More Berland Eruptions…

Hebrew Wikipedia summarises the latest:

החל משנת 2024, חוזר ברלנד שוב ושוב על כך שהגאולה קרובה והמשיח עומד להתגלות. כמה מתלמידיו הקרובים מעידים כי שמעו מפיו כי הוא עצמו מלך המשיח והוא עומד להתגלות “בקרוב”. תלמידו הרב שלמה אלמליח, טוען כי ברלנד הורה להפיץ את משיחיותו ברבים: “כאשר העם יפסיקו להילחם נגדי ויקבלו כולם שאני משיח צדקנו, משיח בן דוד, אזי אני אפתח את הפה ואגלה סודות על סודות, וארחיב את כל תורת משיח”.[1] בקהילת “שובו בנים” חצויות הדעות האם מדובר במסר פנימי או במסר שיש לפרסם.[2]

  1.  צוטט על ידי עיתונאי הארץ אהרן רבינוביץ בתאריך 20 בפברואר 2024
  2. ^ ברלנד מנהיג כת שובו בנים שולח מסרים שהוא מלך המשיח וההתגלות תהיה אחרי פורים, באתר רוטר, ‏27 בפברואר 2024

This Elmaliach lunatic actually says their messiah will reveal himself the night of Purim. So, another reason for real Jews to look forward to Purim!

Limuday Moshe – Megillas Esther by Rabbi Moshe Harris (Fresh and Hot Off the Press)

From the author’s email:

Dear reader/ friend.

שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה
After an incredible amount of hard work, boruch Hashem I have been zoche to bring out a Sefer on Megillas Esther, including nearly 200 Divrei Torah, offering peshotim, pirushim and lessons in mussar, on most pasukim in the Megillah. 
If one goes through the Sefer properly, I have no doubt that he will have a deeper appreciation for the Megillah, the Yom Tov of Purim in general. And hopefully a changed life altogether.
It is designed to be suitable for men, women and children of all ages.
Please find the Megillah attached below. Please pass on to everyone and anyone you think will gain from it.
Hard Copies Are Now Available to Be Picked Up From:
Eretz Yisroel: Family Harris, Ido Hanavi, 4, Dira 9 (Third floor), Family Harris, RBS, Gimmel Eched.
And from Thursday and on from Family Sanger, 28 Ohaliov, Knisa 2, Dira 6 (Second Floor), Yerusholayim.
Manchester: 37 Legh Street, Salford.
Gateshead: 265 Coatsworth Road.
Regular pick up locations: Iy’H a few copies will be available in the regular pickup locations (In EY), however, not as many as I normally put out, so make sure not to miss out.
Unfortunately, I am still trying to raise a significant amount of money to help cover the printing costs. To  donate please visit:   Thank You
Wishing you and your family a Freilichen Purim
R’ Moshe Harris

Try Translating Hebrew Slang Literally Into English…

‘Today was On the Face!’

HUH? What in the world does he mean with that title? What is “on the face”?

In honor of Purim, continue reading and see how many Hebrew expressions and words are translated directly into English and how funny they appear in that fashion…enjoy! (Hebrew equivalent words listed under the post…try to do this without peeking first!)


I remember the day well; it really was on the face (1). When I first woke up, I really thought it would be in order (2), but as it turned out it was a waste of time(3).

I arrived at the office and saw what looked like a pretty(4) piece of cake on the table. Then, I put my heart(5) that someone was working on me(6). It was not cake at all! It was just a plastic blob that others wanted me to think was cake. Just then, Dave walked in and looked at my face and said “plaiiiiin!”(7) At first, I was angry on him but after a few minutes, I commented: “Biiiig! (8) You really worked on me! (9) Waste of time!” (10)

After that first, disappointing incident, I decided to flow(11) and see if I could also work on someone. And I knew exactly who I would work on: Yonatan! After all, he truly lives in a movie (12)and will not have any idea what I was up to.

Continue reading…

From Times of Israel, here.

Sure, Rabbi Hershel Schachter Opposes Ascending the Temple Mount. But the ‘WHY’ Matters!

From an interview:

There is a growing movement in Israel of frum Jews ascending Har Habyit after going to the mikveh. What’s your opinion on this movement?

The Rabbanut said you’re not allowed to go on the Har Habayit. Now, the majority of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael are not shomrei mitzvos and are not really interested in what the Rabbanut says. In fact, they want to do away with the Rabbanut because it gives them problems – a kohen can’t marry a grushah, he can’t marry a mamzeres, hcan’t intermarry, etc. In Bnei Brak and Meah Shearim, they also couldn’t care less what the Rabbanut says. So you’re left only with the Modern Orthodox, the Dati Leumi, and now they too are ignoring the Rabbanut by going on the Har Habayit.

So the government will do away with the whole Rabbanut. What do you need it for? In Bnei Brak they don’t hold from them, in Meah Shearim they don’t hold from them, the overwhelming majority are secular, and the Dati Leumi are also not listening.

How do you go on the Har Habayis? We’re going to be responsible for the demise of the Rabbanut. It will be a disaster. As bad as the situation is now, it’s going to be worse if there’s no Rabbanut.

Haven’t you said in the past that one may, in theory, walk on certain parts of Har Habayis?

Yes, but if the Rabbanut said you shouldn’t go, you have to listen to what they say. If they say a kula and you want to be machmirgesunterheit. But to be meikel against them I think is not right.

See it here.

Opening After Pesach: New Kodshim Yeshiva In Yerushalayim

With great excitement and fanfare, I’m happy to announce that my good friend Rabbi Shloimy Klein (no relation) will be opening a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim for American bachurim after Pesach. They will be studying Kodshim under the  tutelage of the famed Rabbi Michoel Kritzler (who authored a commentary to the Ohr Somayach) and other known Talmidei Chachamim.

At this point, to get the Yeshiva off the ground, they are running a fundraising campaign that you can visit here. Because this is a Yeshivish situation, they don’t have a website, but you can find out more about the Yeshiva at the fundraising page or by emailing Rabbi Klein <>.
The Yeshiva already has a core group of bachurim, but Rabbi Klein and other members of the hanholah will be in America after Purim to farher and meet bochurim who want to come, so if you want to hear more about the Yeshiva and their vision, I urge you to get in contact with Rabbi Klein.

Kol Tuv,

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is the author of God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry (Mosaica Press, 2018). His book follows the narrative of Tanakh and focuses on the stories concerning Avodah Zarah using both traditional and academic sources. It also includes an encyclopedia of all the different types of idolatry mentioned in the Bible.

Rabbi Klein studied for over a decade at the premier institutes of the Hareidi world, including Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood and Yeshivas Mir in Jerusalem. He authored many articles both in English and Hebrew, and his first book Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew (Mosaica Press, 2014)  became an instant classic. His weekly articles on synonyms in the Hebrew language are published in the Jewish Press and Ohrnet. Rabbi Klein lives with his family in Beitar Illit, Israel and can be reached via email to: