Keep Repeating the Truth; Eventually They’ll Come Around

Ron Paul: The American Who Talks Truth to Power

Ron Paul is the most intelligent, articulate and courageous spokesman of foreign policy realism in the US. Though for most of his career he has been an outsider his views on foreign policy are gaining a wider audience.

If one were to believe the western narrative, a political dissident is someone standing up against a political regime which has fallen out of favour with NATO. For example one could point to Ahmed Chalabi, the thieving Iraqi con-artist who authored many of the lies which were repeated by George Bush and Tony Blair in the run up to the disastrous war on Iraq.

But for those with a more expansive and honest lexicon, a political dissident is someone who stands against the status quo and fights for a totally new method of government against great odds. Ron Paul is a man who fits this definition and as such,  he has become one of the most admirable political dissidents of the 21st century.

Initially trained as a medical doctor, Paul entered the US Congress first in 1977. Although he had two periods of absence from Congress first between 1977 and 1979 and then between 1985 and 1987, he is generally considered to have a long and notable Congressional career. However, his fame on an international level came during his two attempts at securing the presidential nomination of the Republican party, first in 2008 and then in 2012.

His attempts at becoming president introduced Paul as the only anti-war candidate of the two major American parties. This led to frequent clashes with the establishment of both parties which were and remain pro-war, so much so they are looking to start new wars before even contemplating how to end ongoing wars.

Although Donald Trump has brought a generally anti-interventionist and NATO-sceptic view to mainstream politics due to his personal profile, Ron Paul’s consistency in opposing US military action is long standing and based on clearly defined principles.

First of all, Paul has challenged the legality of recent wars under US law, deeming them to be unconstitutional abuses of power.

Secondly, Ron Paul challenges the pragmatism of war, questions the hidden motives for war and highlights the plethora of double standards which are rife in Washington and much of Europe.

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From, here.

The United States Government Created Islamic State


Judicial Watch proved it. Under a Freedom of Information Act request, Judicial Watch was able to obtain a (heavily redacted) copy of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) directive that initiated the creation of ISIS in 2012. the DIA report states, 


Not even Judicial Watch seems to have appreciated the significance of this document, where its press release focused on the Benghazi attack. Recent releases of Hillary’s emails, moreover, confirm that taking out Assad has nothing to do with his alleged abuse of the Syrian people but because it will help Israel.

Just in case it has slipped anyone’s mind, Hillary was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. Barack was inaugurated in 2008 and steps down in 2016. It happened on their watch. It could not have happened without their approval. They really did create ISIS!

The chemical attacks on Syrian citizens on 21 August 2013 was meant to justify lobbing cruise missiles into Syria. Obama was ready, but Americans were not. And when the ploy was debunked by a 50-page dossier the Russians provided to the UN, they resorted to “Plan B”, which was the creation of ISIS by the DIA.

The chemical weapons are widely believed to have been provided to the “rebels” by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, to whom the Bush family refers as “Bandar Bush”. But recent releases of Hillary’s emails suggest that she was directing the transfer of weapons from Libya to Syria and chemical weapons may have been among them.

The Benghazi attack appears to have been initiated because Ambassador Christ Stevens was concerned that some of the weapons being sent to Syria could be used against the civilian population. The Obama administration has stonewalled inquiries as to whether Benghazi had anything to do with transferring weapons to the rebels. That means “Yes!”

The signs have been there right along the way, but the media has not been reporting them. Here are some of the facts reported in a recent study about ISIS:

* On 23 February 2015, *FARS* reported that the (much maligned) Iraqi Army had downed 2 UK cargo planes carrying weapons for ISIS, which was among the first signs that things were not as the world was being told by Western—and especially US—news sources.

* On 1 March 2015, *FARS* reported that Iraqi popular forces are known as “Al-Hashad Al-Shabi” shot down a US helicopter carrying weapons for ISIL in Al-Anbar province of which they had photographs.

* On 10 April 2015, *Press TV* reported that, in response to a request by Syrian that ISIL be named a terrorist organization, the US, Britain, France, and Jordan refused, which was rather baffling on its face.

Photographs were appearing contemporaneously showing ISIS members sporting “US Army” tattoos, which the American media has yet to acknowledge. Confirm this for yourself by searching for “ISIS members sporting US Army tattoos” online.

On 19 May 2015, Brad Hoof of, “2012 Defense intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State ‘in order to isolate the Syrian regime”, based upon the release of a selection of formerly classified documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the US Department of Defense and Department of State.

On 22 June 2015, ex-CIA contractor, Steven Kelley, explained the US “created ISIL for sake of Israel” and to have a “never-ending war” in the Middle East, which would make the countries there “unable to stand up to Israel” and to provide “the constant flow of orders for weapons from the military-industrial complex at home, which is feeding a lot of money to the senators pushing for these wars”.

There’s more–a lot more, including photographs of Sen. John McCain with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. You can find dozens of them on the internet. In Washington, ISIS is widely known as “John McCain’s army”. So what’s wrong with a candidate for president making the point that his opponent and her most prominent support actually created ISIS?  Trump is right.

Reference: ent/Documents/How-We-Know-ISIS -Was-MADE-IN-THE-USA-.htm

From, here.

Socialism is Trespassing (‘Nizkei Shcheinim’)

The Ecological Poison of Democratic Socialism

Latin America is once again demonstrating the social poison of “democratic socialism,” the ideology that won Bernie Sanders more than 13 million votes in the Democratic primaries.  Socialism – democratic or otherwise – is not only destructive of a nation’s economy, as history proved over and over again during the twentieth century; it is also ecological poison.  After the worldwide collapse of socialism in the late 1980s/early 1990s, we got a first look at what a country’s environment under a socialist system that banned private profit-making for decades looked like.  In a word, it was a catastrophe, as described in books with titles like “Ecocide in the U.S.S. R.”

The world learned that the socialist countries dumped untreated sewage into their rivers, streams, and lakes for decades; the Volga River in Russia was so polluted that boat were equipped with signs warning against throwing cigarettes in the water for fear the chemical-laden water would catch fire; factories had no pollution controls whatsoever; massive fish kills were routine; and the Polish Academy of Sciences reported that by the early 1990s one-third of the Polish people lived in areas of “ecological disaster.”

The old theory that the pursuit of profit in an unregulated economy is the root cause of pollution was shattered.  Unlike capitalist countries that hold polluters legally responsible for the damage they cause to others, in socialist countries politicians who are responsible for polluting nationalized industries bear little or no responsibility for it.  Government ownership of natural resources means, in effect, no one owns them, and when resources are all one big commons they are inevitably overused, abused, and exploited.  The absence of property rights and a sound liability law system is a recipe for ecological disaster, as all socialist countries have proven and continue to prove.

When a horrible accident created a deadly oil platform explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, privately-owned British Petroleum immediately created a $20 billion fund that it knew it would need for payment of damages.  In contrast, when the Mexican government creates far worse environmental and human disasters in the Gulf of Mexico it routinely does nothing by claiming “sovereign immunity.”  In the first five months of 2015 alone Pemex, the Mexican nationalized oil company, caused three catastrophic oil rig explosions that resulted in several deaths, numerous injuries to platform workers, and air and water pollution.  The Mexican government incredibly claimed that there were no oil spills, which was quickly proven to be a lie by satellite images of a three-mile-long oil slick provided by Greenpeace Mexico.

Television coverage of the Summer Olympics in Brazil is about to showcase the horrific pollution problems in that country, which has been ruled for many years by the “democratic socialist” Workers Party, which proudly proclaims “revolutionary socialism” to be its defining ideology.  In addition to creating some of the worst poverty in the world, the Brazilian government has turned that country’s once-beautiful beaches into stinking cesspools.

An August 2 article in the Daily Mail by Gareth Davies reported on a study of pollution in Rio de Janeiro on the eve of the Olympics which found the following:

  • Athletes have been told not to put their heads under water.
  • Viral levels in Guanabara Bay, where the triathlon will take place, are 1.7 million times higher than health-hazard levels in the U.S. and Europe.
  • Rubbish in some of the bays is so thick that you cannot see the water and rats live on top of the floating rubbish.
  • A floating corpse and a severed arm were recently spotted floating in Guanabara Bay.
  • There are extremely high levels of viruses in the sand on the beaches.
  • The virus level in Gloria Marina, where the sailing races will begin, are several thousand times higher than danger levels in the U.S.
  • “Black tongues of fetid, sewage-filled water” are “common” on “tony” Ipanema Beach.
  • Vast islands of sewage sludge are seen at low tide, dumped there by residential high-rise apartment buildings.
  • Many rivers are “tar black” from pollution.

Such ecological nightmares have become common in other Latin American “showcases” of “democratic” socialism.  Venezuela suffers from massive deforestation and its Lake Maracaibo is heavily polluted with 10,000 gallons of sewage per second dumped into it from the two million residences that surround the lake.  More than 800 companies, mostly related to the government’s nationalized oil industry, are permitted to dump industrial waste into the lake.  Massive Lake Valencia is also said to be “massively polluted,” and the government-run oil company, PDVSA, has reportedly filled more than 15,000 oil pits with contaminated sludge from oil wells that will inevitably seep into the ground water.

One lesson that all the Bernie Sanders-following millennials need to learn is that “democratic” socialism can not only destroy their economic future; it can also inflict irreparable harm on their natural environment.  Socialism is always and everywhere an economic and environmental disaster.

From, here.

re: Just Plain Jew

In the post titled Just Plain Jew I wrote:

Nomenclature is not Halacha, so anyone can do what they please. But this is why I myself usually prefer the un-hyphenated “Jew” alone. The “Torah Jew” title, too, has been vacated by a long train of abuses.

Here’s a comment by Esser Agaroth on Tomer Devorah, here:

I have mixed feelings about writing this comment here, and will not do such a thing again, if Tomer Devorah doesn’t want.

That blogger’s comments are closed, so now I am talking about his (her?) blog on someone else’s site, and providing free publicity?

I post a link or two to my site, too, for convenience’s sake, but I leave comments open, so that another blogger isn’t taking responsibility for my job.

Unintentional or not, I’m sure that this is acceptable “Netiquette.”

…And “Judaism” hasn’t also been hijacked?

“Jew” is fine, as long as we recognize that there are many “Jews” who are not considered “from Yisra’el,” and may not be married, nor be counted in a minyan.

There are many fakes out there, attempting to use “Israel,” such as Christians, Christians pretending not to be Christians, any number of “tribes” and “groups” which have no evidence of belonging to Israel. (B’nei Menashe have no qualms about converting, and neither did the original Ethiopians doing “giur lehumrah. There are certainly Jews, whether they had evidence or not of their connection to Yisra’el.)

And, of course, the Black NON-Hebrews use “Hebrew.”

Note: while comments are not available, we do have a Contact page.

Just Plain Jew

The author of the Tomer Devorah blog, after detailing the latest outrage from the Shalom Hartman Institute, says:

This is why I call myself a Torah Jew and not an Orthodox Jew. So-called “Open-Orthodoxy” has made the term meaningless. And I hate to say it, but as soon as there became a “Modern Orthodoxy”, it was only a matter of time.

Nomenclature is not Halacha, so anyone can do what they please. But this is why I myself usually prefer the un-hyphenated “Jew” alone. The “Torah Jew” title, too, has been vacated by a long train of abuses.

It’s time to bring back an arcaic religion known as “Judaism”!