How the State Killed People via Lockdown

Three Ways Lockdowns Are Costing Human Lives


The conversation about the lockdowns when the COVID-19 crisis started was centered on saving lives at the cost of the economy. This makes sense, since many of those making decisions were epidemiologists and we cannot expect them to fully understand the lockdowns’ impact on the economy and human lives. The problem is that even many economists argued the same thing and completely ignored the harm that the lockdowns would create.

These economists have fallen prey to what Frédéric Bastiat called the “unseen” consequences of a policy. Frédéric Bastiat argued that an “act, a habit, an institution, a law, gives birth not only to an effect but to a series of effects. Of these effects, the first only is immediate; it manifests itself simultaneously with its cause—it is seen. The others unfold in succession—they are not seen: it is well for us, if they are foreseen.” Applied to lockdowns this means that it is easier to see the deaths caused by COVID-19 than to see the deaths caused by lockdowns. In what follows, I provide three arguments on how the economic lockdowns are costing us human lives and will continue to do so long after they end.

Deaths of Despair

A recent study finds that we could have up to seventy-five thousand more deaths of despair over the next ten years. Deaths of despair refer to suicides and deaths from abuse of alcohol and drugs. The study argues that these deaths will primarily be caused by increased unemployment, fear, and isolation. Unemployment is the main factor and the analysis is based on the projected unemployment rate between 2020 and 2029. The authors estimate that in the best case scenario (lowest unemployment) we will have about twenty-eight thousand more people die deaths of despair and in the worst-case scenario (highest unemployment) we could see up to one hundred fifty-four thousand more people die. A recent study showing that unemployment will remain high for a prolonged period of time means that we can expect the number to be higher than seventy-five thousand.

This is not the only study that argues that unemployment is directly related to deaths of despair. Consider, for instance, a NBER study that found an increase of 3.6 percent in the opioid death rate for each 1 percent increase in unemployment. Based on this, we could see another twenty-nine thousand more deaths because of opioids annually. One may argue that these are only predictions, but sadly the indications we have so far show support for these studies. For instance, a doctor in the Bay Area told a local ABC7 reporter “I mean, we’ve seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.” This is not an isolated case. The Washington Examiner has reported recently that “More people died of suicide in a single Tennessee county last week than of the coronavirus across the entire state, according to one local official.” Hence, either directly through isolation or indirectly through unemployment, the lockdowns are costing us many human lives.

Deaths Due to Lack of Preventive Care

In a recent interview for Fox News, Dr. Scott Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, argued that “the cure is bigger than the disease at this point.” He argued that in the US every month one hundred and fifty thousand people are diagnosed with cancer, but the numbers are now much lower. Unfortunately, this will lead to higher death rates for this group of people. Add to this the people who are not receiving their chemotherapy as they should and we start to see a clearer picture of how the lockdowns are harming the lives of those with cancer. These are only two examples, but if we consider the many more preventive care visits that are not happening it becomes clear that we will see increased deaths because of a lack of preventive care.

This has become such a big concern for doctors that many of them are speaking out against this and hopefully we will see a policy response soon. As a Forbes article reports, at least six hundred doctors around the country are calling for an end to lockdowns, and their reasoning is in line with that of Dr. Scott. As Dr. Marilyn Singleton argued, “Ending the lockdowns are not about Wall Street or disregard for people’s lives; it about saving lives.”

Deaths Because of Hunger and Malnourishment

When the lockdowns started, many argued that it was worth giving up some economic growth in order to save lives. Unfortunately these people miss the point—that economic growth is what saves millions of lives around the globe every single year. We know that as economic conditions get worse many people around the world will struggle to meet their basic nutritional needs, which will lead to more deaths. In the New York Times,  Abdi Latif Dahir argues 265 million people will experience acute hunger in 2020. That will be nearly double the number of the year before. To put this in perspective, let us consider that poverty had been in decline since 1998. One may ask, Isn’t the economic downturn because of the COVID-19 crisis? As Ryan McMaken has noted, in previous similar pandemics we did not have the economic downturn we are experiencing now, so the answer is no. The downturn is due to the economic lockdowns, not the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is more, this is not a problem that only poor countries will face. Even though poor countries will be hit the hardest, we are seeing the consequences here in the US already. Consider, for instance, that “a survey…found 37% of unemployed Americans ran out of food in the past month and 46% said they worried about running out.” Although deaths directly caused by hunger may not be high in the US, we must keep in mind that malnourishment also harms our health and leads to more deaths in the long run.


The careful and concerned reader may argue that although it may be true that lockdowns cost human lives, COVID-19 does as well, so we had to implement the lockdowns. This is a good point, and it is not the purpose of this article to diminish the danger that COVID-19 poses to certain groups of people or downplay the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost. The point is that we must still consider the tradeoffs carefully, since both COVID-19 and lockdowns cost human lives. So, the answer is not as simple as it is sometimes presented by officials who are so eager to shut everything down.

If we do not correctly take into account the opportunity cost, in terms of lives that can be lost from lockdowns, then we will most likely continue to make bad decisions in the future. We need to look for alternatives, and instead of locking down the whole economy we should protect those who are the most vulnerable. But, even when we consider this solution we should keep in mind that centralized solutions hardly ever work for such complex issues and large countries like the US.


Klajdi Bregu

Dr. Klajdi Bregu is an assistant professor of economics at IU South Bend’s Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics and a fellow at the Center for Market Education. Prior to his appointment to the Leighton School faculty, Dr. Bregu taught at the University of Arkansas. He has published research in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and the Southern Economic Journal.

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Jonathan Rosenblum – Important Article on the Crucial Is-Ought Distinction

From Jewish Media Resources, here.

Placing Pikuach Nefesh In Proper Context

Winning the War to Conquer the Land of Israel Overrides the Commandment of Saving Lives

Former Chief Rabbi of British Mandate Palestine, Rabbi Avraham Kook pointed out (Chazon HaGeula p. 222) that winning a War to Conquer the Land of Israel takes precedence even if it means endangering Jews for the sake of victory.

Since destroying the economy will end up harming Israel’s ability to win wars by robbing Israel of the funding needed to produce or buy new weapons to face potential threats, we have to reject the demands of those that demand Corona Virus lockdowns without any limits. Real Jewish morality demands we put a limit on how far we allow Corona safety precautions to go before we put our foot down and say, No More!

Even for the sake of an Optional War, the Torah recognizes there might be war casualties as part of the price of victory.

Dvarim/Deuteronomy 20:7 ‘Is there any man among you who has betrothed a woman and not married her? Let him go home, so that he not die in war and have another man marry her.’

See also the book of Shoftim/Judges 20:39 as a backup to this concept.

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The Problem With REGULARLY Buying Back the Chametz From the Goy


Rabbi Meir Orlian
Thu May 21 2020

“It’s a boy!” announced the doctor as he delivered the Jacobs’s first child.

Baruch Hashem!” exclaimed Mr. Jacobs. “We get to do a bris and a pidyon haben!”

A week after the bris, Mr. Jacobs began arranging the pidyon haben. He bought five Silver Eagle U.S. dollars for the occasion, and arranged with his close neighbor, Mr. Cohen, to serve as the recipient Kohen.

During the course of the festive meal, Mr. Jacobs introduced Mr. Cohen to his brother-in-law and sister, who was holding a newborn.

“They also just had their first boy,” Mr. Jacobs said. “B’ezras Hashem, they will also be doing a pidyon in another two weeks!”

“How nice! Mazel tov!” exclaimed Mr. Cohen. “Do you live in the neighborhood?” he asked.

“Not at all,” laughed the brother-in-law. “We drove three hours to join in the simchah!”

“Indeed, a pidyon haben is a special simchah not frequently encountered,” commented Mr. Cohen. “It seems to run in your family, though.”

Mr. Cohen was also pleased to meet Rabbi Dayan, who attended the pidyon. They sat together at the head table, along with Mr. Jacobs and the grandparents. *

When the pidyon celebration was finishing, Mr. Cohen approached Mr. Jacobs. “I’d like to return the coins to you,” he said. “You can give them to your brother-in-law to use for his pidyon.”

“Thank you for the offer,” said Mr. Jacobs, “but how can you do that? If you return the money, my son won’t be redeemed anymore!”

Rabbi Dayan overheard the discussion. “What’s the issue?” he asked.

“I offered to return the coins to Mr. Jacobs,” Mr. Cohen said, “but he’s concerned that it would invalidate the redemption.”

“That’s not a problem,” replied Rabbi Dayan, “although it’s questionable whether it’s proper to return them on a regular basis.”

“I don’t understand” Mr. Jacobs wondered. “How is my son redeemed if Mr. Cohen returns the coins?”

“The Mishnah (Bechoros 51a) teaches that the Kohen is allowed to return the coins as a gift to the father,” answered Rabbi Dayan. “Once the Kohen receives them, they are his and the son is redeemed. The pidyon payment is not annulled when it is returned as a gift (C.M. 189:1; 245:10; Y.D. 305:8).

However, the Gemara relates an incident about Rabi Chanina, who would often return the money when the father lingered around, indicating his clear expectation to receive the money back. Rabi Chanina commented that this father did not give with full intention, so that the son would not be redeemed, because from the beginning the pidyon payment was never given sincerely, even for the moment (Taz and Shach, Y.D. 305:6).

Nonetheless, the Gemara (Kiddushin 6b) teaches that something given on condition to return (matanah al menas l’hachzir), is considered as having been given. For the duration of the giving, the intention is to grant full ownership. Thus, if the father explicitly stipulated with the Kohen that he is giving the coins on condition that he return them, the pidyon haben is valid. This is similar to the common practice of giving the lulav and esrog on the first day of Yom Tov as a matanah al menas l’hachzir (C.M. 241:6; Rashba, Responsa 1:198)

Shulchan Aruch writes, though, that the Kohen should not consistently return the money nor accept it with a stipulation to return it, so as not to cause a loss to other Kohanim. This can also lead to a situation that the father does not give with full intention or thinks that he only has to hand the money to the Kohen as a formality (Gra, Y.D. 305:13-14; Aruch Hashulchan 305:27).

“Some Acharonim recommend, nonetheless, that nowadays the Kohen should return the money,” concluded Rabbi Dayan, “since the priestly lineage has become weak, he could be withholding money not rightfully his. However, others refute this opinion” (Pischei Teshuvah, Y.D. 305:12).

Verdict: After the Kohen receives the coins as a sincere pidyon, he can return them as a gift to the father.


*Editor’s note: This was BCE: Before the Corona Epidemic