Amaleksploitation: Hyehudi Compilation for Parshas Zachor

  1. How to Kill Amalek Legally
  2. The Jewish Mitzvah of Genocide – An Anti-Zionist Illuminates Torah Zionism
  3. Learning the Lesson of Purim
  4. מחיית עמלק: גדרי המצוות וטעמיהם מהראשונים
  5. כשרוצים לבא לא”י עמלק מזדמן להם בדרך
  6. תמחה את זכר עמלק – שיר
  7. Mocking Continuing Jewish Self-Censorship
  8. How Antinomian Threads in Chassidus Gave Us Heretics like Nathan Lopes Cardozo
  9. The Gemara Explicitly Says Our Forefathers Sinned. Mussar Personalities Happen to Disagree…
  10. The Biale Rebbe of Lugano [AND] Amalek!

I also suggest this detailed article by Rabbi Avi Grossman…

How Kotzk Ended… (למיחש!)

Read a compilation of versions of the rumors about Kotzker chassidus’ mysteriously murky and sudden end on the (ironically named!) “Kotzk Blog” here…

Bear in mind the Kotzker Rebbe’s admitted, shameless Chassidic-antinomianism against the Shulchan Aruch presumably preceding this incident (plus one live example).

We should also mention the Kotzker’s very own vort:

הרבי מקוצק המליץ על דרשת חז”ל “את השם אלקיך תירא, לרבות תלמידי חכמים” – היינו, גם תלמיד חכם זקוק ליראת שמים!
This is no mere antiquarian muckraking; there are many lessons to be learned here for those who know about Kotzk!

P.S., In connection with the Gemara quoted in one version there (“במקום שיש חלול השם אין חולקין כבוד לרב”), see also this timely piece.

The Threat Isn’t Arab Terror but the State Itself!

Arrested Because of My T-Shirt

In the mid-90’s I went to a lot of demonstrations in Israel. Together with hundreds of thousands of others, we were protesting the signing of the Oslo Accords. We were desperately trying to warn our brothers and sisters what would happen if those agreements became reality. Unfortunately, the deal was signed, and – exactly as predicted – the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Afula and more… became filled with Jewish blood. Busses and cafes blew up and listening to the news became a traumatic event.

At a demonstration in Tel Aviv, after a bus exploded a few days before Purim, 20,000 people came to scream. Political leaders from the right side of the spectrum delivered fiery speeches and the crowd was angry… yet only one protestor was arrested. Who was that lone wolf who spent the night behind bars? It was none other than… me. Why was I arrested, you ask? Because I wore a Kahane t-shirt with the famous star and fist logo and I was charged with supporting a terrorist organization! Thankfully, I was released in the morning but was promised that “an indictment was on the way.” While this sounds amusing, it was quite serious. The charge of “supporting a terrorist organization” carries an average prison sentence of at least 10 years. Baruch HaShem, after a few months of discussions with one of Israel’s leading prosecutors, the decision was made to drop the case… although the guy insisted on keeping my t-shirt as evidence.

I am telling you this now because I want you to keep that episode in your mind as you read the following lines: Less than 2 weeks ago, an Arab brutally murdered 7 Jews on Leil Shabbat (Friday night) near a shul in Neve Yaakov. When his neighbors heard about what he did, they started handing out candies/sweets in celebration. Nobody was arrested for supporting a terrorist. In Tel Aviv university, Arab students held a protest… in support of the murderer! Nobody was arrested for supporting a terrorist. Israeli TV interviewed people coming to comfort the family of the murderer (since he was killed during his reign of terror). One by one – with no exception – they expressed support for his actions and said how proud the family should be of him. These interviews were shown on television with no censorship and no blurring out the faces of the people who spoke yet nobody was arrested for supporting a terrorist. Finally, the father of the murderer – on his way to burying his son – stated that this was not his son’s funeral but his son’s wedding! He expressed joy over his son’s actions, said that the boy brought honor to the family and wished that his other children would follow in that son’s footsteps. Needless to say, he was not arrested for supporting a terrorist. That was only me… for wearing a yellow t-shirt…

What should be done to someone who openly supports murdering Jews in Israel? I agree that they should not be arrested, since it’s not nearly enough. The Israeli government must take a much harder stance and deal with this in a serious and extreme manner. Let me offer my suggestion in very clear terms: Arabs who support acts of terror in Eretz Yisrael must be immediately and permanently removed from the land. Think it’s too radical of a position? It’s not and here’s why.

During the final plague in Egypt – the killing of the firstborn – the Torah says; “Every firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits on his throne to the firstborn of the slave-woman who is behind the millstone…” (Sh’mot 11:5) Then, when the plague started, the Torah states that every firstborn was killed, including “the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon” (Sh’mot 12:29). In both cases, Rashi asks why those firstborns died? The firstborn of an Egyptian slave-woman? His mother was also a slave… she certainly did not harm or enslave any Jews… so why did her son die during that plague? And the firstborn of a guy sitting in the dungeon for 30 years? What did he do? He’s been a prisoner, languishing and rotting in the filth of an Egyptian prison… yet his firstborn son also died that night. Rashi asks: Why?

His answer to both questions is the same: “For they rejoiced at the downfall of Israel.” Yes, you read that correctly. Rashi states – very clearly – that the reason the slave-woman and prisoner’s sons were killed during that final plague was because “they rejoiced at the downfall of Israel.” Even though things were difficult in their own lives and they were not free, nevertheless when they heard that bad things happened to the Jews… they were happy and that happiness made them guilty! As a result of their actions, their sons were killed on the night before we left Egypt.

The time has come for us to stop just learning Rashi and start living Rashi. The reason we mention Yetziat Mitzrayim so many times each day is because we need to start learning what happened and begin applying those rules – here and now!

Arabs across the land need to know that if they rejoice after hearing about Jews being killed or support terror – in any way – they will be immediately and permanently evicted from Israel. Their homes will be confiscated, and they will never be allowed to return.

Will this end the reign of terror in Israel by those who seek to destroy her? No, it will not. A lot more needs to be done – and with help of HaShem, will be done – but it’s a good place to start.

From Am Yisrael Chai, here.

Anti-Zionist Kettle Logic

You know the joke:

“Two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one says, ‘Boy, the food at this place is really terrible.’

The other one says, ‘Yeah, I know; and such small portions.'”

The anti-Zionist says the Medinah is a “Merida Nora’ah” against Malchus Shamayim, and if only it didn’t exist, Amen. And it keeps on going year after year after year, Heaven save us.

And besides, he adds a beat later, it’s all a Purim shpiel, anyway. Medinah my foot!

The so-called “state” depends for its very survival upon American governmental foreign aid. And the Arab violence and Iranian threat make a mockery of its claim to provide a safe haven to Jews worldwide.

“What kind of Medinah is that, anyway?!” he hotly demands.


The REAL Reason Rabbi Brand Doesn’t Convince Anyone About Legal Fictions

This is painful to say.

Those who read Hyehudi’s e-book will recognize the type of point I make here.

How do you convince someone they already know whatever it is?

How do you walk someone into a view they already hold?

How do you explain to a good, scholarly Jew what even a Goy knows (1:13 here), what even an Am Haaretz gets, what even a Tzeduki admits (דבר שהצדוקים מודים בו)?

How do you call their bluff? How to move someone into admitting what they knowingly deny?

How do you show what people have a vested interest to unsee?

How do you answer “answers”?

How do you talk to someone who gets nervous and\or angry the more sense you make?

How do you uncover what they themselves realize is better concealed?

How do you expose what they suppress in their own heart?

How do you keep living?