A MUST-READ Personal Letter About the Vaccine: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It!

A powerful letter


Dear Chananya,
Thank you once again for your more sane, Torah and chazal-oriented approach to what has happened to the world.
I have read a couple more of your recent articles…and I have been effectively excluded from attending an outdoor minyan because of the shield (-only) I wear…and that others were “uncomfortable” with it (never asking whether I had good reason, a background, or suggesting simply that I should stay home if I couldn’t breathe with the other type of mask).  I am boycotting a local grocery as well also because of how I was treated because of the shield by an opinionated staff member who was hugely disrespectful.
Unfortunately, so-called medical science has not learned its lesson in 80 years and more.  Yes, we know that Nazis, yemach shemam, conducted experiments on humans during the Holocaust, the greatest inhumanity to man.
But there was also an experiment, 30 years and more in its duration, on North American soil, both in the US and Canada.  Perhaps you heard of (or saw pictures representing the effects of) the drug Thalidomide.  Children were born with shortened or no limbs in the 50s and 60s.  That was the visible damage drug of its time.  Unfortunately, there was a drug with greater-reaching, with far more invisible effects, marketed to otherwise healthy women from the 1940s-1970s, known as Diethystilbestrol, or DES.
I offer a quote from a friend’s email:

“A friend of mine is a second generation DES (Diethylstilbestrol) survivor/victim.  She wonders whether her experiences and that of other DES second and third generation people might be of interest to this group.  She is willing to share her story. The pressure placed on women to take DES from 1941-1971 is relevant to the current situation for multiple reasons.

 First of all, DES was prescribed for mothers attempting to avoid miscarriage.  However, many of these women did not have a history of recurrent miscarriage and yet, physicians prescribed the medication for them.  In other words, women without reproductive issues were influenced to take DES to prevent a problem that did not exist. Similarly, healthy people are now being pressured to partake in an experimental substance for a virus with a 99% recovery rate.

Next, DES was also marketed and prescribed as safe despite that the manufacturers were aware of possible carcinogenic effects. In the case of the experimental COVID vaccine the pharmaceutical companies and their political as well as health official allies are downplaying the fact that the biological substance may have severe side effects. Worse, in the current context people are compelled to partake in an experimental vaccine without being appropriately, ethically and morally notified about their role as subjects in a research study.

A third similarity is demonstrated by the way that DES was marketed and prescribed as safe without regard for possible long term effects. Unfortunately, severe side effects became apparent only after millions of women and their children were exposed to DES. It took years for the medical establishment to finally acknowledge a link between maternal cancer of the reproductive system and the drug.   The damage was intergenerational and also affected the children born to mothers who had used DES.  So far the next two to three generations suffer from devastating conditions including but not limited to cancer and malformations of the reproductive organs, primary and secondary infertility, and premature births.  In some cases, the actual harm of this apparent medication took decades to manifest. This past week on Jan. 11, 2021  the chief coroner of Ontario, Dr. Dirk Huyer, lectured during a Webinar for nurses who are members of the RNAO.  He indicated that the experimental vaccine contained “a little bit of genetic material” that will enter into the body’s cells.  There is not yet enough evidence to demonstrate the long term effects of mRNA or as the official stated “a bit of genetic material” on future function. Similar to the DES fiasco, pharmaceutical companies and their allies are influencing citizens to expose their bodies to a substance without ensuring that the experimental vaccine is safe for the participant and generations to come.”
Further, once DES was discontinued for use with threatened miscarriage, it was still used as a (sic!) “morning after” pill–to prevent unwanted pregnancy!  Even later, it was still being used in so-called Third World countries–to fatten cattle and poultry to achieve a higher market price–so it remained in the food chain, again for monetary gain.
In case you have not guessed, I am the woman referred to in the above quote.  I have buried a daughter, Rachel, a.h., born at 22.5 weeks gestation, had multiple other miscarriages for my, B”H, 3 living children, a rough total of 9 pregnancies in all, attributable to the DES my Mother, a.h., took, trusting her doctor, though without history of miscarriage.  Rachel would have been 35 years old this past December.  Needless to say, between the marker birthday and the parallels above, my anger is triggered.  My youngest was born at 32 weeks gestation but she, thankfully, had the benefit of what those extra weeks offered in her development inside and she is 30 years old today.  Many DES daughters never got as far as being able to conceive.  The statute of limitations then was a paltry three years from discovery.  With the non-vaccine–the manufacturers are indemnified, so there is no challenging them for damages or wrongful death.
Further, I have had family members and friends subject to covid-related regulations and death, a half-sister who passed her 90th birthday in isolation due to a positive test in her nursing home and who died shortly thereafter… having given up… but symptom-free.
It is a shandeh that the “Emperor is naked” and the few who speak out to say so are censored or categorized as crazy and not to be believed for challenging the panicked, so-called ‘norm’, even as they are the ones willing to question, research, and risk their jobs.
Thank you for the work you do.  I think I need to get some fresh air…
Yom Tov,
Joyce Solomon