Become a Cynic in One Easy Step!

Are you ready?


Here goes:

Check the footnotes.

What? That’s it?!

That’s it.

Is that what first made you into a cynic?

Yes. I started doing that with Torah books.

Is this true in other disciplines?

I suspect so. The great Thomas [Just the facts, ma’am!] Sowell says checking footnotes made him into a cynic (minute 16:33-17:26 here).

As he says:

“That will turn you into a cynic in a very short time.”

(Sowell is speaking about Piketty’s book, but it sounds like he means it in a general way.)

Wait, what will I discover?

Try it for yourself!

P.S., Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein writes in: I can confirm that your עצה works.