One Answer to Most of Your Questions: ‘Some Men Just Want To Watch the World BURN!’

Some Men Just Want…

March 29, 2024

In the movie The Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne (the Batman) confides to his butler Alfred that he’s having trouble anticipating the psychotic Joker’s next move and figuring out his motives.

Alfred blinks his owlish, bespectacled eyes, and then, in his British accent, says, “Some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money.  They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with.  Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

So true.

And with that excellent answer, Alfred the butler has just educated the rather naïve Master Wayne on the presence of pure evil in our world.

Doing bad just for the fun of it.

Sacrilege for sacrilege’s sake.

This brings me to our sad, decaying country, led by our sad, decaying president and his Deep State/media minions.

Let’s pretend for a moment that you’re a naïve bleeding-heart, albeit quite muscular, orphan like Bruce.  (I was an orphan; therefore, by The New Rules, I can say orphan.)  And I’ll be Alfred.  Ancestry DNA says I’m overwhelmingly British, plus I’m paler than freshly bleached bedsheets.

You start.

Why would the people in power leave our country open for anyone in the world to waltz in and potentially bring with them terrorism, crime, disease, drugs, a welfare mentality, and illiteracy?

Me: Because some men just want to watch the world burn.

Why would politicians, academicians, and the media labor strenuously to convince minority children that they’re helpless victims of an unjust system, while telling white kids they’re the problem, whether they know it or not?

Because some men just want to watch the world burn.

On the subject of kids, why on Earth would our leaders, child psychologists, and medical “experts” allow minors — who, last time I checked, are not allowed to smoke cigarettes, drink booze, own guns, or drive a car — to take dangerous hormones, amputate their penises or breasts, and consign themselves to a life without procreation or sexual pleasure?

Because some men wanna watch the world burn, that’s why.

Can you explain to me why certain of our public health experts helped fund the Wuhan, China lab that synthesized COVID-19, then lied about that, then tried to float a narrative that the bug came from eating pangolins or bats, and then attacked anyone trying to tell the truth about the disease’s origin?

And why these same supposed caregivers, along with their political compañeros, made up social distancing; promoted useless (against aerosolized viruses) paper and cloth masks; and mandated improperly tested vaccines that, while failing to prevent the acquisition or spread of disease, did and continue to do grave damage to the poor souls who trustingly bared their arms for multiple injections?

Because some men just…well, you know the rest.

OK, please explain this.  Why would anyone who purportedly cares about the welfare of his parents, spouse, or children, not to mention his fellow man, think it’s a good idea to hamstring law enforcement while making it easier for criminals to roam the streets?  Or useful to allow the mentally ill to roam the subways while arresting good Samaritans seeking to protect their fellow riders?  Or prudent to allow some folks to riot, causing deaths, injuries and destruction — even during a pandemic — while other folks go to prison for a long, long time for taking a walk in the Capitol, with the Capitol Police kindly opening the doors and providing tours?

(See watch the world burn, because some folks just want to.)

Continue reading…

From American Thinker, here.

Remember How So Many Rabbanim Parroted Official Corona Lies?

Some excerpts from Steve Hall’s Substack:

What if you wanted to make  $$ Billions of dollars, in a hurry?  Guaranteed and without risk?

We have an excellent recent example.  Here is the blueprint that they used:

Patent a product that will sell worldwide in the billions of dollars, and in a very short time.  Make sure the government regulators are on your side by capturing the agency and by giving them a share of the profits via patents and royalties.  Have the government guarantee your sales with purchase contracts.  And, the cherry on top, make sure that the government protects you from all liability, in case of insufficient testing, faulty products or damages to the consumer.

Turns out that all they needed for this round was a new coronavirus (in the same family as the common cold and the seasonal flu).  But a virus intentionally made more contagious in government funded bio-warfare laboratories.  With a public primed to panic when faced with a pandemic.  And with governments around the world having already pre-planned their authoritarian responses.

The FDA has now approved the ivermectin treatment that they banned.  They have admitted that masks don’t work and that six feet apart was a random number.  The long term economic damage from lockdowns – and deciding which workers were not “essential” – is now unfolding.  The adverse reactions, including deaths, from taking the experimental shot can no longer be ignored.  In short, the extensive damages from the authoritarian responses to the new flu virus are apparent, for anyone who will listen.

They showed us the death counts.  But they did not differentiate between people who died WITH Covid (based on the unreliable PCR tests or generic “symptoms”) and those who died FROM Covid.  They even gave financial incentives if the doctors listed Covid as the cause of death, even when they were suffering from other fatal conditions or already dying.

They knew very early on that the vast majority of deaths from Covid were among the very old, as well as those with co-morbidities like heart disease and obesity.  For most people, the odds of hospitalization or dying from Covid were very, very tiny, with survival rates well over 99%.  And for children and younger healthy adults, the risk was just about zero.

We now know that the increase in the overall death rate during Covid – pre-vaccine – was small, and much of that due to the lives of the very elderly being shortened a few months or years (compounded by not receiving early treatment and by misuse of ventilators), or to not receiving treatment for other diseases, or for drug overdoses and suicides as a result of the lockdowns.

However, the increases in the death rate after the “vaccine” was mandated is another story; it is excessive.

At the same time that they were scaring everyone with infection rates and death rates, they banned any and all treatments.  Unlike any other disease, for two years there were no approved medicines.  Incredibly, we were told that we had to stay home and just live with it until we got so sick that we had to be hospitalized, which was obviously too late for many people.  Long-proven, truly safe and effective treatments were not only discouraged but also banned.  Fauci hypocritically told us that those medications – even though proved safe and effective and used worldwide for decades -had not undergone proper double-blind studies for this specific virus – yet neither had his new “vaccine.”

So they told us that we had to wait for the Trump miracle, coming at “warp speed.”  They disguised the fact that it was not a vaccine at all under the traditional definition; rather it was a new, experimental mRNA technology, and all of the normal testing procedures for vaccines were abandoned.

The incessantly repeated “95% effective” blather was the result of numbers games based on manipulated limited data.  The studies were cut short and did not address the risks and adverse reactions.  They had no idea of what long term problems their experiment might cause.  And as the number and severity of negative reactions and deaths from the jab have increased, they continue to hide, ignore and distort that data.

Ironically, Ivermectin is now approved.  Yet the doctors who were using it to successfully treat patients were censored, attacked and even lost their licenses.  Ivermectin, Vitamin D, and chloroquine, all cheap, all effective, could have saved literally hundreds of thousands of lives, based on the actual experiences in countries round the world.  The problem was that if those were approved for Covid treatment, then Pharma would be not be able to get the “emergency use authorization” for their experimental injection.

Read the rest here…

NOTE: I don’t endorse every claim made above. For example, regarding Ivermectin’s supposed FDA approval, see here.