Mordechai Sones of “Jewish Home News” asks the right question:
What better to deflect attention from the parlous state of the State and ensure against a revolt than to recruit safe bogeymen as a distraction? It’s not like we can prove who the “spy recruiters” are. And they don’t seem to be targeting Israel’s best and brightest.
It wouldn’t be the first time the security “services” have done this, by far.
Excerpt (regarding “Animal Farm” which I haven’t read):
Snowball, representing Leon Trotsky, is systematically demonized by Napoleon (representing Joseph Stalin). After Snowball is driven off the farm, Napoleon attributes all the farm’s problems to him. This mirrors Stalin’s practice of blaming Trotsky and his followers for any setbacks in the Soviet Union.
The idea that Snowball is secretly sabotaging the farm, even in exile, creates an atmosphere of paranoia. This fosters the belief that spies and enemies are everywhere, justifying Napoleon’s increasing control.