‘Whenever People Agree With Me I Feel I Must Be Wrong’

What has been popular recently:

  1. Meir Pogrow, Adulterer
  2. הרב יוסף בנימין הלוי וואזנר על הקורונה והחיסון
  3. Did You Know Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s ‘Living Torah’ Is Online?
  4. ספר שדי תפוחים – שני חלקים: אוצר תיקוני עוונות
  5. ספר ‘מענה לאגרות’ נגד שו”ת אגרות משה
  6. Rambam Or Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon? There’s a Difference!
  7. חנניה ווייסמאן Chananya Weissman (58)
  8. The Case of Israel: Does Vaccine CAUSE Coronavirus?
  9. Two Stories About Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Karp shlita


The ‘Internal Contradictions of Capital Accumulation’ on Hyehudi.org

There is a paradox, so to speak.

On the one hand, Hyehudi.org encourages independent scholarship. We have written here of the problems with modern works, and not-so-modern works, advocating an originalist, back-to-the-sources approach, stressing primary sources read and re-read carefully.

And yet, Hyehudi’s authors are continually “bombarding” the readers with diverse hyperlinks, long online documents, and resources that would take several lifetimes to consume.

Here are my defenses:

  • Not every article, reference, or book, is meant for each reader!
  • We present alternatives to competing materials for already-voracious readers.
  • Some of us have more of an excuse for reading widely, and some can “skim” faster than others (de nobis ipsis silemus).
  • This is the only way for me to publish at all, as explained here.

Rabbi Avigdor Miller on the Murderous Father of Murderer Cuomo

From here:

A very sick man, Cuomo, one of the worst cholei hanefesh, said, “It’s barbaric to kill murderers.” He’s the real barbarian because anybody who says it’s barbaric to kill murderers is a barbarian himself.

And again:

Among Jews we say נָקֹם יִנָּקֵם – Crime surely must be avenged (Shemos 21:20). It means that you have to be angry at criminals. Not like that criminal governor Cuomo who vetoed the death penalty. He’s the criminal; he’s the one who will be to blame for the murders that will take place in the future. Because now they know they have a friend in Albany — all the criminals and all their liberal lawyers know they can rely on him. It’s only when the leaders of society make a display of justified anger against wrongdoing, that’s when society functions properly.

We know טבע האב בבן, so (Breitbart)

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s aides rewrote a report from state health officials to hide 9,250 Chinese coronavirus deaths in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

The New York Times details the coverup citing new documents and interviews with six people involved in the concealment of deaths.

Cuomo (D) faced early criticism in his state for ordering nursing homes to take patients who had tested positive for the coronavirus, as the elderly are among those most vulnerable to the virus.

After reports surfaced in February that Cuomo was intentionally hiding the numbers, the governor’s office explained he was withholding the truth to prevent then-President Donald Trump’s administration from using the data to launch a politically motivated attack.

Cuomo blamed the “toxic political environment” and “disinformation” for the revised numbers.

But the Times states Cuomo began hiding the truth about the numbers long before the Justice Department began their investigation in August.

The June numbers showed the actual death toll in nursing homes was “roughly 50 percent higher” than the numbers ultimately cited by the Cuomo administration, according to the Times.

The actual number of 9,250 nursing home deaths by June were much larger than the reported 6,432 nursing-home deaths — more than a 40 percent increase.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the governor’s advisers stripped the number of nursing home residents who died after they were transferred to a hospital from the report, making the death toll look better for Cuomo.

The doctored report, released in July, allowed Cuomo to continue trumpeting his success in fighting the virus in New York.

“Whatever happens, this is going to be a period to learn from,” Cuomo said in a radio interview on July 10, just after the doctored information was released. “I am now thinking about writing a book about what we went through, lessons learned, the entire experience, because if we don’t learn from this, then it will really compound the whole crisis that we’ve gone through.”

More than 15,000 New Yorkers in nursing homes and long-term care facilities have died from the Chinese coronavirus since March 2020.

Of course, oldsters are only a few years away from euthanasia, anyway, but females are an officially protected class, so Andrew Cuomo the son is in disgrace only for that.

For far more on Cuomo, see here.

(P.S., Not to address the death penalty, itself…)

Ever Heard of ‘Giborei Chayil’? (Not Shmitah)

From GoogleGroups’ “The Sentry”:

One of the groups that don’t report to the draft offices is called “Giborei Chayil”. It is mainly composed of anshei yishuv hayashan. As they are deserters, they are open for arrest at any time. They thus declare 24/7; “We are not willing to cooperate with the selection of who gets a deferment and who doesn’t. We don’t want your honey, nor your sting.”

Being that they are a united group of thousands, who will “take-up-arms” to protest for one another, their arrest and the subsequent protests only creates more talk about the draft law problems, which the government wishes to avoid at all cost. They are therefore generally left alone by the police. In the last week alone, four stories took place of police disinterest in arresting Giborei Chayil.

Last Thursday a Gibor Chayil was arrested outside jail #4. When his information was entered in the computer, they realized that he is a deserter. They contacted the military police to come get their deserter. The military police responded; “Tell him to come to us on Sunday. After we administer a corona test, if it’s negative, we’ll arrest him.”

Last Wednesday Reb Asher Zelig Chanun was released after sitting in jail for forty days, for his crime of davening in shul during the corona lockdown. He is a member of the Giborei Chayil, [had already tested negative for corona], and was sitting in the hands of the police, yet they did not transfer him to the military police.

In Tzefas at a protest against missionaries, a Gibor Chayil was arrested. When it was realized who he is, he was immediately released.

This Tuesday morning at 9:20 police entered the Meah Shearim shuk to see what they could find. They exited with two yungerleit in tow. The one who was a Gibor Chayil was immediately thrown out, without receiving a fine for not wearing a mask. Why? When his information was entered into the computer, the officer ran in and shouted, “Throw him out of here, and quickly!” The other, who was not a Gibor Chayil, was kept for another hour and left with a fine in hand.

It seems that the police understand the message of “no cooperation” quite well, and accordingly leave alone those who don’t bite at the bait.

In Defense of a ‘Letter to the Editor’ in Hamodia

The following “letter to the editor” in Hamodia was quoted on a certain blog as seeming evidence of false bitachon:

I didn’t see the original “Safety Alert” article mentioned here. But I see nothing wrong with this letter.

The gist here is that there are many angles to observe events (scientific, mathematical, historical, economic, etc.), but the single perspective of value to the general reader is that which applies to the layman’s own life and sphere of control, namely bitachon and other religious lessons. In contrast, a lengthy discussion of arcane matters of special expertise (proximal causes) in the context of a publication sold for mass consumption suggests there is no underlying, theological cause here but blind chance, God forbid. “Too much information.”

This narrative is false (“might have been appropriate”) even in the case of a “non-Jewish entity”, which receives only indirect, “natural” Divine providence (Chazon Ish: מה שאנו קורין “טבע” המכוון בזה רצון היותר תמידי של הקב”ה).

(True, those charged with safety were asleep at the wheel, etc., for institutional reasons, so the details are relevant to all, but I doubt the paper suggested rational de-socializing everything in Meron (and for Corona), anyway.)