developmental delays and ear infections and four times as likely to develop asthma compared to unvaccinated children.

It may not take long for mothers of small children to learn that zinc activates T-cells produced in the thymus gland to produce antibodies against each and every pathogen children (and adults) are exposed to.  No need for vaccines.  Instead of vaccinating against each and every disease, the thymus gland produces antibodies against all of them as a child is naturally exposed.  Zinc supplementation represents a natural alternative to vaccination, as explained at Who would have ever thought this would happen?

8. The advantages of home schooling are now being considered by many parents. A survey shows six in ten parents are likely to homeschool in the next academic year.  The era of indoctrination education (examples: global warming, socialism, evolution, guaranteed medical care for all, guaranteed income, etc. ) may be over for many who choose to school at home.  The distaste for the politicization of education has brought about a push back by conservatives like Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla in the movie NO SAFE SPACES (see trailer).

Americans need to stop being so servile.  Americans are not here to please government.  It is supposed to be the other way around.

Throw down your useless masks and breathe the fresh air of freedom again!  Not convinced you’ve been duped over masks? Listen to health educator Peggy Hall inform how to defend your right to breathe and avoid brain damage (Watch parts 1,2,3,4,5).  Learn how to get your own MEDICAL CONDITION CARD at the  Learn there is no law that forces you to wear a mask. There are guidelines, but not laws.

The big, BIG, BIG story is that most of these unexpected changes are citizen driven.   The President gets some credit for planned reforms, but not until they take place.  This is not a political revolution.  It is individual Americans and families by virtue of their aggregate independent decisions that are pushing back against government tyranny.  Big Pharma with its 240 upcoming vaccines is going down for the fall and is responsible for its own undoing.  Big BANKSTERS may finally be reigned in — no more endless amounts of money that erodes the public’s wealth.  Self-care drives a stake into the delivery of health care that has previously been delivered on doctors’ terms.  The vitamin fanatics were right all along.  Now just how to wash the censorship out of the news media’s mouth with soap?  The best way to halt fake news is to stop watching or reading it.  The news media is a front for its big business advertisers.  Let’s put a halt to the propaganda together, regardless of which side of the political aisle you are on!  Health, wealth and freedom are apolitical.

From LRC, here.

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