Aliyah Then and Now March 31, 2017 – ד׳ בניסן תשע״ז by HyehudiOur Eternal OptimismNow, as then, we hope that those who chose to remain behind will join us here in Israel, the Promised Land.* * *BTW, is now offering the Hard Cover Full Color Dry Bones Passover Haggadah at a Discount.From Dry Bones, here.Some other articles:So, How Will Zehut’s Planned ‘Aliyah Ministry’ Be ANY Different Than the Jewish Agency?!DIASPORAVIRUS: The Jewish Stockholm SyndromeReminder: Hyehudi Doesn’t Use AdvertisingHeroism in the Face of Heter MechirahRabbi Grossman Starts a New Podcast…Powered by YARPP.