Here is Martin Luther of accursed memory, in his “On the Jews” (15:4-7):
They have failed to learn any lesson from the terrible distress that has been theirs for over fourteen hundred years in exile. Nor can they obtain any end or definite terminus of this, as they suppose, by means of the vehement cries and laments to God. If these blows do not help, it is reasonable to assume that our talking and explaining will help even less. Therefore a C___n should be content and not argue with the Jews.
But if you have to or want to talk with them, do not say any more than this: “Listen, Jew, are you aware that Jerusalem and your sovereignty, together with your temple and priesthood, have been destroyed for over 1,460 years?” For this year, which we C___ns write as the year 1542 since the birth of [Osso Ha’ish], is exactly 1,468 years, going on fifteen hundred years, since Vespasian and Titus destroyed Jerusalem and expelled the Jews from the city. Let the Jews bite on this nut and dispute this question as long as they wish.
For such ruthless wrath of God is sufficient evidence that they assuredly have erred and gone astray. Even a child can comprehend this. For one dare not regard God as so cruel that he would punish his own people so long, so terribly, so unmercifully, and in addition keep silent, comforting them neither with words nor with deeds, and fixing no time limit and no end to it. Who would have faith, hope, or love toward such a God? Therefore this work of wrath is proof that the Jews, surely rejected by God, are no longer his people, and neither is he any longer their God. This is in accord with Hosea 1:9, “Call his name Not my people, for you are not my people and I am not your God.”
Yes, unfortunately, this is their lot, truly a terrible one. They may interpret this as they will; we see the facts before our eyes, and these do not deceive us.
If there were but a spark of reason or understanding in them, they would surely say to themselves: “O Lord God, something has gone wrong with us. Our misery is too great, too long, too severe; God has forgotten us!” etc.
To be sure, I am not a Jew, but I really do not like to contemplate God’s awful wrath toward this people. It sends a shudder of fear through body and soul, for I ask, What will the eternal wrath of God in hell be like toward false C___ns and all unbelievers?
Great rhetoric (except for the Hoshea misquote. And see this)! Does this ring hollower today? Yes! Jewish sovereignty today is a huge Kiddush Hashem and a huge problem for their fake “faith”!
Martin Luther wrote, “We see the facts before our eyes, and these do not deceive us“. Well, to adapt a certain expression, “He who lives by his eyes, dies by his eyes!” If there were but a spark of reason or understanding in them…
What used to be plain and simple Cursedian theology now has a name (Replacement Theology or Supersessionism), because there are all kinds of frantic alternatives. They made only one (easy!) prophecy… and they blew it. Our enemies are torn apart with confusion, apostates, and even Hebrew Roots syncretism.
Nu, at least Cursedians can still glean chizuk from “Vayoel Moshe” and the sad, Satanist schlemiels who can’t or don’t read it!
Yes, Yirmiya is still right ̶ Yoma 69b:
… דאמר רבי יהושע בן לוי למה נקרא שמן אנשי כנסת הגדולה שהחזירו עטרה ליושנה. אתא משה אמר האל הגדול הגבור והנורא.
אתא ירמיה ואמר נכרים מקרקרין בהיכלו איה נוראותיו לא אמר נורא.
אתא דניאל אמר נכרים משתעבדים בבניו איה גבורותיו לא אמר גבור.
אתו אינהו ואמרו אדרבה זו היא גבורת גבורתו שכובש את יצרו שנותן ארך אפים לרשעים ואלו הן נוראותיו שאלמלא מוראו של הקדוש ברוך הוא היאך אומה אחת יכולה להתקיים בין האומות…
But the sorry condition on the Temple Mount is the fault of our own lack of Emuna and love for Mitzvos, nothing to do with phony security concerns (read: Anti-Zionism)!
Chagigah 5b:
ואם לא תשמעוה במסתרים תבכה נפשי מפני גוה…, מאי מפני גוה אמר רב שמואל בר יצחק מפני גאוותן של ישראל שניטלה מהם ונתנה לעובדי כוכבים רב שמואל בר נחמני אמר מפני גאוותה של מלכות שמים.
… ודמע תדמע ותרד עיני דמעה כי נשבה עדר ה’, אמר רבי אלעזר שלש דמעות הללו למה אחת על מקדש ראשון ואחת על מקדש שני ואחת על ישראל שגלו ממקומן ואיכא דאמרי אחת על ביטול תורה בשלמא למאן דאמר על ישראל שגלו היינו דכתיב כי נשבה עדר ה’ אלא למאן דאמר על ביטול תורה מאי כי נשבה עדר ה’ כיון שגלו ישראל ממקומן אין לך ביטול תורה גדול מזה.
We have written about this before, as well.