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קדושת ציון גליון #14

רבנים אודות כוכב שביט אפשרי

Too Funny to Resist

The Foolish Evil of the IDF Draft

The Connection Between ‘Chassidus’ and Avoda Zara

Rabbi Yichya Kapach – A Short Introduction

Why The Torah Mentions Kings, Not Prime Ministers

“Keshet”, a Jewish Fighting Tradition

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Here are some recent popular articles from Hyehudi you may have missed:

  1. מספיקים למחות על שמד צה”ל לפני שיצא ‘חוק’ נגד המחאה
  2. Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky: Why Make Aliyah?
  3. Rabbi Yichya Kapach – A Short Introduction
  4. Rabbi Yaakov Travis and Possible References to ‘Nibiru’
  5. Meir Pogrow, Adulterer
  6. The Big Difference Between God and Godly
  7. The State, By Definition, Cannot Be Made Jewish
  8. ככל תורת משה

Do you see a common thread? I don’t.

Mohammedan Influence Upon Popular Jewish Books

The Chovos Halevavos famously writes, Yichud Hama’seh chapter 5:

ואמרו על חסיד, שפגע אנשים שבים ממלחמת אויבים, ושללו שלל אחר מלחמה חזקה, אמר להם: שבתם מן המלחמה הקטנה שוללים שלל, התעתדו למלחמה הגדולה. אמרו לו: ומה היא המלחמה הגדולה? אמר להם: מלחמת היצר וחייליו.

But this story was first told of Mohammed. He is the “Chassid” referred to above. The warriors he met were his own. “Jihad” is the word for “war”, both lesser and greater. For a full discussion see this.

Nor is this the only example of Rabbi Bachye borrowing from their material. Know the one about the carcass’ white teeth? See Otzar Hachochma Forums here on that. Others were similarly influenced, including Rabbi Avraham ben Harambam, who incorporated silly Sufism in his syncretistic “Hamaspik Le’ovdei Hashem”. For a too-wide overview, see this.

There are a whole host of lessons to be learned here. The easiest to ignore is this: the brand of of “piety” sought by the author of “Chovos Halevavos” is not a Jewish one. This is blatantly obvious from the author’s evil, antinomian introduction as well.

I hope to elaborate at some future date.

P.S., I am not speaking of the widely praised “Sha’ar Habitachon”.

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