Corona, Too: Race Denialism Kills People

Lance Welton from V Dare:

The Ruling Class, which stated with such fanatical satisfaction that it was right, was wrong, as is usually the case with ideologues who refuse to listen to contrary opinions. Many of us really felt what it must be like to live in a paranoid dictatorship: massive restrictions on what one could do, the compulsion to wear uncomfortable masks, and self-appointed “Karens” who demanded “social distancing,” even outdoors. Recall that cops tased a mom at an Ohio high school football game for not wearing a mask.

Understandably, the suggestion that we must Amnesty the Ruling Class and its leftist Mainstream Media Information Ministry has invited no small amount of fury [Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnestyby Emily Oster, Atlantic, October 31, 2022].

This applies equally, albeit less noticed, to the Ruling Class reversal on race. While Oster and her crowd were masking up for outdoor (!) excursions, some of us spent our time tracking data and publishing pieces that showed, for instance, that the virus affects races differently, partly for genetic reasons. Months later, a government report vindicated that claim. In other words, we were right all along, and the race deniers were wrong. COVID affects the races differently.

When the pandemic began, the U.N. confidently stated that “COVID-19 does not discriminate; nor should our response.” That self-righteous piece of virtue-signaling didn’t age well [COVID-19 does not discriminate; nor should our responseOfficer for the High Commission for Human Rights, March 20, 2020]. This was flatly wrong.

In contrast, I began to attach a mantra to my coverage of COVID and race:

If COVID-19 is not an Equal Opportunity disease, that means our race-denying Ruling Class is frightening most people too much—and not warning some people enough. This will not merely cause unnecessary chaos—it will cost lives. 

This is exactly what happened.

Continue reading…

Consider Casting a Vote for the Counter-Corona Craze Party?

It’s called “Ometz“.

Here is their site.

Needless to say, I take no sides on voting in general or in particular.

Even if you assume they won’t get in and wish to make your voice heard, be aware there is still a certain risk.

As they themselves concede:

Note that even if a certain party does not pass the blocking percentage, the votes it received are not “thrown away” – as it is enough to receive 1% of the votes to win funding for the party’s current activities.

In the last election, this amount was 44,101 votes.

A Conspiracy Thought: Maybe Corona Was All About Cutting the Number of Beneficiaries?

Mass Murder Has Always Been Politically Acceptable

War is the Health of the State” wrote Randolph Bourne in 1918.  Ever wonder what it means?

Gary North wrote extensively about what he called the Great Default, a time when government could no longer kick the can on financing its wealth-depleting welfare/warfare state.  He cites a 1999 book by former CFR president Peter G. Peterson, Gray Dawn: How the coming age will transform America—and the world, in which Peterson writes:

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and federal civilian and military pensions — will exceed total federal revenues by the year 2030. This would leave zero tax revenue for any other purpose — not even for interest payments not for national defense nor for education nor for child health, nor for the federal payroll. Not a penny available for anything else.

Politicians have long ignored unavoidable doom because cutting benefits or raising taxes are politically toxic.  Yet the problems won’t go away.  What’s a scheming politician to do?

Cut the number of beneficiaries

In 2019 they came up with a plan, Event 201.  To this day most people either don’t know about it or consider it another conspiracy theory.  What if a bug, a virus, wiped out a significant number of old people?  Wouldn’t that ease the stress on the welfare state, at least delay its collapse?

Further, what if this bug really wasn’t terribly lethal — let’s not kill the “wrong” people, for God’s sake — but could be promoted as on a par with the Spanish Flu?  Surely that would scare the devil out of those who trust government pronouncements.  And to make it more lethal, what if the health care systems could be incentivized to deliver “solutions” that killed on their own?  (See here, too.). Let the treatments do the killing.

And what if authorities went further by banning or discouraging early treatments that might have precluded the need for a warp speed, poorly-tested vaccine?   Such early treatments to include not just hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, but supplements such as vitamins D, C, melatonin, and zinc?  (See here for D.) Further yet, what if major social media companies could be “persuaded” to censor distinguished medical researchers who tried to expose the fraud for what it was?

And what if the politicians got into the act by imposing restrictions on behavior as a means of fighting this terrible virus?  What if the restrictions included not only lockdowns, masks, and social distancing, but the closing of “non-essential” businesses, the determination of which would be left to their corrupt judgment and which would include gyms and churches?

What if, as the deaths and injuries piled up, public health reps and the media ignored or downplayed the incriminating statistics in public databases such as VAERS?

And what if, as the vaccines were rolled out prematurely, those who refused the vaccine were demonized as threats to the established order?  What if only the vaccinated were allowed the freedom to board airplanes or cross borders, or hold government jobs?  What if unvaccinated people, including health care workers who were on the front lines fighting the virus before vaccines were available, were condemned as “anti-vaxers” and fired from their jobs?

What if the vaccinated started to die suddenly, and the deaths from all causes far exceeded previous years?  Would people continue to believe the vaccines were “safe and effective”?  Would they continue to leave those beliefs unexamined and await further orders from the bureaucrats?

Yes, because major institutions they trust and dare not contradict, such as government schools, the FDA, CDC, AMA, even the NFL, et al would still be demanding obedience to the narrative.  Exercise due diligence?  What’s that?

All this and more is unthinkable among people who still regard reason as their means of survival.  But even irrationality sometimes has a decipherable logic, which in the case of the virus is: For each person who dies it is one less body off government’s back.  If enough die government might be fiscally solvent, assuming the survivors continue to pay taxes.  Biden’s new IRS army will help ensure they do.

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

The Case of Yonoson Rosenblum and Corona

It’s curious.

When Charedi establishment liars lie the rubes into following the Goyish establishment, they directly invoke, not the putative “experts“, but the supposedly-independent “Da’as Torah” and “Gedolim” aping the Goyish establishment.

And yet, when their wise counsel explodes in their faces, as usual, the obligatory retraction takes the form of attacking in hindsight only the Goyish establishment experts (the ones followed blindly by “Da’as Torah” and the “Gedolim”, too!), no mention of “Da’as Torah” and “Gedolim” who gave assent and support until the bitter end.

Corona is just one example.

Curious, no?

(Thanks to Chananya Weissman for the reference.)