‘Shelo Asani Isha’ – Yes, Women Are Inferior to Men!

Dear Reader: If you want to pretend Judaism is feminist, go away; it is not. And if you think you can use this truth to attack Judaism, you hardly need my help. If you want the truth for its own sake, however, read on.

Shelo Asani Isha“: Dishonest apologists would have you believe this blessing says nothing “against” womankind at all, at least according to some commentators. Actually, it does, and cheap Mussarite/Aggadic books do not count as dissent in any way.


Wait. If you are right and manage to prove your point, what of the damage you might do (on the margin, anyway)? Why create or exacerbate feelings of inferiority?


Everyone, all humans, should be feeling inferiority, not self-esteem. But we are inferior in different ways (this is called the division of labor). Judaism is theocentric, and therefore biased against all human beings.

As Jews say on Rosh Hashana:

אדם יסודו מעפר וסופו לעפר. בנפשו יביא לחמו. משול כחרס הנשבר. כחציר יבש וכציץ נובל. כצל עובר וכענן כלה וכרוח נושבת וכאבק פורח וכחלום יעוף. ואתה הוא מלך אל חי וקים.

The ArtScroll Machzor translates:

A man’s origin is from dust, and his destiny is back to dust, at risk of his life he earns his bread; he is likened to a broken shard, withering grass, a fading flower, a passing shade, a dissipating cloud, a blowing wind, flying dust, and a fleeting dream. But you are the King, the living and enduring God.

The key to this matter is my explanation of the flaw in [genuine] racism:

There are differences, negative and positive between people. But the response should not be: Therefore I’m better. Rather, we’re all lacking.

We have said the same thing in the past to those who stress the faults of communities not their own and I would say the same to those who stress the faults of womankind.

“The Unlimited” has limited us all in different ways. We are meant to stand together for the right goals, compensating for our weaknesses.

The Rambam introduces the Bracha’s text in Hilchos Tefillah 7:6:

ומברך אדם בכל יום ברוך אתה יי’ אלהינו מלך העולם שלא עשני גוי ברוך אתה יי’ אלהינו מלך העולם שלא עשני אשה ברוך אתה יי’ אלהינו מלך העולם שלא עשני עבד.

The simple, straightforward meaning of “For not having made me a woman” (Shelo asani isha) – especially as versus the customary feminine “For having made me according to His will” (She’asani keretzono) – is obvious. We are thanking Hashem for being obligated in more commandments, while women meekly “justify Hashem’s harsh judgment” (Tur here: ואפשר שנוהגים כן שהוא כמי שמצדיק עליו הדין על הרעה).

The same holds for manifold similarly “offensive” texts. Any radically different interpretation of Scripture and Chazal is an unintentional (?) anachronism. Try to imagine the “Ba’alei Hashemu’ah” standing before you, and then tell me – with a straight face – they meant “women are more spiritual”, or some such modern, egalitarian idea. Even Maharal and the like, coming about fifteen centuries later, would agree their “expositions” here and elsewhere are but homiletic.

Yes, we are all equal as regards our capacity to come close to the Divine, relatively speaking, as says the known Rambam in Teshuvah 5:2 כל אדם ראוי לו להיות צדיק כמשה רבינו או רשע כירבעם, and therefore in our general obligation to do so, but not in our station while doing so. There are kings, priests, poor and rich, etc. Some are born non-Jewish (and must convert). Some mitzvos were only given once, to one generation or to one person. Tough!

Moreover, women are often the legal “Other” (עם בפני עצמן הן) in the androcentric Jewish code of law — as seen even in the casual, standard language of the above Rambam: מברך אדם בכל יום, cf. Magen Avraham 46:9.

“Inspirational” speakers say women are “different but equal”, who have less mitzvos because they have less to “rectify”, which is like saying low-level workers earn less, not because they are less valuable, but because their jobs just so happen to be less responsible, and the company needs all kinds of jobs performed, blah blah… Surprise: Life is not “fair”.

Oh, but women are physically weaker, more empathetic, [shallowly] altruistic, catty (eh, scratch out the last one), so they are born more Godly! That’s what’s “Kertzono” means. They have way more potential than men! Didn’t Shlomo Hamelech say: _אדם אחד מאלף מצ… (eh, never mind that last one)?

Hello, your list of “godliness” attributes is Cursedian! Quit the empty slogans. Are we really going to analyze a word from a made-up bracha which isn’t מטבע שטבעו חכמים (like הנותן ליעף כח), see Pri Chadash (O. C. 46)? And the “potential” for what, exactly?

We might as well pretend the proposed “Shelo asani bur” blessing (who has not made me an ignoramus) in gemara Menachos 43b is, likewise, in no sense opposed to ignorance…

Bottom line: We should each look down on our inherently worthless human selves, and thank Hashem for granting us the undeserved gift of his many mitzvos.

All genders get to sing: “Shelo asani Goy (or ‘Goya’!)”, as we recall the inscription in Hashem’s tefillin (so to speak), and as Hashem listens closely to our words, and grins (so to speak).

P.S. For more references on this, see Marc Shapiro here.

What to Do About Bad People in Government?

Easy. Get rid of the jobs.

  1. There are psychopaths in the Knesset!
  2. There are crazies in the Knesset!
  3. There are leftists\rightists in the Knesset!
  4. There are too many women in the Knesset!
  5. There are too many men in the Knesset!
  6. There are open communists in the Knesset!
  7. There are secret communists in the Knesset!
  8. There may soon be Cursedians in the Knesset!
  9. Terrorists in the Knesset?
  10. The Knesset has people who should be in jail!
  11. There are feminists in the Knesset!
  12. There are Others in the Knesset!
  13. There are authoritarians in the Knesset (all of them)!

The government will always have bad people. The solution is, cut the budgets to -0, eliminate all the positions, and throw all present and potential rascals out for good, by destroying their natural habitat.

Get rid of the jobs. Don’t bring them back.

We Haven’t Done This Lately

Here’s what’s popular on Hyehudi.org recently:

Have you read them all?

A Belated Footnote

Demolishing a Jewish-feminism icon, we wrote this:

Eruvin 53b – 54a:

רבי יוסי הגלילי הוה קא אזיל באורחא אשכחה לברוריה אמר לה באיזו דרך נלך ללוד אמרה ליה גלילי שוטה לא כך אמרו חכמים אל תרבה שיחה עם האשה היה לך לומר באיזה ללוד

Plenty of Poskim (let alone Mussarites) quote this Gemara, thinking it proves we should be loony lunatics when speaking to women. But the lesson here is not regarding “Sicha Im Ha’isha”, but against Bruriah. Who dares call Rabbi Yosei “Glilli shoteh”?!

See the rest.

Here’s one example of a Ba’al Mussar who took the Gemara about speaking with women literally: Rabbi Yerucham Lebovitz in “Daas Chochma Umassar” volume 4, p. 173.

Exclusive: Hyehudi’s Interview with Hillary Clinton! (Answers Missing) – Part Two

(Part One of the interview is over here.)

We already know pols abjure logic when it doesn’t suit them (all the time, that is!), and, honestly, I can think up a few ways, myself, but please tell us exactly how you would weasel out of the following deduction:

  1. You complained the media didn’t treat you fairly versus Donald Trump.
  2. Your campaign fed the media their exact interview questions.
  3. Ergo, you didn’t treat your own self fairly.
  4. Er…, Q.E.D.

Since you are clearly smarter than Trump: What’s wrong with the above?

Answer #7: ________________________________________

There is some extremely weak, circumstantial evidence you are a witch. Larry Nichols claims you regularly attended a Witch coven in California in the 1990s. Bob Woodward, in his 1996 book, The Choice, says some similar things. Not confirmed yet, but I like thinking you are liable to death for this reason, too. (No, I wouldn’t bring this up in a real interview!)

Now, the Zohar on Parshas Balak p. 194b says this:

אשכחנא בספרא דאשמודאי דיהב ליה לשלמה מלכא דכל מאן דהוה בעילמעבד חרשין תקיפין סתימין דעינא. אי ידע טנרא דנפל תמן בלעם ישכח מאינון. חויין דהוו מגרמוי דההוא רשע אי יקטיל חד מנייהו רישא דיליה ביה יעביד חרשין עלאין. בגופא דיליה חרשין אחרנין בזנבא דיליה חרשין אחרנין. תלת זיני חרשין אית בכל חד וחד. מלכת שבא כד אתת לגבי שלמה מאינון מלין דשאילת לשלמה. אמרת גרמא דחויא דתלת חרשין במה נתפס מיד לא היה דבר נעלם מן המלך אשר לא הגיד לה איהי שאילת על דא והות אצטריכת לאינון חויין. ולא יכילת לנטלא חד מנייהו. מה אתיב לה מלין דהוו בלבה כך אודע לה דכתיב ויגד לה שלמה את כל דבריה. אינון חויין לא יכיל לון כל בני עלמא בר ממלה דרזא חדא ומאי איהו שכבת זרע רותחת. ואי תימא מאן יכיל. אלא בשעתא דההוא שכבת זרע אפיק בר נש כד איהו בתיאובתא אפיק לה לשמא דההוא חויא ברעותא דתיאובתא. כד נפיק ברתיחו נטלי ליה מיד בלבושא חדא וההוא לבושא זרקין לגבי חויא מיד כפיף רישיה ותפסן ליה כמה דתפיס תרנגולא דביתא ואי בכל מאני קרבין דעלמא יגחון בחד מנייהו לא יכלין ליה. ובהאי לא אצטריך בר נש בעלמא מאני קרבא ולא מלה אחרא ולא אצטריך לאסתמרא מנייהו דהא כלהו אתכפיין לגביה כדין אתדבקו אינון מלין בלבבה ותאיבת להאי. מכאן ולהלאה אלעזר ברי קוב”ה עבד מה דעבד בההוא חייבא ורזין סתימין אלין לא אצטריכו לגלאה אבל בגין דחבריא דהכא ינדעון ארחין סתימין דעלמא גלינא לכו דהא כמה נמוסין סתימין אינון בעלמא ובני נשא לא ידעין ואינון פליאן סתימין רברבן ועלאין. עליה ועל דדמי ליה קראן ושם רשעים ירקב. זכאין אינון זכאי קשוט עלייהו כתיב אך צדיקים יודו לשמך וגו’.

As a feminist woman hearing about a man’s achievements, are you feeling a little jealous?

Answer #8: ________________________________________

You campaigned for Republican Barry Goldwater in your teens, and Ron Paul shrewdly said in an interview, considering your actual positions (if not varying shades of lying rhetoric), you could have just as well run this time as a Republican for president!

Question: If you manage to finally help destroy the Democratic party, would you consider running as a Republican™ in 2020?

Answer #9: ________________________________________

During one of the FBI’s fake federal investigations into your life of crime, it was confirmed you smashed no less than 13 private Blackberries. Thirteen! I assume this was simultaneous, lies to the contrary notwithstanding. Personally, I have some trouble organizing all my notes, footnotes, schedules, post drafts, and so on.

Quick tip: Would you recommend people get multiple synced mobile devices, and is there any particular organizational (or other) significance to the number 13?

Answer #10: ________________________________________

Dear Honored Madam Secretary,

You have been called so many wonderfully descriptive and evocative names, including Killery, Vashti, Illery (in homage to your frequent strokes, כן ירבו), Hitlery, Liary, The Charmless Clinton Half, Crooked Hillary… Well, I can’t list them all!

Here’s a tough one: Which name do you feel describes you best, and why?

Answer #11: ________________________________________

Question: How does President DJ Trump’s presidency make you feel?

Now before you answer, if you could hypnotically feel the sheer words “Preeesideeent DJ Trump” resounding in your mind, and focus on the sharp pains in your lungs and chest as much as possible… Perhaps this won’t only be my own last question, it will be the last question anyone ever asks you, period!

Answer #12: ________________________________________

We know your time is precious; so thank you so-very-much, Hillary-Clinton-speechwriting-team for putting all the memorable words in your client’s mouth!

The end.