How Many Have YOU Read? Our 12 Most Popular Posts Recently

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‘Hyehudi Es Kol Tofef’ – Some Recently Popular Posts

  1. Against Fake-Rabbi Shlomo Aviner
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  3.  Who Can Be a Chassidic Rebbe According to the Chazon Ish?
  4. Hyehudi Home Page
  5. Beis Din’s Ruling Against Meir Pogrow
  6. Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum’s World Is Unimaginable
  7. Did You Know Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s ‘Living Torah’ Is Online?
  8.  Jewish Clericalism Meets Reality…
  9.  החלת ההלכה על מציאות שאין בה מסורת – מקרה התכלת
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So, What’s Been Popular Lately?

These beauties:

Rabbi Bar Chaim Explains the Difference Between Shok and Yerech

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The True Techeiles

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Women Praying with Tefillin, Tallis and Kippah at the Western Wall?!

Jordan Peterson on Dostoevsky’s Doctrine

כן, זה אנטי-ציונות, אבל זה גם נגד המדינה

מקצת על שלמה אבינר וחטא שתיקת הרבנים

This Is the ‘Light’ of Mussar You’re Sad About Missing…

Rabbi Yichya Kapach – A Short Introduction

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