Corona Vaccine Is ‘Safe and Effective’?

6 Double Standards Public Health Officials Used to Justify Covid Vaccines

From the beginning, the official COVID-19 narrative has been inconsistent, hypocritical and/or contradictory because medical authorities used double standards to create the illusion their narrative was logical and sensible.

We are not only in an epidemiological crisis, we also are in an epistemological crisis. How do we know what we know? What differentiates opinion from a justified belief?

For nearly two years, the public has been inundated by a sophisticated messaging campaign that urges us to “trust the science.”

But how can a non-scientist know what the science is really saying?

Legacy media sources offer us an easy solution: “Trust us.”

Legions of so-called “independent” fact-checking sites that serve to eliminate any wayward thinking keep those with a modicum of skepticism in line.

“Research” has been redefined to mean browsing Wikipedia citations.

Rather than being considered for their merit, dissenting opinions are more easily dismissed as misinformation by labeling their source as untrustworthy.

How do we know these sources are untrustworthy? They must be if they offer a dissenting opinion!

This form of circular reasoning is the central axiom of all dogmatic systems of thought. Breaking the spell of dogmatic thinking is not easy, but it is possible.

In this article I describe six examples of double standards medical authorities have used to create the illusion their COVID-19 narrative is logical and sensible.

This illusion has been used with devastating effect to raise vaccine compliance.

Rather than citing scientific publications or expert opinions that conflict with our medical authorities’ narrative — information that will be categorically dismissed because it appears on The Defender — I will instead demonstrate how, from the beginning, the official narrative has been inconsistent, hypocritical and/or contradictory.

1. COVID deaths are ‘presumed,’ but vaccine deaths must be ‘proven’

As of April 8, VAERS included 26,699 reports of deaths following COVID vaccines.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially acknowledges only nine of these.

In order to establish causality, the CDC requires autopsies to rule out any possible etiology of death before the agency will place culpability on the vaccine.

But the CDC uses a very different standard when it comes to identifying people who died from COVID.

The 986,000 COVID deaths reported by the CDC here are, as footnote [1] indicates, “Deaths with confirmed or presumed [emphasis added] COVID-19.”

If a person dies with a positive PCR test or is presumed to have COVID, the CDC will count that as COVID-19 death.

Note that in the CDC’s definition, a COVID fatality does not mean the person died from the disease, only with the disease.

Why is an autopsy required to establish a COVID vaccine death but not to establish a COVID death?

Conversely, why is recent exposure to SARS-CoV-2 prior to a death sufficient to establish causality — but recent exposure to a vaccine considered coincidental?

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

Hiding the Coronavirus Data, Lest the Information Be, er… ‘Misinterpreted’

Jeffrey Tucker’s title says it all:

Follow the Data, They Said, and Then Hid It

An excerpt:

Dr. Robert Malone makes an interesting point. If a scientist at a university or a lab is found to have deliberately buried relevant data because they contradict a preset conclusion, the results are professional ruin. The CDC, however, has legal privileges that allows it to get away with actions that would otherwise be considered fraud in academia.

There are many analogies between economics and epidemiology, as many have noticed over the last two years. The attempt to plan the economy in the past has suffered from many of the same failures as the attempt to plan a pandemic. There are collection problems, unintended consequences, knowledge problems, issues of mission creep, uncertainties over causal inference, a presumption that all agents obey the plan when in fact they do not, and a wild pretense that planners have the necessary knowledge, skill, and coordination required to presume to replace the decentralized and dispersed knowledge base that makes society work.

Read the rest…


Two-Year-Old Letter to the Editor Regarding the Corona Crackdown

Sent in by a female reader, and unedited.

It still holds up quite well, don’t you think?

To The Writers,  Reporters and Subscription Staff,
I have been a loyal reader and customer since the inception of your newspaper.
I even used to sell subscriptions and advertising during your first years of the english edition.
I don’t expect to see this letter in print,  but I want you to know that I am severly disappointed in your recent publications.
You seem to have lost your sense of right and wrong, your discriminating eye and you just publish all the
lies and fabrications  that are sent your way as “news” without actually checking or  asking yourselves if what they are telling you is true or even if it makes sense.
You  do no investigative reporting and just swallow the government “party line/lies/ propaganda” hook, line and sinker.
And then report it to people that trust your reporting as true.
While you may believe that it is perfectly normal  to wear masks, close schools, shuls , and forbid weddings—
you have never questioned the government policy to forbid doctors treating this virus .
Why aren’t they allowing doctors to treat this virus when it appears.
Imagine stepping on a rusty nail and then told to go home and take acamol,  wait until the infection takes over your body,
 —and then once your body is totally infected, then the hospital will allow a tetnus shot.
You would never permit such a thing.
And yet while hundreds of Drs in the states and other countries  have testified  that when they have treated patients successfully and immediately with Dr Zelenko’s  protocal — of hydrochloroquine, zinc, and azithramycyne.,and less than 1% ended up in the hospital.
Of course after they reported their finding each Dr reports that they were threatened with having their license
revoked. Since when is a Dr told by phamacutical companies what he  may and may not give his patients.
This is unprecedented.
I myself am high risk and asked my Dr to prescribe Hydrochoroquine and he told me that he was not allowed to give it to patients.
How come you don’t know that and if you do, are keeping quiet?
Why aren’t you questioning why for a death rate less than the flu, the government has crashed the economy
and are forbiding many people from supporting their families.
That’s a new one  historically.
Why aren’t you condemning all the slander, tattletaling and  bullying,  that are taking place all in the name of wearing a mask, when there is no proof that masks actually protect people from getting this virus—and might actually be causing harm.
Look at the research!
Since when does the Torah demand that an individual seclude themelves  for public health —especially when the mortality rate is so low. That’s of course not counting all the people that have reported finding the cause of death on their loved one’s “Death Certificate as “Covid 19” when they clearly died of other causes–like a car accident.
I never saw you report all the false Death Certificates.
The government has begun to classify citizens as “essential workers” and ” non essential workers”.
There was another time in recent history when people were called “non essential” and then taken out of regular society .
Not allowed to work.
 The Holocaust.
They also tested people’s reaction to authority and decrimination when in 1933 they posted soldier’s outside jewish businesses , forbiding German’s from entering Jewish businesses.
No one protested.
 Then they took away/murdered , handicapped, gypsies, etc and no one protested.
Then it was our turn but there was no one left to protest.
So they understood that people would submit themselves without a  fight .
No one questioned the justice or morality of the new laws .
 Of course the leaders didn’t either protest—and whether you admit it or not, a newspaper doesn’t report what people think
—it informs people what to think.
You call yourself a “Torah Newspaper”, but where is your checking the facts and critical thinking?
You might claim that you do ask Gedolim.
But if you don’t present all the information to the Gedolim how are they supposed to
make a correct decision .
In the Gemoras describing the times before the arrival of our Mashiach, it says that “Religious people will be despised”.
We see that that is happening right now. People all over are blaming religious people for the spread of this virus.
Obviously, it’s all from HaShem, but where’s your responsibility to give religious people the right perspective.?
Give them information to alleviate the fear and make good choices for themselves and their families.
Give them information to empower them and not get caught up in the false narrative of fear!!!! and Death!!!!!
By withholding a successful treatment, the govenment is responsible for many of the deaths.
Where’s your responsibility for not reporting a treatment that has been around for almost 70 years
and has helped people around the world?
Now their threatening to force  vaccines on people, and then not allow people who arent vaccinated to go to restaurants, travel, receive government assistance, go to schools, etc….
A vaccine that was tested for a matter of months. Usually they test a vaccine for  years.
Do you know what respected scientists are saying about this supposed “vaccine”?
 Will you be courageous enough to ask the question and then inform your readers
of the real facts  and not just  just report the govenment propaganda?
Please cancel my subscription and stop all continued payments.
I hope someone at your newspaper will take what I wrote to heart.
You might respond,” There are so many voices out there, how do we know what is true?”
That’s actually not an answer, because at the end of the day, you do put out a newspaper that people read.
And trust.
You are responsible to try to figure out the fact from the fiction the best that you can or at least report all relevant information.
You are chayuv.