What Does the Torah Say About Comedy and Humor? – R’ Yehoshua Alt

Comedy Cure

Comedy offers a wonderful release for many, providing joy and laughter. Let’s explore some extraordinary aspects of comedy.


R’ Yonah comments on lev someach yeitiv gei’hah, a glad heart is as beneficial as a cure,[1] that happiness can heal a person from illness. In this way we can grasp tageilnah atzamos dikisa,[2] as dikisa can mean tahor, pure, as in ayal kamtza dachan,[3] the ayal species of grasshopper is tahor (i.e., kosher). It can therefore be understood that happiness can purify one’s bones from sickness. In the words of the Vilna Gaon:[4] When one is constantly b’simcha, he can get rid of an illness. This is shown in ki v’simcha seitzeiu,[5] with simcha, the illness goes away.


The Rambam[6] writes that the most beneficial of all types of exercise is physical stimulation to the point that the soul becomes influenced and rejoices, such as ball games. This is because the emotion of happiness will often be sufficient to heal the body just by its very presence. He concluded, “Rejoicing and happiness alone will make many people’s illnesses milder. For others, both the illness and the emotional upset that led to it disappear.”


We see this today with laughter therapy.[7] In 1964 a man named Norman Cousins[8] was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a rare disease of the connective tissues, which left him in almost constant pain. Although he was told that he had only a few months to live, he disagreed. He believed that if stress had contributed to his illness, then positive emotions should help him feel better. With the consent of his doctors, he checked himself out of the hospital and into a hotel across the street and began taking extremely high doses of vitamin C[9] and watched a continuous stream of humorous films and the like. His condition steadily improved and he slowly regained the use of his limbs! Within six months he was back on his feet and within two years he was able to return to his full-time job. On November 30, 1990, he passed away, having survived years longer than his doctors predicted: 10 years after his first heart attack, 16 years after his collagen illness, and 26 years after his doctors first diagnosed his heart disease.


Dr. Lee Berk of the Loma Linda University of Medicine showed a comedy film to his lab staff and took blood samples while they laughed. When he placed the samples under a microscope, he found that their blood contained an increased number of natural killer cells. The positive effect continued until the next day, with the good cells remaining high 12 hours later.


In another experiment, Dr. Lee Berk asked heart patients on the same medical regimen to break up into two groups. He instructed one group to watch a half-hour comedy every day for a year. The result was that those who laughed needed fewer medications than the group who didn’t watch comedy. Furthermore, only 8% of the watchers suffered a second heart attack compared to 42% in the second group. Today, many hospitals have laughter clubs, especially for cancer patients.[10]


Laughter promotes relaxation and reduces stress. It speeds up metabolism, balances blood pressure, raises energy levels, promotes circulation, increases the oxygen level in the bloodstream and triggers the release of endorphins which relieves pain and elevates one’s mood.[11] It also increases the number of immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thereby improving one’s resistance to disease. Additionally, it diminishes anxiety and stress hormones. Laughter loosens up the body, relieving physical tension and leaving muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes. It strengthens relationships and improves teamwork. Truly, “Laughter is the best medicine.”


Laughter is a wondrous therapy because it costs nothing, has no side effects and is accessible to everyone, even those confined to a bed or wheelchair.[12]


[1] Mishlei 17:22.

[2] Tehillim 51:10.

[3] Pesachim 16a. See Shem Mishmuel, Succos, 5673, s.v. v’li.

[4] Mishlei 18:14.

[5] Yeshaya 55:12.

[6] In his aphorisms pertaining to health 18:2-3.

[7] In 1995 Dr. Madan Kataria, an Indian physician, and his wife devised what they call laughter yoga. His technique has been adopted by more than 20,000 Laughter Yoga Clubs in more than 120 countries in places such as nursing homes, police departments, prisons and institutions for the blind. There is even a World Laughter Day (the first Sunday in May), which began in Mumbai, India, in 1998.

[8] His daughter is the writer Sarah Shapiro, who lives in Yerushalayim.

[9] He read and discovered that both his disease and the medicines were depleting his body of vitamin C, among other things.

[10] The gemara (Taanis 22a) speaks of two people who were destined for the next world since they were comedians and would cheer up those who were depressed.

[11] Before Rabba taught his students, he would say something humorous followed by his students laughing (Shabbos 30b).

[12] It therefore has been advised to relate funny stories, read funny material and spend time with friends who are fun to be around.

I am excited to announce that the newly released book “Exhilarating Torah Insights on Recreation and Vacation” is now available (as a paperback, hardcover and digitized version) for purchase and delivery on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DF4ZHPKJ or by sending a WhatsApp to +972 54 849 5217. Alternatively, you can call 054 849 5217 (Israel) or 917 732 2371 (United States) or send an email to yalt3285@gmail.com


Some of the questions discussed in this book are the following.

What role does recreation play in our service of Hashem?

What does the Torah teach us about music?

What lessons can we glean from specific types of recreation, such as sports?

Is there a mitzvah to take a vacation?

What does the Torah say about comedy and humor?

This insightful and thought-provoking book delves into these questions and many more, offering profound insights. With over 50 meticulously crafted essays, it masterfully conveys the Torah’s perspective on recreation and vacation. As an indispensable guide, this work will enable readers to attain a deeper understanding of these important topics.


It makes a great gift for parents, siblings, friends, relatives, neighbors, business associates, acquaintances and learning partners. Purchase it at https://amzn.to/3eyh5xPAnd please spread the word about it!   

Rabbi Yeshoshua Alt

Writer of the weekly Fascinating Insights Torah sheet in Englishעברית ,אידיש and français
Author of Nine Books including the recently released “Exhilarating Torah Insights on Recreation and Vacation”

The Whole Torah Denies the ‘Yeridas Hadoros’ Excuse

Nowadays, the excuse for every Aveirah is “Yeridas Hadoros“.

You would think the speakers\Mashgichim would let up a bit, seeing as how it’s only causing people to slack off (and to deny the Torah is for all generations!), but no. Yeridas Hadoros is a way to ensure you don’t get Hyehudi-like ideas about keeping the Whole Torah, chas veshalom, which is also “against the Gedolim” of today and yesteryear.

But the purposely “extreme” context of many mitzvos disproves the notion we can claim weakness as an excuse.

Rabbi Hirsch Devarim 21:10 (introduction):

קבוצות מצוות אלה פותחות בדין יפת תואר. כדרך שפרשת משפטים פותחת בדין עבריין שנמכר ובדין בת עניים שנמכרה (שמות כ”א, ב”ז), דינים המהווים דוגמא לזכויות האדם ולזכויות האיש והאישה בנישואיהם (עיין פירוש שם), כך פרשתנו – בנוגע לדרך בה נוהגים באישה שנשבתה במלחמה – מכריזה על הגנת צניעותה של האישה מפני התעללות חסרת מעצורים מצד תאוותיו של האיש.

כמו כן אנו מוצאים, שאזהרת ״לא תשחית״ הכללית (לעיל כ’ י”ט ואילך), האוסרת כל השחתה שלא לצורך, וחובת הצניעות הכללית במילים ובמעשים – ״ונשמרת מכל דבר רע״, ״ולא יראה בך ערות דבר״ (להלן כ”ג י’ ואילך) – מודגמות על ידי הלכות הנוהגות במצבי מלחמה; שכן בעת מלחמה יש נטייה לתת יד חופשית לתאוות הרס ולפריקת עול מוסרית.

כל המצוות האלה באות לחייב את המצפון היהודי אפילו במצבים יוצאים מגדר הרגיל. על אחת כמה וכמה שהן נוהגות – ובמידה גדולה עוד יותר– בזמנים רגילים.

Here is a sampling of articles on Yeridas Hadoros.

בהדי כבשי דרחמנא למה לך? מאי דמפקדת איבעי לך למעבד

מועתק מכלי שלישי:

שמעתי שצבי סוכות הכין הצעת חוק מפורט על בנין בית המקדש [עם הוספה שיגרום שזה לא רלוונטי למעשה, שהדבר כפוף להסכמת הצבא השב”כ וכו’], והוא הכין להציע את החוק בכנסת בי”ז בתמוז. אבל בגלל שנתניהו היה אז בארה”ב ברגע אחרון הוא לא עשה את זה.
אז הוא התייעץ עם הרב דודקביץ אם באמת להציע את זה אחרי זה, ולפי מה שהבנתי הוא הכריע שלא לעשות את זה, כי זה יגרום חילול ה’ שרבים משומרי תו”מ יתנערו מזה ויצא כאילו יש דתיים נגד בנין ביהמ”ק.
עד כאן מה ששמעתי ממקור מוסמך.
הטענה של הרב ההוא = טענה קדומה עם מסורת.
הוא פשוט זכה לכון לדעת אהרן הכהן (משה רבנו הי’ צריך להתפלל עליו שלא ימות)!
סנה’ ריש ז’ א’:
… ופליגא דרבי תנחום בר חנילאי דאמר רבי תנחום בר חנילאי לא נאמר מקרא זה אלא כנגד מעשה העגל שנאמר וירא אהרן ויבן מזבח לפניו מה ראה אמר רבי בנימין בר יפת אמר רבי אלעזר ראה חור שזבוח לפניו אמר אי לא שמענא להו השתא עבדו לי כדעבדו בחור ומיקיים בי אם יהרג במקדש ה’ כהן ונביא ולא הויא להו תקנתא לעולם מוטב דליעבדו לעגל אפשר הויא להו תקנתא בתשובה.

תקיעת שופר בסליחות ועוד עבור המלחמה

כך שמעתי שהנהיגו הרב הרב אפרים כהן עמאש מביתר ואחרים.

הרב יהונתן נוימן מספר:

אנחנו עשינו כך בסליחות של התעניות האחרונות תענית אסתר וי”ז בתמוז אלא שהוספנו בכל פעם סליחות לעת קרב ומלחמה.

מצורף קובץ סליחות לעת קרב ומלחמה ששלח לי:

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