‘Vox Populi Vox Dei’ In Judaism

Civil Disobedience in a Torah State

The coronavirus plague has brought the issue of civil disobedience to the forefront in many countries around the world. Authoritarian and even totalitarian governments have faced uprisings from desperate citizens. One cannot help but hope that this will lead to greater freedom and liberty for oppressed people around the world.

More democratic countries have employed draconian measures to limit the spread of the virus, in many respects resembling authoritarian regimes. Leaders have had to straddle the line between public safety, economic collapse, preventing citizens from panicking, and unjustified power grabs. Citizens in these countries have had to straddle the line between social responsibility, financial ruin, obeying authority, and fear of punishment. In these cases there is a great debate over whether harsh measures from governments will ultimately cause more harm than they will prevent.

As always, the Torah provides a model for how we should respond to every situation. Our divine treasure waits quietly to be sought, allowing those who think they can devise a better way to fumble and stumble. Perhaps social fabrics across the world must fray, perhaps Man must experience epic failure before he surrenders and turns to God’s instruction manual.

The Torah provides a unique model for the relationship between citizens and authority figures. Most people – even, sadly, religious Jews – view the Torah’s system of a monarchy and religious tribunals as primitive and unenlightened. Let us take a closer look and then compare with the best of what our modern, enlightened world has to offer.


We tend to view monarchs as ruthless dictators commanding unflinching obedience and lopping off heads right and left for their own amusement. This is for good reason; the archetypical monarch throughout history has been such a character, and there is no shortage of world leaders today who follow that tradition sans the crown and title.

Ancient Israel contributed many members to this dubious club, yet the vast majority of “bad” monarchs belonged specifically to societies that rejected the rule of the Torah. This includes the Davidic kings who embraced idol worship, the kings who broke away from the Davidic dynasty, and the kings during the second Bais Hamikdash. All of the non-Davidic kings except for Shaul and Yerovam derived their power strictly from force and rejected the Torah. This is not a coincidence – the two go hand in hand.

The Torah’s description of a king’s powers is unique among all man-made systems. Man-made systems invariably describe a leadership position by outlining the powers of the one who occupies it. The Torah, on the other hand, describes a king specifically by restricting his powers! He must not have too many wives, lest they sway his heart. He must not have too many horses, just enough for the needs of his army. He must not even have too much silver and gold, just enough to cover his expenses and bring appropriate respect to the kingdom. He must carry a Torah with him at all times to remind him that he is merely an ambassador of the King of Kings. He must learn from the Torah all his days so that he will fear God and not exalt himself over his fellow Jews. The Torah utters not a single word about the glory and power a king – only limits him and humbles him.

Indeed, the “good” Davidic kings, beginning with David himself, were extremely humble and responsive to the common people, despite wielding enormous power. We find throughout the books of Navi that they derived their power from the consent of the people, and were ever-mindful of that. The same David who inflicted unparalleled terror on Israel’s enemies responded meekly when Jews rebelled against him. This is the prototypical Jewish king.

Compare and contrast to our modern, “enlightened” leaders, who tend to take a reverse approach.

At the same time the Torah humbles the Jewish king, it commands the people to accept his authority. The king is not a mere figurehead, but a powerful ruler who represents the entire nation, and one who rebels against the king even slightly can be put to death.

Yet just as the king must balance his broad power with humility and prudence, the Torah balances the people’s subservience with the right to disobey a command that violates the Torah. In fact, they are obligated to do so. For example, Avner, the powerful general of Shaul, refused an order to murder the people of Nov. Avner is praised for this and suffered no repercussions for disobeying this order. On the contrary, the Gemara says he was later killed by divine punishment for failing to dissuade Shaul from pursuing David. The message is very clear: obeying a corrupt order from a king is ultimately far more hazardous than disobeying the king.

The Torah strikes the perfect balance for us, and if things are less than perfect, it is only because we have failed to adhere to this balance.


We find something similar with rabbinic leadership, which also gets a bad rap by secularists who consider themselves too sophisticated for religion. The Torah grants enormous power to the religious courts as well. Obeying their rulings is one of the 613 commandments. The Jewish courts have the power to levy fines, appropriate property, and even administer corporal punishment beyond the letter of the law if they deem it necessary to repair moral breaches in society.

Yet here too we find that they derive their powers entirely from the people. Judges and officers are appointed by the people, and once again the Torah goes to great lengths to warn judges against any form of corruption or negligence.

The Talmudic sages viewed themselves as divinely mandated to serve the people by virtue of their knowledge, against their personal best interests. Their calling was a wearying burden, and they lived in terror of the repercussions for ruling incorrectly (Sanhedrin 7A and many other places). A judge who ruled incorrectly would in many cases have to make restitution out of his own pocket! Again, compare and contrast to any religious or secular court in the world today.

Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yishmael were on their way to be martyred by the Roman government. Rabbi Shimon said to his teacher that he could not fathom the divine cause of his execution. Rabbi Yishmael asked him if he had ever kept litigants waiting momentarily for him to finish his drink, put on his shoes, or wrap himself in his tallis before adjudicating them. Rabbi Shimon was consoled by these words, accepting his death as a heavenly punishment for inconveniencing ordinary people who came before him to be judged! (Mechilta, Mishpatim Chapter 18)

As if that’s not enough, the Jewish courts were literally powerless to impose laws on society without the people’s cooperation. When they passed a gezeira, they would keep the reason behind it a secret for a full year even from their students. Furthermore, the courts were prohibited from passing a law that society could not tolerate. If the public voted with their feet not to accept the law, it was repealed, not forcibly imposed. (See Avoda Zara 29B, 35A, 36A)

We find here a truly divine balance between respect for authority and the power of the people. The court could not pass a single law without the trust of the people. This trust was earned by their track record of faithfully serving the people, to the extent that they would follow a new edict even if it was difficult and the reason for it incomprehensible. If the people accepted the law, nothing less than unswerving obedience was required. On the other hand, if the people felt the law was too constraining, they would simply disregard it, and the power of the courts would automatically be checked.

The rabbis know best, but the people know best, too. They serve each other, and the power flows between them to create a healthy, stable society.


Today in many parts of the world there is great tension between the rulers and the common people. Do the leaders have wisdom and integrity? Are they going too far with their authority? Can the people be trusted to behave responsibly? Do they have the right to disobey? Should the orders of governors and judges be obeyed even if they are misguided and immoral, simply to preserve the rule of law? These are questions millions of people are grappling with as their society teeters on the edge of both authoritarianism and anarchy.

The Torah provides a system that is far superior to anything Man has ever created, a perfect distribution of power between political leaders, religious leaders, and regular citizens. One doesn’t have to be religious to appreciate this system.

It’s high time we seriously discussed it.


HINT: The Answer Is ‘Yes’…

Were COVID-19 and COVID-20 Created in a US Lab?

It was amusing to watch the emergence of this debate on the US-China stage. The Chinese were understandably unwilling to be blamed for the emergence of a virus in which they had no part, and thus reacted strongly to accusations the virus originated in a Wuhan lab. The Americans proved to be even more terrified at the possibility of scientific proof that the virus escaped from one of their bio-labs, and resorted to the only weapon they had which was to turn up the volume on blaming China. There were two main reasons for this state of affairs:[1] The US was the only country known to contain all the varieties that were being spread worldwide.[2] The US is the only nation in the world known to have repeatedly used biological weapons on other countries, beginning with North Korea and never ceasing. Of even more damning consequence is the known locations of about 400 American bio-weapons labs spread throughout the world, to say nothing of the pathetically-lax institution at Fort Detrick.[1][2][3]

Moreover, Trump recently claimed he could kill the entire population of Afghanistan within days. “Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the Earth. It would be gone and this is not using nuclear. It would be over in – literally, in 10 days.” Biological weapons would seem the only alternative. Hemorrhagic Fever and Hantavirus worked for the US in North Korea; perhaps also Afghanistan.[4][5][6] Mr. Trump later denied intention to carry out his threat, but let’s dispense with the fiction of the US having no biological weapons and that Fort Detrick and the 400 foreign labs are performing only benevolent “peace medicine” functions. If it were China with the above history and SARS, MERS, AIDS, EBOLA, bird flu, swine flu, and COVID-19 first erupted in the US, the Americans would claim this as 100% proof that China was responsible. It cannot be a surprise that much of the world today is naturally tending to lay these outbreaks at America’s doorstep.

But returning to our topic of man-made COVID-19 or COVID-20, it seems everyone has been a little too eager to dismiss the possibility (or probability) of these viruses having a (human) helping hand.

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho of the Institute for Science in Society cites a Journal of Virology report (Feb 2000)[7] that described a method for inducing desired mutations into coronavirus to create new viruses. “Manipulating viral genomes is now routine, and it is easy to create new viruses that jump host species in the laboratory in the course of apparently legitimate experiments in genetic engineering. It is not even necessary to intentionally create lethal viruses, if one so wishes. It is actually much faster and much more effective to let random recombination and mutation take place in the test tube. Using a technique called ‘molecular breeding’, millions of recombinants can be generated in a matter of minutes. These can be screened for improved function in the case of enzymes, or increased virulence, in the case of viruses and bacteria. In other words, geneticists can now greatly speed up evolution in the laboratory to create viruses and bacteria that never existed in all the billions of years of evolution on earth.”[8] It wasn’t widely publicised, but Dr. Ho called for a full investigation into the possible genetic engineering and dissemination of the SARS virus.[9]

Then another article in which the author explained that scientists eager to dispel the notion of an artificial origin, do so by pointing out that these new coronaviruses didn’t reflect their computer simulations, the author stating, “To put it simply, the authors are saying that SARS-CoV-2 was not deliberately engineered because if it were, it would have been designed differently.” However, the London-based molecular geneticist Dr Michael Antoniou commented that this line of reasoning fails to take into account that there are a number of laboratory-based systems that can select for high affinity RBD variants that are able to take into account the complex environment of a living organism. “So the fact that COVID-19 didn’t have the same RBD amino acid sequence as the one that the computer program predicted in no way rules out the possibility that it was genetically engineered.”[10]

The article further states that “[The] authors of the Nature Medicine article seem to assume that the only way to genetically engineer a virus is to take an already known virus and then engineer it to have the new properties you want. On this premise, they looked for evidence of an already known virus that could have been used in the engineering of SARS-CoV-2. Since they failed to find that evidence, they stated, “Genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone.” But Dr Antoniou told us that while the authors did indeed show that SARS-CoV-2 was unlikely to have been built by deliberate genetic engineering from a previously used virus backbone, that’s not the only way of constructing a virus. A well-known alternative process that could have been used has the cumbersome name of “directed iterative evolutionary selection process”. In this case, it would involve using genetic engineering to generate a large number of randomly mutated versions of the SARS-CoV spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD), which would then be selected for strong binding to the ACE2 receptor and consequently high infectivity of human cells.

“This selection can be done either with purified proteins or, better still, with a mixture of whole coronavirus (CoV) preparations and human cells in tissue culture. This preparation of phage, displaying on its surface a “library” of CoV spike protein variants, is then added to human cells under laboratory culture conditions in order to select for those that bind to the ACE2 receptor. This process is repeated under more and more stringent binding conditions until CoV spike protein variants with a high binding affinity are isolated. Once any of the above selection procedures for high affinity interaction of SARS-CoV spike protein with ACE2 has been completed, then whole infectious CoV with these properties can be manufactured. Such a directed iterative evolutionary selection process is a frequently used method in laboratory research.”

There is, incidentally, another possible way that COVID-19 could have been developed in a laboratory, but in this case without using genetic engineering. This was pointed out by Nikolai Petrovsky, a researcher at the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in South Australia. Petrovsky says that coronaviruses can be cultured in lab dishes with cells that have the human ACE2 receptor. Over time, the virus will gain adaptations that let it efficiently bind to those receptors. Along the way, that virus would pick up random genetic mutations that pop up but don’t do anything noticeable. “The result of these experiments is a virus that is highly virulent in humans but is sufficiently different that it no longer resembles the original bat virus. Because the mutations are acquired randomly by selection, there is no signature of a human gene jockey, but this is clearly a virus still created by human intervention.”


[1] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/virus-biological-us-army-weapons-fort-detrick-leak-ebola-anthrax-smallpox-ricin-a9042641.html

[2] https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/02/gary-d-barnett/the-u-s-is-the-world-leader-of-bio-weapons-research-production-and-use-against-mankind/

[3] https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-military-bio-labs-in-ukraine-production-of-bio-weapons-and-disease-causing-agents/5605307

[4] https://www.globalresearch.ca/did-trump-tacitly-threaten-use-biological-weapons/5687936

[5] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-24/why-did-donald-trump-say-he-could-kill-10-million-afghans/11342794

[6] https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/08/21/604070/US-President-Donald-Trump-Afghanistan-war-win-without-nuclear-weapons

[7] http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/10627550

[8] https://www.i-sis.org.uk/SAGE.php

[9] m.w.ho@i-sis.org.uk

[10] https://gmwatch.org/en/news/latest-news/19383-where-did-the-covid-19-virus-come-from

Reprinted with permission from The Unz Review.

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Mr. Mayor, Respectfully: How DID You Kill All Those Old Folks in Nursing Homes?

A Killer Encourages Us To Ask How He Did It

Governors are a repulsive breed, for sure, but New York’s Andrew Cuomo may out-repulsive them all. Corruption and arrogance ooze from every pore under his menacing aura.

Some of that was on display at “his daily press briefing” when he opined, “I hope people learn from what we have accomplished here in New York … I hope people around the country look at New York and say, ‘how did they do that? How did they go from the worst situation in terms of transmission to the best? How did they do that?’”

No doubt this megalomaniac wants people asking because he’s sure all credit will redound to him. And I admit it should: Andy’s word has been law, including decisions on who lives and who dies, since March, when the legislature handed him even more immense power than he already wielded.

So I, too, urge Americans to ask how he did it. Perhaps then the thousands of folks in nursing homes who died because of his diktats will at last find some justice.

But I’m not holding my breath. And I bet Felix Bronstein, who sent me the link, isn’t either.

2:56 pm on June 17, 2020

From LRC, here.

New York Jew Wakes Up, Finally Decides to Move to… Wait, What, FLORIDA?!

Op-Ed: New York to Observant Jews, Drop Dead and Pay Taxes

By Yosef Chaim Brook

The observant Jewish community is no longer welcome in New York. Our way of life is being trampled on, our needs are dismissed with ease, our vote is irrelevant and cannot change a thing.

We are being mocked, humiliated, and relegated to third-class status with shockingly cocky dismissiveness by politicians who are often invited to our Synagogues and claim to be sworn friends of the Jewish people.

I’m only 40, born, and bred in Brooklyn and I can still remember feeling like New York was for all practical purposes a Jewish city.

After all our community makes up a substantial portion of the city’s population. We are politically connected, with friends in high places who can get whatever is needed “done”.

We are responsible for so much of New York’s economy, and make up an important part of its tax base. We believed we had the respect and consideration of city and State government, since they understand and appreciate our contribution to their city and state.

That’s what most of us thought.

Then came Corona and everything about New York we believed to be true, turned out to be false.

We learned that not only do we not have a special status in New York but in fact we don’t even have equal status to other residents. As a matter of fact, we have no status, unless you consider taxation without representation a status.

You see in the name of public health New York officials told us that:

Our Synagogues must be completely shuttered until such time that the “Public Health Experts” decide they can reopen, which could be at any time or at no time. This was strictly enforced by NYPD who were very scrupulous at kicking people out of Synagogues if GOD forbid they found one in operation.

We were not allowed to pay final respects to our beloved parents and grandparents who passed away. We were told we couldn’t hold any funerals. If you dared try and hold a funeral even if it was outside, even with the most extreme social distancing you had police cars follow you around shouting at you to disperse.

We were told we cannot visit our parents or grandparents in the hospital. We now know that this meant leaving many of them to die at the hands of careless or overwhelmed nursing staff.

We were told our small and medium-sized businesses needed to remain shuttered until the time that the “Public Health Experts” decide they can reopen, which could be at any time or at no time; While big box stores were allowed to remain open. As of this writing THEY ARE STILL CLOSED. If any of us dared to roll up the gate of their store more than a few inches they are handed a fine to the tune of thousands of dollars to make up for all the lost revenue the city has endured due to lack of parking tickets.

As law abiding Tax paying responsible citizens of this city and state, we sat through all of this quietly. In our hearts, we knew it was wrong, at least some of it. We knew it was a gross overreaction. We knew these draconian limitations on life were extended well beyond what was necessary and supported by science. But we also understood that our city and state are run by Progressive Democrats and that comes with a price, so we sucked it up and remained quiet.

But then came the George Floyd protests.

All of a sudden:

Public Health was out the window.

Social Distancing, nonexistent.

Only small crowds under ten people, non-applicable.

Stores must remain closed, unless your looting, in which case stores are wide open.

To add insult to injury the very same Public Health Officials who made up all those rules, and the city and state officials who made sure they were strictly enforced against our communities and businesses, had an overnight change of heart and seemingly a change in the science, facts and data.

What was unacceptable for the Jews ie communal prayer and funerals for starters, was perfectly fine and encouraged for George Floyd protests.

One NYC Public health official even went as far as saying that should there be an increase in Covid infections after the protests it can only be blamed on racism and not on the lack of social distancing exhibited by protesters.

I must have missed it when the same official said that should there be a COVID outbreak as a result of large crowds at a Hasidic funeral it can only be blamed on antisemitism.

You see when it came to the Jews the Mayor had harsh words: “My message to the Jewish community and all communities ( I wonder who he meant by “all communities” because we never merited to see enforcement of this kind against ALL communities, but I digress) is this simple, the time for warnings has passed”. Ooh what a tough guy this mayor is, against Hassidic Jews at a funeral, again, I must have just missed it when he stated the time for warnings has passed to the looters.

Then just to twist the dagger a little more, we all saw the images of nurses dressed up in their PPE’s walking out of a Manhattan hospital entrance to clap for the protesters and support them.

When an Orthodox journalist confronted the Mayor on his hypocrisy and double standard when examining his treatment of the Jewish community, its sensibilities and needs, vs the George Floyd protesters, he didn’t even flinch. He went on a rant explaining to the reporter that 400 years of slavery simply overrule any and all other considerations, Science, Public Health, facts, data, equality under the law, first amendment rights aside. But if those Jews put a Minyan or funeral together, all will break loose, The time for warnings has passed.

As a side note last week, long after the George Floyd protests were in full swing, those rebellious Jews in Williamsburg had more than ten children at once at a public playground. They forgot their George Floyd protest signs at home, so guess what happened, I won’t keep you in suspense, yep NYPD cleared them out.

As looters were looting and destroying store after store in New York City with no one there to stop them, it became clear why there were no cops available for that task.

You see, they were too busy handing out fines to Jewish store owners in Brooklyn who were guilty of the crime of trying to conduct business to feed their families and serve their customers. Who wants to fight off looters and protesters when you can hand out fines to docile Jewish Business owners.

Then came the latest decree from Emperor Cuomo, Thou shalt not have any sleep-away camps this year. Why not? because I said so.
“But you allowed George Floyd protests with tens of thousands of people to d what they pleased” Sorry, the answer is no because we just don’t know. Maybe burn a few buildings and we’ll talk then.

So now after three and a half miserable months, locked in our homes in the most miserable city on earth, our kids’ summer plans for the next two months get trashed as well.

So how does it feel to be a proud New Yorker today?

How good does will feel to don those dumb baseball caps that say I love NY when we go on vacation next time?

This city and state are the heart of Jewish life in America right?

You know the city Jesse Jackson “lovingly” called Haimytown.

We are supposedly smart people so let’s pause and think for a moment.

What exactly do we get out of living here?

We have to fund our own Ambulances and first responders because city ambulances arrive long after the pronunciation of death.

We have to fund our own community security organizations because NYPD is simply not enough to keep our communities safe.

We have to self-fund all of our schools because religious Jews have no right to expect that their children’s education is paid for like any other resident in the city.

If we live in certain neighborhoods we have a big fat target on our backs and need to be ready for a random physical attack at any moment of the day or night.

We drive on pothole riddled streets at 1 mile an hour and getting slower with each passing year.

For all these and many more delightful amenities we are also privileged with paying some of the highest taxes in the country.

For people that are supposedly smart this all seems very very dumb.

Oh I forgot there is one thing we do get and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it. We get an extra Garbage pickup in our neighborhoods on Erev Pesach so I don’t want to come off as being ungrateful for not mentioning something so important. Come on, that’s got to be worth a few billion dollars in taxes, no?

This city is a dump. They call it “The Big Apple”, The City That Never Sleeps. It ought to be called the big pothole or the city whose rats never sleep.

Why do we still live here? why are we proud New Yorkers we shouldn’t live here and we have nothing to be proud of.

We’ve all heard the word defund thrown around lately which got me thinking.

#DefundNY has a good ring to it.

Let’s pack ourselves and our businesses up and Jexit NY as soon as possible. We can move any place in America where entrepreneurs are appreciated and religious freedom is celebrated.

I don’t know maybe some exotic place like Florida or Texas. Let’s domicile our businesses and residences in those states and bring all our tax revenues along.

Can we please stop being the losers of New York? For some reason our vote at the ballot box will always gets diluted by other communities so we ave zero impact when voting at the city and state level. But the one that can be impact-full is voting with our feet. Let’s get out of here and pay taxes elsewhere. Let’s help match New York’s Budgetary deficit to New York’s Streets, holes everywhere.

Even if we won’t receive any appreciation or notice in our new adopted states at least we won’t be trampled on as we currently are in the big rotten apple.

As you slam the door behind you on the way out I have just one favor to ask. Can we all please register our kids to public school for the upcoming school year. Wouldn’t it be cool to watch the city and State of NY figure out where to educate 100 thousand children overnight?

Maybe NY can raise some funds for this new unexpected expense from George Floyd protesters since they are the only ones allowed to conduct business in this city these days.

I’m feeling a slogan that goes something like “no schooling no peace” as we board jet blue to FLL or MCO. thoughts?

From Matzav, here.