Replace Every Appearance of ‘Leader’ with ‘RABBI’ So the Article Makes Sense…

Opinion: Of Masks, Exaggerations, and Gross Misrepresentations

By Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver

We are living through terrifying times, and I am not talking about Covid-19.

We are seeing draconian measures enforced in the western world that are harsher than any we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes. On the face of it, this should awaken alarm and skepticism of the explanations we’ve been given for this vast expansion of government power. Yet many people, including in the Jewish community and including in the Orthodox Jewish community, see no problem with these measures, and they willingly encourage and enforce them. Some even do so with zeal and fanaticism, to the point of informing—of reporting to the police anyone who dares disobey the government.

And they’re doing so based on a fundamentally true principle.

However, I believe that in this case, the principle is being grossly and dangerously misapplied.

This is the basic principle in Jewish law that pikuach nefesh, the preservation of life, supersedes all other concerns, even otherwise strict obligations under Jewish law. Based on a doctor’s rulings, one can desecrate the Shabbos (Sabbath), eat non-kosher food, eat on the holy fast day of Yom Kippur. And so on.

During the Covid-19 crisis, community leaders have been telling us that we must obey the government health experts, and invoking Jewish law to support their claim. After all, Jewish law says that one should listen to health experts, to the point that one even violates what is normally forbidden based on their word.

This message is not really new and different. This is a basic principle in Jewish law. We do not need any great scholarship to know that danger to life is an overriding principle; any schoolchild knows this.

The issue is not whether we should listen to experts in matters of health. Rather, the fundamental issue is which experts we should listen to. Who exactly is making the threat assessment? Are they truly reliable? Could they have conflicts of interest that would call into question or even entirely discredit their supposedly authoritative opinions? Are the leaders asking these questions?

Yes of course, safety and health are paramount priorities. But those who have studied the development of totalitarian regimes understand that it is for this very reason that the claim of saving the people from some scary danger is a perfect tool for control and manipulation by people acting in bad faith with a sinister, nefarious agenda.

We are being told to obey the “public health” experts. But it really doesn’t take much time to research the history of “public health” and see just how correct and reliable it has been in the past (e.g., see hereherehere, and here). Ten minutes of research on Google will lead you down a rabbit hole of many past incidents when public health officials not only got it wrong, but they deliberately lied—with regard to pesticidesAIDSfirearms, and much more.

More generally and fundamentally, public health itself is a part of the political system, and politics is inherently about money, power, and control. So public health is not and cannot ever be about pure science and truth.

The medical industry in general is joined at the hip to Big Pharma, which has been exposed as controlling medical school and medicines in order to maximize profit, not healing and good health. Those who offer cheaper, more natural, and healthier alternatives to expensive synthetic pharmaceutical products are persecuted and marginalized, their businesses are outlawed, and they are even sometimes killed.

It would be one thing if these leaders were naïve in their health decisions about their own lives. It’s another thing entirely if they impose this naivete on the community, especially when they stubbornly refuse to listen to those who try to point out that they’ve been misinformed.

These leaders are not doing their due diligence to question the narrative we’re being told. And this negligence is even more egregious now than when the scare began.

The truth has increasingly emerged that we were sold a hoax: Covid-19 is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu, and likely less so. We were given false information about the death toll in Italy. The numbers were padded and governments worldwide are giving unethical financial incentives to hospital administrations to falsely classify deaths from other causes as Covid-19 deaths. The CDC issued directives to classify deaths assumed to be from Covid-19 even without a test. The tests are utterly faulty and don’t even test for Covid-19. The original mathematical model was grossly exaggerated and completely flawed from the outsetThe media is using crisis actors to hype up the fear. According to testimonies, the hospitals in New York, the supposed hotspot for Covid-19, were systematically murdering the Covid-19 patients and that is in fact what was causing the higher death count there back in March and April.

Yet all these facts are ignored by the governments, so they are also ignored by the community leaders. This is surreal. The governments clearly have a deceptive agenda, so why are the leaders playing along?

These are often the same folks who told us to obey the “health experts” with regard to vaccines, despite the numerous reports coming out that many children are severely injured by vaccines. But because the government ignores that and mandates the vaccines, these leaders push us to conform and not to try to find exemptions, nor are they willing to represent us on the political front to push for vaccine exemptions. Some have even actively supported not allowing religious schools to accept religious vaccine exemptions legal in that state.

They are the blind leading the blind.

Their blindness is astonishing.

It could be simply a blind spot due to a naive overestimation of the wisdom of the official public health officials, due to the psychological influence of the inflated status of “official culture” to which all citizens are susceptible. But we expect more of our supposed leaders.

The truth about the other side of the story is now so widespread that it’s hard to think that this attachment to the official story is not willful. It is unpleasant but unavoidable to speculate on what motivates this irrational compliance. It could be concern about their image and a desire not to be seen as “bucking the system” and breaking the taboo against criticizing the government. Many are surely affected by a perceived desire to keep their positions, a desire for their schools and synagogues to receive the continued support of wealthy patrons or to receive continued government grants and funding to ease the financial burden on their institutions. This essentially means, sadly, that these leaders are compromised and corrupted. I would even suggest that until they openly admit their failure and apologize, they should no longer be trusted to be consulted on anything, as they have proven themselves incompetent.

This phenomenon of blind acceptance of the official government narrative on matters of health is shameful and terrifying. Our trusted leaders are blindly following the government-approved “health experts”, and the sheeple are blindly following the leaders, so we have a serious problem.

This is a very slippery slope.

The problem is the automatic conformity. All based on an endless, constantly repeated argument from authority. All without considering dissenting medical voices and blatant conflicts of interest. All based on the presumption that in matters of public health policy in our institutions, the government and only the government knows best and therefore it must call all the shots.

These people are not thinking clearly; they’re obeying like robots. They’re not willing to consider anything that deviates from the official narrative. They’re not willing to listen to an argument presenting reason and evidence and adjust their opinion accordingly. They automatically dismiss anyone questioning the official narrative as a nutcase. They’re viewing the official narrative as religious dogma, all while failing to stand up for our human and religious rights.

They said that we needed to keep the shuls (synagogues) closed because opening might endanger lives, now they say we must submit to masks, plexiglass, and social distancing in shuls and mass testing of our children, and soon they will doubtless say that we must all submit to a fast-tracked Covid vaccine. All because of health.

But I guarantee you that if you would ask these same leader and administrators to take some action about the even potential danger of the Wifi in the schools or the 5G towers (which were being installed behind our backs right while we were in lockdown) right near the schools, they would give you a funny look and dismiss your concerns. If you would say that the documented harms of vaccines declared by SCOTUS is reason not to mandate them and to allow parents to decline mandates, many would dismiss your arguments and tell you to obey the government.

Nor do we ever hear statements on the harm from radiation from cellphones, on the harm from psychiatric drugs, or on the harm from a sugary diet of processed foods.

So the claim that this is about health and safety—“pikuach nefesh”—is disingenuous. What’s really going on here is blind obedience to government, not to true, unbiased health experts.

Continue reading…

From Matzav, here.

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From Goyim Claiming ‘Jews Spreading Disease!’ to, well… ‘Jews Spreading Disease!’

Anti-Semitic Democrats Blame Orthodox Jews For The Coronavirus

October 13, 20202:45 pm

“I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow, ‘If you’re not willing to live with these rules, then I’m going to close the synagogues,’” Gov. Andrew Cuomo told religious Jews.

His basis for the decree was a photo of mourners who weren’t practicing social distancing at a funeral. But the photo of a crowd of Orthodox Jews on Cuomo’s slide was from 2006.

It was a very different message than Cuomo’s condemnation of bigotry when he had insisted, “There is zero evidence that people of Asian descent bear any additional responsibility for the transmission of the coronavirus.” The new message is, don’t blame the Asians, blame the Jews.

They did go to a funeral in 2006.

Cuomo was picking up where Mayor Bill de Blasio had left off in his infamous tweet targeting Orthodox Jews. “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed,” the New York City leftist boss had raged.

Medieval bigots blamed the Black Plague on Jews poisoning wells. Modern Democrats blame the coronavirus on the Jews. Despite the plague of media narratives accompanied by photos of Chassidic Jews praying or mourning, there’s as little evidence for the latter as for the former.

Cuomo’s threat to synagogues was prompted by a supposed resurgence of the virus. De Blasio had already announced that the spike in the targeted areas would lead to school and business closures. Except that a number of those areas have African-American, Latino or Asian majorities. But instead Democrats and the media have focused in on the “Jewish” areas.

And even those “Orthodox Jews” areas are far from a homogenous monocultural community.

Chassidic Jews, a subset of Orthodox Jews, may stand out, but so do the Amish. So-called “Chassidic neighborhoods” in Brooklyn are actually made up of the usual New York mix of African-Americans, Latinos and assorted immigrant groups, including Muslim immigrants.

Coronavirus deaths among Asians in New York have been twice as high among whites and approaching five times as high among Latinos and African-Americans. New York City’s worst death rates were not in Borough Park or Williamsburg, but in a Bronx neighborhood, in East New York, in Flushing, Queens, in Far Rockaway and in Brighton Beach.

None of those are Chassidic neighborhoods. Only one has a significant Orthodox population.

Nor are the highest positive rates in Orthodox or Chassidic areas. You have to get through five Queens neighborhoods before making it to Borough Park. And Borough Park, and most Brooklyn neighborhoods, except East New York, are far below Queens and Bronx neighborhoods when it comes to cases per population. Borough Park is only the 49th highest ZIP code in actual mortality rates, Williamsburg is in 79th place.

And yet the insistence that the outbreak is an Orthodox Jewish problem is ubiquitous. It pops up in the media and in rhetoric by top Democrats that stigmatize religious Jews for the virus.

The Democrats who rose to denounce scapegoating of Asians have joined in the racism.

The media pumps out stories blaming the outbreak on Orthodox Jews with a cheerful disregard for facts or basic urban geography. The Associated Press rolled out an entire story blaming the outbreak of coronavirus infections on Orthodox Jews, but the only actual neighborhood that it offers statistics for is the “Gravesend section of Brooklyn,” a mostly immigrant area that is not home to a Chassidic community and whose Orthodox Jews are Syrian refugees, but is mostly associated with Italian-Americans, with large populations of Chinese and Russian immigrants.

The media won’t stop claiming that Orthodox Jews spread the virus because they make a convenient boogeyman for its hipster readers who despise traditional Judeo-Christian religions.

The New York Times, which has run the most articles blaming Orthodox Jews for the outbreak, has linked them to cultural lefty hobgoblins like opponents of vaccines and Trump supporters.

“N.Y.C. Threatens Orthodox Jewish Areas on Virus, but Trump’s Impact Is Seen,” one New York Times headline read.

The power of othering is that all your hatreds and fears can be projected onto those who are different. And despite all the politically correct lectures on race and hate, the Times needs its own others to hate. The most obvious “tell” is that when the Times writes about any other group, it quotes members of the community, but when it writes about Chassidic Jews, it turns to opponents and critics of the community who are happy to nod along to the negative coverage.

That’s why a rise in positive test results in a Chinese area isn’t a story, a rise in a black area is a story about racism and inequity, but a rise in an Orthodox Jewish area is a story about ignorant religious fanatics who support Trump, insist on praying and don’t trust the medical experts.

The Orthodox Jewish community has suffered from the virus, as have many other groups. It’s no more at fault for it than they are. It isn’t unique because more Orthodox Jews have come down with the virus, but because they make a convenient scapegoat for the failures of Democrat officials like Cuomo and de Blasio, for the blatant flouting of their rules by rioters and hipsters.

Chassidic Jews, in particular, are stereotypically “other” with strange garb, incomprehensible beliefs, accents, large families and long beards, but they’re white enough that hating them is socially acceptable for progressives who can act out their xenophobia without feeling guilty.

Even before the pandemic, the media was eager to provide a platform for every special interest out to bash Orthodox Jews, from the YAFFED campaign by leftists against religious Jewish schools to opponents of circumcision to animal rights cranks campaigning against Kosher meat.

The new coronavirus anti-Semitism relies on the same stereotypes and slurs: Orthodox Jews are ignorant, superstitious, flout authority and need to be saved from their backward ways. These are the progressive prejudices that permeate the media’s coverage of Orthodox Jews. And it’s part of the reason why Orthodox Jews are a Republican constituency in presidential elections.

Bigotry isn’t just about the pleasures of hate. It’s how those in power redirect blame for their crimes and failures, and a means for those who hate to gain a false sense of power and control.

Blaming the upsurge on an outside group creates a false sense of security for everyone else.

And when it’s no longer possible to pretend that the upsurge is limited to Orthodox Jews, then they can still be blamed for having caused it with their weddings, funerals and their prayers.

Best of all, none of the newfound bigots will blame Cuomo or de Blasio.

The two top Democrats who mishandled the pandemic in the worst ways possible, while spewing lies, excuses and smears at their serial press conferences, won’t be held accountable.

And that’s why every time things get worse, Cuomo and de Blasio will blame the Jews.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.


From, here.

Sure, There’s a Problem. It’s Just Not What You Think…

Pandemics Aren’t What They Used to Be

If this were 1983, before the invention of the PCR test, there would be no possible rationale for the unending lockdown in Israel and for laws against running yeshivas, davening in groups, or visiting rebbes, friends, or succos. Deaths would not provide a reason because there haven’t been enough of them. 1,400 deaths over 8 months with each casualty being an average of 80 years old, the majority with other serious medical conditions, does not justify a lockdown of all of society while more than 4x that amount have died from diseases caused by cigarette smoking and about as many die each year from the flu. (In as many as a quarter of the Israeli COVID deaths, COVID wasn’t even a contributing factor but simply present to some degree in the body.) The count of sick people doesn’t justify it because there are about 800 of them at any one time, many with other conditions, and most of the 800 are the same people from month to month.

The alleged justification is the growth of the alleged “infection rate.” What determines whether people are infected? It’s not a traditional blood test. It’s not symptoms. It’s the polymerase chain reaction test.  PCR for short. PCR is a method used to rapidly make millions to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, allowing scientists to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough amount to study in detail. It was not intended to be used to diagnose disease in a person. It’s purpose was research. As biologist Dr. Beda Stadler, the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, tells us, “So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Correct: Even if the infectious viruses are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected].”

What you read in the press over and over, what you hear from the politicians over and over, is that the infection is spreading. This claim is all based on ignorance about the PCR test. 80% of people who test positive show zero symptoms. 18% show minor symptoms that last a few days, like a good old-fashioned cold. The PCR test only tells you of exposure to a family of viruses called coronavirus. It doesn’t necessarily even tell you of exposure to COVID19. The PCR test in the hands of politicians and politically minded medical appointees is like a machine gun in the hands of the Hutu militia in Rwanda. It’s not something they could ever develop on their own, and in their mad hands it’s lethal.

Another dangerous invention was the change in definition of the word pandemic. Prior to September 2009, it meant a disease “against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” (May 1, 2009, World Health Organization)

In September of 2009, the WHO changed the definition: “A disease epidemic occurs when there are more cases of that disease than normal. A pandemic is a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”

That is quite a difference. The traditional definition warns you of impending mass death. The new definition by the hipsters at the WHO can mean simply that more people than normal will catch a cold.

So they just toss around the word pandemic now and the average person goes by the definition that was in use since before his great-grandfather was born.  Between misuse of the PCR test and misuse of the word pandemic, the human race is in quite a panic. And panic is always double in Israel.

We are exposed to viruses all the time. Trillions of them are in the body, which valiantly fights them off. This is the first time in history that a normal physical process is termed sickness. The body is quite a miracle. God equipped it to do amazing things, like fight off disease. What’s happening here is that atheists, who don’t understand religion or medicine, whose entire mentality is shaped by the military to see every problem as war are acting and ordering us to act as if it’s 1973 and the Egyptian army is coming. Lockdown is what the military conducted in the West Bank during the Second Intifada. This is all these people know. Militarism. It’s a religion for them and they have found an excuse to impose it finally on the entire country, half of klal Yisroel.

What kind of epidemic is there when there are no shiva posters on the street, no hearses, thank God. If you don’t know anybody who knows anybody who died or was severely ill then you don’t have an epidemic. The government of Israel originally told us there’d be 10,000 dead by April. So that didn’t happen. They told us 3 months ago there’d be 1,000 seriously ill within 3 weeks. 3 weeks has come and gone 4 times. There’s 850 seriously sick. Nebach yes, pandemic no.

The concept of pikuach nefesh has parameters. Do you get in a car? You are endangering people. Do you have stairs in your house? Danger. 12,000 Americans die each year falling down the stairs. Do you serve chicken to guests? Danger. People choke. 5,000 a year choke to death. Where does it end?

What do we do? That’s a tricky one, that’s a question for gadolim. But I can tell you this much, we should realize we are being had, tricked, lied to. Is shmad, religious persecution, their intention? I don’t know, but it is the result.

What results also is a destruction of the economy and society. We could have built 100 hospitals for what the lockdowns are costing us.  A new hospital costs around $100 million. The lockdowns are costing billions. Many parts of Israel are an hour or more from the nearest hospital. A friend of mine died from complications caused by a stroke that could have been stopped had he lived closer to a hospital. I have another friend whose father died of a preventable heart attack, but he was avoiding doctors because of COVID19. According to world-renowned scientist Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University, “the health care system was severely damaged in many places because of the measures taken.” He says that the overreaction to the virus is putting millions of lives at risk worldwide. Reportedly, suicides are on the rise in Israel, particularly among lonely and isolated elderly people. Spousal abuse is on the rise too. I have several friends that are out of money and credit. They literally cannot buy groceries. The government will not let them work. It was bad enough when the new corporatocracy drove many people to live paycheck to paycheck, but now they don’t even have that. Even communist Russia gave each person a job. This is worse than communism. And these are people that did have some savings, but the lockdowns have gone on for months.

Some people who are not thinking very deeply into this crisis act as if lockdowns are the way to play it safe.  Of all the blunt and unimaginative proposals for a solution, a lockdown would have to be the most blunt and least imaginative of them all. We’ll just stop living. How’s that for a solution? It’s like divorce being a solution for the problems of marriage. We’ll just end the marriage. How about that? Simple.

Not so simple for the children. Mass destruction is not the solution to your problems. Lockdowns are the equivalent of divorce, suicide, and atom bombs. Only the guy dropping the bomb doesn’t see the problem. To him it’s a pretty cloud. Wait until he lands his plane and sees what he did.

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