A Quote From Rabbi Avi Grossman:

Consider this: If one were to study Maimonidean or Vilnian halacha, he would come to see how each and every ruling fits with the Talmud. However, if one were to study, for example, the Rema’s glosses to the Shulhan Aruch, it would be an exercise in determining and explaining why individual rulings veer from those that seemingly emerge from the Talmud. Therefore, if one were seeking to approach any matter of practical halacha from a critical point of view, that is study halacha as a form of interpretation of the Talmud, he would do best to follow the Vilna Gaon’s methods. The result is usually an intellectually satisfying and honest understanding of the halacha.

From Avraham Ben Yehuda, here.

The Israeli Regime: Building Hospitals Instead of Fixing Broken Bridges…

Think: Foxconn’s suicide safety nets (though not sure that example is actually a good one).

A very partial list of the regime handling only symptoms, and in a short-sighted fashion to boot:

  • Concrete and metal barriers around bus stops in Israel to prevent ramming attacks.
  • So-called paying them off and שקט ייענה בשקט.
  • Playing “Whac-A-Mole” with Iran, the Arabs, and other Jew-haters.
  • Fighting Jewish “extremists”.
  • So-called appeasement.
  • The Iron Dome “defense” system (Feiglin is priceless on this).
  • Need I go on?

Feel free to send in additional examples (unless you’re Moshe Feiglin! His full list of examples would crash the server).

UPDATE: More examples…

re: Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef’s Proclamation Against Saying ‘Shema Yisrael’ in a Mosque

Rabbi Avi Grossman writes:

Aside from the deeply scandalous and heretical claim of the so-called Chief Rabbi that we respect other religions and their places of worship, such that the soldiers who used the Jenin mosque’s PA system for qabbalath ‘ol malchuth shamayim should be disciplined, it is even more so insulting to our intelligence: yes the place was built for “worship”, but in practice it was used as a base for their paramilitary organization, just like the vast majority of their ostensible places of worship.