Beis Din’s Ruling Against Eliezer Berland in Both English and Hebrew


A mighty protest and denunciation from the elders of Chassidei Breslov and the important mashpi’im in Eretz Yisrael and abroad.

After illustrious Talmidei Chachamim and important Rabbis, people of truth

collected witnesses and testimonies, and carefully investigated and examined

all the terrible rumors about


who is well-known many years already as a Tzaddik, a miracle-worker, a Rav, and leader,

It was made clear to them without a doubt that his inside is not like his outside at all, and he committed these despicable deeds not just once or twice; the person breaks boundaries in Torah and Halacha, and sins and leads others to sin with the gravest sins.  He behaves like Zimri and demands reward as if he is Pinchas.

As is written at length in the letter ‘Psak Din and Grave Warning’, which is written and signed in their names,

we fully agree to what they say, and we support them completely

to continue to stand on guard for the completion of Torah and the upholding of Halacha, to set up boundaries without fear.

We are obligated to publicly announce that


And whoever guards his soul, purity and faith should distance themselves from him as if from fire, and he should distance his family, children, and all those under his influence from this man and from all those who justify his actions and drift after him, of whom most are not satisfied with their own misdeed, but they heap misdeed onto misdeed and use all tactics to trap innocent souls in the net of their false emuna which destroys the body and soul and of which who knows to what it will lead?

We turn with a warning from our holy Torah to all of those who consider themselves smart, small foxes sabotaging vineyards

who under the cover of false compassion dare to undermine the conclusions of the important Rabbanim mentioned above, and to weaken the impact of their ruling with idle explanations and false interpretations.  Directly or indirectly, they cause an uprooting and destruction of the foundations of Halacha and Yiddishkeit, and the introducing of poisonous heresy into the pure faith of Klal Yisrael.

Please, have mercy on your souls and let the terrifying words of one of the Rishonim stand before your eyes,

((טור חו”מ סי’ ב’ בבדק הבית בשם הריקאנטי in which he describes the awful punishment of a ‘Dayan who judges and justifies the sinner, and removes himself from punishing him, and looks to find an opening to save him from judgement.’  (See his exact sharp phrase inside, which we feared to put in writing, so as not to give an opening for the Satan chalilah, and we’ll make do with this warning.)  All the more so in this matter, where they call bad – good and good – bad.  They expound on the Torah falsely, upon which Shlomo Hamelech said: ‘He who justifies the wicked and convicts the Tzaddik, both are an abomination to Hashem.’

And the one who listens to our words will dwell in peace…

[Note: Not all signatures were translated; see the original Hebrew announcement below.]

The aforementioned words of the Rabbis are simple and clear, and we have already publicized our clear opinion on the obligation of keeping away from the above mentioned leader of Shuvu Banim, as we have seen for years the problems and wrong doings done by his leadership on common basis – things that oppose the basics of the jewish belief and law, and in particular lately which there have been consistently bad rumors of sins of the most severe kind – woe is to us that such things occurred in our times!

And now after great rabbis and scholars got together with witnesses, clarified the matter thoroughly and cross examined the witnesses and verified beyond the shadow of a doubt that the rumors are true as clearly stated in their letter, we publicize again our opinion and strengthen their words, to remove this terrible hurdle from the jewish nation.

Signed: Yaacov Meir Shechter

Signed: Shmuel Moshe Kramer

Signed: Nosson Leibermensch

Psak Din and Grave Warning

After a long period of terrible rumors being spread about the man referred to by his students as

 ‘Harav’ Eliezer Berland, the head of the institution Shuvu Banim

about the matter of him being a sinner who leads others to sin time after time with the gravest sins, both in private – with sins that require death by Beis Din, and in public – with sins that go under the title of ‘Yehareg v’al yaavor’, besides for being distorted and corrupt in the foundations of emuna, and breaking fences in Torah and in law in action and in teaching, and has already caused very much awful, terrible damage and desecration of Hashem’s name in the whole world.

And after many of the victims sent messengers to lots of important Batei Dinim in Eretz Yisrael, begging the Dayanim to convene on the matter and declare the true judgement, but they responded that due to various reasons, it is preferable that the matter should first be clarified by Talmidei Chachamim and Dayanim from between Breslov itself, and after that they’ll go into the matter properly – we, the undersigned, were asked to delve into the matter.

We convened a Beis Din, and received the witnesses according to Halacha.

We were convinced without the slightest of doubts that indeed, the rumors are true, and we also received many witnesses who testified that even though he said many times that he regrets his offensive deeds and does teshuva, he continued committing them shamelessly.

Therefore, we want to announce our opinion which is the Daas Torah, that this person is a terrible stumbling block for Klal Yisrael, and is surely not worthy of being called a ‘Rav and leader’.  We warn and caution every G-d-fearing person to distance themselves from having any connection to the man and to all those who believe in him.

The elders of Breslov have already written in their great cry on the seventh of Tammuz 5776, that this person ‘strays and leads astray in the foundations of faith and law, especially in matters of holiness, in speech and in action, and presents a grave danger.  Whoever protects himself should distance himself from him and his people.’

Woe unto those who attempt to validate the creep and deny the truth, which has been proven and verified.  They insist on interpreting the Torah falsely with speeches of folly, both written and orally, and they thereby provide a stumbling block before the blind with a shameful lack of responsibility which will surely be harshly punished.

We call out to all those standing at the side, hiding behind the excuse of not involving themselves in arguments.  Chazal have already taught us: (Shavuos 39)

‘Silence in the face of the deeds of a transgressor is reckoned as reinforcement and a cover for his actions, and one who remains silent is punished along with him.’

At such a time, there is an obligation for everyone who stood at Har Sinai, to whom our holy Torah is precious in his eyes, to raise a mighty strong protest to warn and be warned, to stay away from the dangers of this man and his believers.

We conclude with a loving call coming from a heart full of pain to all our brothers, the people of ‘Shuvu Banim’, who are trapped in this evil tyrant’s net:

Don’t be like a horse or mule that has no understanding, following with closed eyes and misplaced belief after this hypocrite wrapped in a tallis which doesn’t belong to him, taking advantage of your simplicity and destroying your bodies, souls, wealth, time and strength for stupidity and emptiness.  Open your eyes and remove yourselves from his tent, attach yourselves to Talmidei Chachamim and people of truth, who are meticulous with every slightest detail of Halacha and Yiras Hashem without any distortions.  Hashem should give you all grace in the eyes of all who see you, and you should merit to elevate yourselves higher and higher in Torah and Yirah, and to physical and spiritual success, and to raise your children to go in the Torah way, following the mesorah in purity, to keep, observe, do and fulfil in beauty.

May we all be zoiche together as one man with one heart to see in the return of Hashem to Tzion, and we will see the difference between a Tzaddik and a Rasha, and all the evil will be consumed like smoke, and the redeemer will come to Tzion, Amen.

Signed: Betzalel Galinsky

Signed: Reuven Nakker

Signed: Yitzchak Leznovski

I too add my signature, after having participated in all sessions of the Beis Din from the beginning until the very end, and I investigated all the terrible testimonies and witnesses fully together with my friends, the Dayanim mentioned above.

Nachman Zev Frank

Reprinted with permission.

Tomer Devorah Rams Chassidus, Scrapes Eliezer Berland en Passant

The Cult of Personality

7 Adar 5778

Today is both the birthday and the yahrtzeit of the holiest and most humble man who ever lived – Moshe Rabeinu. This status is attested to by the very fact that no cult of personality ever developed around him. Baruch Hashem! HKB”H saw to that. Nothing would have grieved him more.

The most extreme examples of the cult of personality are, of course, Christianity and Islam, which became world religions built around the figures of Yeshu and Mohammed.

Unfortunately for us, we see quite a lot of this sort of thing in the Jewish world today. The lower the generation goes, the more cults seem to develop, r”l. The most well-known and visible examples of this in Judaism today are Chabad and Breslov. It would seem that Hasidism is particularly prone to developing cults of personality. But, perhaps that is because it started out as such, centered as it was around the person and teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov.

That is not at all to say that there are not good and valuable lessons to be learned from the Besht or other Hasidic teachers, but one must be aware and on guard against the negative side of it as well.

The Besht also taught that the Tzaddik (the religious leader of the Hasidim) should serve as a model of how to lead a religious life. However, he did not emphasize the doctrine of the Tzaddik nearly as much as some of his successors, particularly Dov Baer of Mezrich, who made it central to Hasidism. Dov Baer, the leader of the Hasidim after the Baal Shem Tov’s death, taught that God revealed Himself through the Tzaddik’s most trivial actions; one of Dov Baer’s followers said, “I didn’t go to him to learn Torah, but to see him unbuckle his shoes.” Dov Baer taught that the ideal Tzaddik had a closer relationship to God than the average Jew, and could bestow blessings on people. In return, it was understood that the Hasidim must bring their Tzaddik gifts.

The belief in the power and greatness of the Tzaddik became one of Hasidism’s strongest-and most controversial-ideas. Hasidism’s opponents charged that the Tzaddikim (plural) often enriched themselves at the expense of their followers. In the generation after Dov Baer, numerous new Hasidic groups were formed, each with its own Tzaddik, referred to as a rebbe. These rebbes became a kind of Jewish royalty. When one died, he was succeeded by either his son or son-­in-­law. Those Hasidic groups that established eminent family dynasties became successful. Many Hasidic groups, however, went into decline when their rebbe died and left behind less capable successors.  (Source)

Hasidism only developed in the mid-18th century and was bitterly opposed by many of their fellow Jews from its inception, including leaders of the generation like the Vilna Gaon. The Hasids themselves came up with the term Mitnagdim(opposers) to describe those who objected to the new and controversial movement.

The first communal opposition to the Hasidic movement came from the Jewish community of Shklov in Belorussia during the winter of 1772.Rabbis and communal leaders communicated their concerns about the alleged heresies of the Hasidim, who were making rapid inroads into Belorussia, to the renowned Vilna Gaon, Eliyahu ben Shelomoh Zalman. Although some scholars differ, a majority agree that it was the Gaon who in turn galvanized the leading Jewish communities of Lithuania and Belorussia, such as Vilna, Brisk, and Minsk—in addition to Brody in Galicia—into a major battle with Hasidism. This battle was initially engaged through rabbinical letters of excommunication forbidding the establishment of Hasidic prayer houses, ordering the public burning of Hasidic literature, encouraging the humiliation and even imprisonment of Hasidic leaders, and banning contact with them or their followers.

…A public letter from the Jewish community of Vilna, bearing the signature of the Vilna Gaon, is the first document included in Zemir ‘aritsim ve-ḥarvot tsurim. It appeared shortly after the Passover festival of 1772, and accused Hasidim of a variety of religious offenses, focusing in particular on the allegedly phony and supercilious nature of their displays of piety—characterized by ecstatic prayers, recited in unsanctioned, breakaway synagogues, that included twirls and somersaults—along with their dancing, smoking, and drinking. Generally, the ban that was the subject of this letter condemned what was deemed as the Hasidim’s inappropriate, irreverently joyful demeanor in the service of God and their disregard for Torah study and disrespect for rabbinical scholars. All this stood in sharp contrast to the ascetic, dour, and severely scholarly demeanor of the Gaon and his disciples. The main reason that Hasidism ultimately made far fewer inroads into northeastern Europe—western and northern Lithuania in particular—was the enormous and enduring influence of the Vilna Gaon in that region, and the attribution to him of the fiercest opposition to the new movement.

The death of the Gaon in 1797 and the decision of the tsarist government in 1804 to legalize Hasidic prayer houses and severely restrict the anti-Hasidic measures of the Misnagdim had the combined effect of dashing the Misnagdim’s dreams of utterly destroying Hasidism. These setbacks initially led to even more vitriolic anti-Hasidic sentiments in the polemical literature, however, along with harsher, at times desperate, Misnagdic communal measures that continued well into the nineteenth century, both in Eastern Europe and in Palestine. (Source)

If you find yourself uncomfortable with much of Hasidic teaching or practice, you are not without a prominent leg to stand on. But, the best proof of my contention that it is based primarily on the cult of personality is the fact that no one is allowed to question any aspect of the movement and no criticism is allowed. To even suggest that one is opposed to anything about it results in being utterly and completely cut off with no further contact.

What is happening now with regard to Breslov Rabbi Eliezer Berland is another example of what I term the excesses of Hasidism related to the cult of personality. I have been urged by a few people to make some statement on this matter via my blog. As a response to this urging, I will enumerate my concerns.

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