Quoting Rabbi Sternbuch’s English parsha sheet:
Rav Sternbuch was once visiting the Brisker Rov when an American visitor told the Brisker Rov that in America people were waiting for Moshiach to come. The Brisker Rav asked him whether people were preparing themselves for this great event. The visitor responded that Moshiach should come already with or without our preparations. The Brisker Rav replied that this would not work. We must start the process of repentance and strengthening our faith now, intensifying our Torah and prayer and working on our character traits so that we will be worthy of welcoming Moshiach and witnessing the unprecedented miracles that Hashem will perform at that time. Even revealed miracles, the Brisker Rav said, will not change a person who is stubborn or steeped in his desires.
I fully agree. No better proof can be found to this human insight than the historical fact that all the miracles performed before our eyes made zero impression upon the Brisker Rav or his followers.