Could It Be, um, y’know… the Corona Vaccine?

Bloomberg News reports a post-Corona Shot surge of infectious diseases worldwide…

Data collected from “more than 60 organizations and public health agencies” shows that 44 countries and territories have reported at least one infectious disease resurgence that’s at least ten times worse than the pre-pandemic baseline”.

Yet “Bulgaria, Romania, and Russia are now back to pre-pandemic mortality rates”.

I wonder how many got the Corona shots in Bulgaria, Romania, and Russia? Too lazy to research this.

(Credit: Tom Woods’ newsletter.)

Mainstream Media Hates RFK Jr. for Promoting Vaccine Safety

Watch: Tucker Calls Out ‘Media Hysteria Typhoon’ Over RFK Jr.


FRIDAY, JUN 23, 2023 – 01:01 PM


In his latest episode, Tucker Carlson discussed the media’s absolute hatred for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who was immediately attacked by the press upon his announcement that he would run against President Joe Biden in 2024.

“CBS News viewers likely were appalled in its coverage of Kennedy’s announcement. CBS denounced the candidate’s views as ‘misleading’ and ‘dangerous,'” noted Carlson, adding “The LA Times called him a threat to democracy.”

“At the offices of National Public Radio in Washington, a full-blown category-5 hysteria typhoon broke out. NPR devoted an entire segment to savaging Kennedy – not just as a candidate, but as a human being,” Carlson continued. “NPR described him as someone who, for his own perverse reasons, has made “debunked and false and misleading claims that undermine trust in vaccines. And who, in his spare time, provides moral support to crazed extremists who “rally under the banner of what they call liberty, or freedom.”

People Magazine didn’t even bother to report a single word of anything Kennedy said!” Carlson exclaimed, “and instead wrote an entire story about his relatives hate him.”

“Kennedy Jr. faced censorship on Instagram and YouTube for expressing his views,” he continued, adding that RFK Jr. raised questions about “the rise in allergies, asthma, autism, and other conditions related to vaccines,” while “the media and medical establishment vilified Kennedy Jr. for his views, calling him a lunatic, Nazi, and extremist supporter.”

Carlson then goes into a defense of Kennedy’s right to raise questions over vaccines, and the response one gets for doing so.

“Bobby Kennedy won’t stop asking, and that’s why they hate him,” Carlson said.

Carlson then went after debate-dodging doctor, Peter Hotez – who he says will “never debate Bobby Kennedy Jr., but it doesn’t matter. Kennedy has already won.”

“Hotez attacked Kennedy Jr. and called for vaccine mandates, accusing those who disagree of being white nationalists and Russian agents,” said Carlson, who then noted how Hotez chickened out of a debate with RFK Jr.

Continue reading…

From Zero Hedgehere.

Corona Vaccine Skeptics: Right From the Start

Response to Rabbi Steinberg

Someone who refuses to take a drug for any reason, especially under such a cloud of darkness, is not a criminal. He is responsible. Opinion