Al HaAretz – Free Print Subscriptions for Principals and Gabba’im!

Dear chinuch professionals and others,
Living in Eretz Yisroel is a zechus we don’t take for granted.
In the past decades, physical, political and other realities may have forced us Chareidim from Western countries not to make an issue of living in Eretz Yisroel, but the time may have come to bring up its value once again.
In order to promote an appreciation of living in Eretz Yisroel, we are pleased to announce the publication of a new biweekly sheet in English, “Al HaAretz – Perspectives on Eretz Yisroel.”
The sheet includes a column called “Eretz Chemdah: An Inside View,” featuring insights and experiences of an immigrant – with a Chareidi/Yeshiva background – from America or another English-speaking country, living now in Eretz Yisroel.
It also features a section with a substantial excerpt from one of various contemporary seforim on Torah, mitzvoshalachos, and minhagim of Eretz Yisroel. Three smaller sections include a quote from one of our gedolim about Eretz Yisroel, a bit about a place in Eretz Yisroel written by a tour guide, and some history tidbits – all from a Chareidi/Yeshiva perspective.
The sheet will be published B”H once every two weeks.
First issue is available here – Al HaAretz issue #1
Free subscriptions for the printed version are available for shuls and chinuch institutions. To subscribe, please reply to this email with name of institution, contact name and phone#/email, number of copies requested and mailing address.
You can also subscribe to the online version on our website below.
Yours truly,
Yoel Berman
Editor, “Al HaAretz”
P.S. several of our “Eretz Chemdah: An Inside View” articles have recently been published online – can also be seen on our website below – as well as in print in the English-language Yated Neeman.

Yoel Berman 053-3191618

‘Al HaAretz’ – Brand New Biweekly Publication by Avira D’Eretz Yisroel+Kedushas Tzion

After publishing 47 issues of the popular Hebrew-language “Kedushas Tzion” monthly pamphlet, Agudas Kedushas Tzion — together with Avira D’Eretz Yisroel — is pleased to announce the publication of a new biweekly sheet in English, “AL HAARETZ – Perspectives on Eretz Yisroel,” with a focus on settling in Eretz Yisroel.
The sheet includes a column featuring insights and experiences of an immigrant – with a Chareidi/Yeshiva background – from America or another English-speaking country, now living here in Eretz Yisroel, which may be of interest to those who may want to settle here long term.
It also features a section which will contain substantial excerpts from contemporary seforim on Torah, mitzvos, halachos, and minhagim of Eretz Yisroel. Three smaller sections include quotes from gedolim about Eretz Yisroel, a bit about a place in Eretz Yisroel written by a tour guide, and some history tidbits.
The sheet will be published B”H once every two weeks and distributed in the Yerushalayim area, as well as by email.
Whoever is interested in helping with distribution, such as (for those in chutz laAretz) printing out a few copies for their local shuls, or helping with distribution here in E”Y, please let me know directly at
Yours truly,
Yoel Berman
Editor, “AL HAARETZ”