Ma, I Made It! I’m Famous! Editor Quoted by Chananya Weissman…

Chief Rabbi of Israel: The Quintessence of Controlled Opposition

The following story is so incredible that it seems like satire, which is ironic. The material that I will be sharing comes primarily from the editor of, who collected it from a variety of sources that he linked to in his Hebrew article about it. I am also grateful to Rabbi Yehuda Epstein for providing additional information and context. The credit for most of the analysis belongs to them and their own sources.

Considering the numerous layers and lengthy details to this story, some of which are complicated, I will begin with a summary of the facts, after which I will add details and commentary.

1. The Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yitzchak Yosef, is the (official) author of Yalkut Yosef, a compendium of rulings on Jewish law based on the rulings of his father, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Yalkut Yosef is touted as an authoritative work of Jewish law that is intended to give practical halachic guidance to readers.

2. The Yalkut Yosef quotes a work of satire as serious Torah, as part of an argument with practical implications in halacha. That’s right, he published a joke as actual Torah to support a halachic ruling. The satire is so obvious and absurd that no one with an ounce of Torah knowledge and seichel should have believed it was serious, let alone quoted it with seriousness in a book of practical Jewish law.

3. Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef was recently awarded the Israel Prize for Literature for the Yalkut Yosef.

4. The Ministry of Education was notified of this mockery in advance in a detailed letter, and awarded the prize to Yosef anyway. The letter is available here.

Those are the salient facts.

Now for the details…but first an introduction.

There is a longstanding controversy within the Orthodox Jewish world regarding the identity of the sea-creature that Chazal refer to as the chilazon. The chilazon produced a unique dye that was used for the blue-ish techeiles strand in tzitzis. Many believe that the chilazon has been rediscovered in our time, and with it the opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of tzitzis in the ideal way. Many others disagree, and continue to wear tzitzis with all white threads.

This controversy is particularly intense, and it matters to people far more than it otherwise would, because techeiles is a nexus between the following flash points that transcend the disagreement over Torah sources, the identity of sea creatures, and even the ability to do a mitzvah in the ideal way:

1. The rediscovery of the chilazon, after so many centuries of exile without access to techeiles, represents a harbinger of redemption.

2. As such, whether one accepts or rejects today’s techeiles as the real thing generally depends more on party lines than an independent analysis of the information at hand. Those who believe the large-scale return of Jews to Israel is also a harbinger of redemption tend to believe in today’s techeiles. Those in the religious world who are pom-pom waving cheerleaders for the State of Israel wear their techeiles as part of their idolatrous worship of the state. Those who scorn the secular state tend to scorn techeiles, too.

Very few people can divorce their feelings about the State of Israel from their beliefs about techeiles, and very few people have the self-awareness and intellectual honesty to realize that.

3. The acceptance or rejection of techeiles also intersects the contemporary cultism of “Da’as Torah” – the expectation that the entire Jewish people blindly adhere to the commands of select rabbinic authorities in a caste system they control, and viewing critical analysis of their words by all but a privileged few as heresy. Those who reject techeiles almost invariably fall into this camp.

4. The acceptance or rejection of techeiles also intersects the contemporary cultism of secular science and modern discoveries. Those who accept techeiles almost invariably fall into this camp.

With this in mind, let us examine the farce with Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and the literary work that is attributed to him.

About 12 years ago, a Rabbi by the name of Eliezer Holl published a book called Tichla D’chilazon (The End of the Chilazon) in which he argued against today’s techeiles. (I did not see his book, and have no opinion about it). In one of his arguments, he claimed that there are actually two types of chilazon, one of which is kosher for producing the dye for tzitzis and one of which is not.

Subsequently a Torah scholar wrote an anonymous response called Tichla D’pizalon (The End of Split Thinking), in which he took this line of thinking to the most absurd of extremes to resolve other questions. It is a masterpiece of Purim Torah. It is obvious satire. You can see it here.

It is quoted in Yalkut Yosef as serious Torah.

A translation from the editor of Hyehudi follows:

I was shown a pamphlet called “Tichla D’pizalon” where the writer proves there were two snails (Chilazon), one in the Dead Sea, called Purphura, and passul for tzitzit, and the other in the Kineret, which is kosher for tzitzit. And with this distinction he answers the contradiction in Chazal regarding the location of the Chilazon. Only the Kineret snail is kosher for tzitzit, which is why the Gemara says the snail resembles the ocean. We can all see that the Chilazon of Techeiles of the Kineret is similar to the ocean like two drops of water, which is why they are completely indistinguishable.

And that which we learn of the tribe of Zevulun trapping snails in both the Dead Sea and in the Kineret is because there were two tribes called Zevulun, which is why their names are Zevulun (in the plural tense), unlike all other tribes, otherwise it should have been called “Zevul”. This proves there were two “Zevuluns”, each tribe with its own snail. This explanation is a wonderful one.

[And we should not be bothered by the verse saying “the sons of Yaakov were twelve” (and if there are two Zevuluns, the number should be thirteen), because in fact, there two “Yaakovs” as well, as the Torah says explicitly “Vaya’akveni zeh fa’amayim” [“and he held me back two times”]. There were also two “Yitzchaks”, and this is clear in the Torah, as we find them being promised a son twice. This is also the meaning of the verse “And these are the children of Yitzchak son of Avraham, Avraham produced Yitzchak.” And it says explicitly “Avraham was one”, which implies there are two, however, of Yitzchak. This resolves the contradiction in Chazal as to the age of Yitzchak at the time of the Akeida as well, since Avraham must have offered each one up on the altar at a different age. Likewise, this resolves the conflicting views as to the age of Rivka (was she three when marrying Yitzchak or was she fourteen?). The answer is there were two Yitzchaks, and each of them married their own “Rivka”.]

Indeed, it is apparent that when Hashem promised to give them Eretz Yisrael, this means for each and every Yitzchak, because there are, in fact, two “Eretz Yisraels”, as well. This explanation answers many difficulties, for there are many signs used to describe Eretz Yisrael that don’t match the Land of Israel we are familiar with. Firstly, Eretz Yisrael is described as being higher than all other lands, but ours is not the highest. Furthermore, the Vilna Gaon created a map of Eretz Yisrael which doesn’t compare to the Eretz Yisrael we have. Additionally, our sages tell us that the air of the Land of Israel grants people wisdom, and we have not seen that occur. It must be that there are “Eretz Yisraels”, one for each Yitzchak and Yaakov. And while we don’t find any other Eretz Yisraels in the world, there may be two worlds. Indeed, our world doesn’t match the world described by our sages either, for our own world is round, while the sages say the world resembles a porch (ach’sadra), so it must be Chazal were discussing that other world. And over there is a square-shaped Eretz Yisrael, and in its Lake of Kineret located in the tribal portion of the other Zevulun is a kosher snail, with Glatt Kosher bones and sinews, from whose blood one can produce the right Techeiles, and it is possible the Second “Bnei Yisrael” use it. Likewise, regarding Iyov (Job) we find a contradiction in Chazal, for some say he doesn’t exist (except as a parable), while others say he did exist. We are led to conclude there were two “Iyovs”, one of whom existed, and another who indeed never existed at all.]

End of quote.

You can see it in Yalkut Yosef here. I’m told this was added in the 5780 edition.

It is primarily for this that Yitzchak Yosef was just awarded Israel’s most prestigious prize – not for humor, but for serious Torah literature.

To make matters worse, this is a book on practical Jewish law that is intended for the masses, who generally will not be equipped to challenge the content, nor possess the gumption to do so.

There are only two possible explanations for how this absurd satire was published as serious Torah in Yalkut Yosef.

1) Torah scholars who have critically examined Yalkut Yosef believe, for a variety of reasons, that it was authored at least in part by a committee of writers and attributed in full to Yitzchak Yosef. (Perhaps there are two Yitzchak Yosefs as well?) One of these writers inserted the satire, and Yosef either didn’t bother to supervise the Torah being published in his name, or believed it was real Torah.

It is extremely common for public figures to hire more competent people to write speeches for them and even ghost write their books. This practice, widespread though it is, is not very respectable, but when it comes to Torah – especially practical halacha – it is completely unacceptable.

2) Yosef inserted it himself.

One of these must be true. I’m not sure which reflects more poorly on Yosef, but both are devastating in their implications.

Either way, four years after this complete nonsense was published in his name and sold to the masses, and continues to be sold to the masses, the great Chief Rabbi won a prize from the State of Israel for it.

But there’s even more.

A mere week after the October 7 mini-Holocaust, Yitzchak Yosef was busy sending a letter in which he sharply attacked the Sephardic Yeshiva Kisei Rachamim, its Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Meir Mazuz, and his most prominent disciples. You can see the letter here.

Among other things, Yosef lambasted their ignorance, lack of intelligence, and inability to make proper distinctions.

ביחד ננצח!

This, from someone whose magnum opus quoted an absurd satire as serious Torah, and teaches the masses that there were two of each of the patriarchs and two lands of Israel.

But it gets even crazier. The author of the anonymous satire related to me that someone from the office of the Sephardic Chief Rabbi managed to track him down and called him, asking if his piece was serious or a joke. The author replied that it was a joke. The caller asked if the author would agree to speak with the office the next day, but they never called him back.

Meanwhile, Yitzchak Yosef struts around in his bigdei kehuna, issues state-serving rulings that are completely against the Torah, makes inflammatory remarks that bring hatred and scorn upon the Torah-observant world (see here), publishes satire as serious Torah for the masses, and gets rewarded by his employers, the Erev Rav State of Israel, for a job well done.

A politically appointed “Chief Rabbi” of the heretical State of Israel is the quintessence of controlled opposition.

It’s all a big Erev Rav farce.

If you are going to defend it, know full well what you are defending.

It’s high time the masses stopped making apologies for the charlatans who rule over us, disgrace the Jewish people, and lead the masses to spiritual and physical destruction.

It’s high time people stopped defending wicked phonies just because they may possess Torah knowledge and hold prominent positions.

That doesn’t make these people honorable or worthy of knee-jerk defense.

It makes them more dangerous.

The facts have been presented. What you choose to do with them is your responsibility.


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VAYIKRA: Can the Whole Congregation Stumble in Sin? YES!

We Have to Follow the Sanhedrin…Right?

I’ve written extensively about how it can be that so many rabbis would get something wrong, and the responsibility we have to recognize when this happens. One does not need to be an “expert” to observe a fundamental error, even by someone with superior knowledge and credentials. Expertise merely grants the presumption of an opinion worth considering; it does not ensure against laziness, sloppiness, human error, ignorance of relevant information, or corruption. No one gets a blank check.

Nevertheless, some fearful Jews continue to deny their responsibility to recognize falsehood and break from authority figures who make erroneous pronouncements. “Don’t we have to listen to the Sanhedrin?” they argue. “The rabbis have ruled that we must follow the Ministry of Health recommendations. Case closed.”

Or is it? This week’s parsha begs to differ.

We learn of the various types of korbanos [sacrificial offerings] as part of the atonement process (they have no effect if they are not accompanied by actual repentance, a common failing in ancient times). There are special korbanos for three categories of leaders who sin: the Kohen Gadol, the king, and the Sanhedrin. Unlike other systems, which pay lip service to the fanciful notion that “we are all equal under the law” (LOL), the Torah has an openly inequal system. Those with greater power are held to a higher standard, for their sins lead others astray and cause more damage to the nation. Their korbanos are more severe, and a complete atonement for their sin cannot be guaranteed.

The Torah refers to the Sanhedrin as “כל עדת ישראל”, the entire assembly of Israel (4:13). They wield even greater power than the king and the Kohen Gadol, for they determine Jewish law for the entire nation. Their authority transcends the political power of the king and the spiritual supremacy of the Kohen Gadol. A king’s decrees are in force only during his reign; the Sanhedrin’s rulings outlive those who issued them.

If the Sanhedrin issues an erroneous ruling, and the masses sin because of it, they must bring a special korban, as outlined in the following pesukim. The masses who follow this ruling are exempt from bringing a korban, as they otherwise would. An entire tractate of Gemara, Horayos, is devoted to the halachos pertaining to this section. This section of the Torah and the teachings of Chazal shed great light on the times in which we are living, despite the absence of a Sanhedrin and korbanos.

  1. The possibility of the Sanhedrin getting something wrong is real, and the Torah takes it very seriously. The Torah gives no one a blank check, not even the greatest sages, not even a confirmed prophet. Those who argue that we have to blindly follow the so-called “leading rabbis” of today, who themselves are telling us to blindly follow so-called “leading experts”, are making a fundamental mistake. We don’t blindly follow anyone, certainly not when they tell us to blindly follow godless people with conflicts of interest and serious integrity issues. The Torah doesn’t write about this as a theoretical exercise. It’s practical Jewish law.
  2. Lower courts are pointedly excluded from these halachos. Only the Sanhedrin is liable to bring this special korban for an erroneous ruling (Horayos 5A). Not only are they not presumed to be infallible, they are singled out for the greatest accountability in the event of a mistake. This is clearly intended to warn us against blindly trusting those who deserve our trust more than anyone else.
  3. The entire Sanhedrin must be qualified to give rulings. If even one judge was unqualified, they do not have to bring the special korban (Horayos 4B).

Nowadays, there is no Sanhedrin and no facsimile thereof. The argument that we must blindly follow the declarations of so-called “leading rabbis”, who lack the authority of a Sanhedrin both individually and collectively, and whose qualifications to be judges on a future Sanhedrin are far from certain, is a non-starter. Nowadays one can find a rabbi, or a collection of rabbis, to sign off on virtually anything. Conferring Sanhedrin status on rulings today is an insult to the institution.

  1. Only the details of a mitzvah* *can be hidden from the eyes of the Sanhedrin, not the entire mitzvah. If the Sanhedrin rules to uproot an entire mitzvah, they do not bring the special korban (Horayos 4A).

It is noteworthy that Chazal entertained the possibility of a Sanhedrin being so ignorant or corrupt that they would rule to uproot an entire mitzvah. This is not science fiction or a “conspiracy theory”; it’s an actual Gemara, derived from a pasuk, that is consecrated in Jewish law. Furthermore, Chazal also discussed a situation in which the Sanhedrin ruled to permit avoda zara, or declared that one type of avoda zara is not actually forbidden, and this is also concretized in Jewish law.

Those who say it can’t happen or won’t happen are dismissing Jewish law and our greatest sages, who took this eventuality very seriously.

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Chananya Weissman – At Least Don’t Collaborate With Your Sworn Enemies!

Stop Supporting Your Enemies

Even people who are generally aware that the Jewish people have enemies on the inside who collaborate with enemies on the outside — whether for profit, power, or plain malice for Torah-true Jews — remain in denial about the extent of their evil and to what degree these traitors have infiltrated our nation. It is safe to say that there is no aspect of our communal life that is not deeply influenced, if not mostly controlled, by Erev Rav.

This problem did not begin yesterday, and it won’t be solved in a day, but we cannot begin to address it if we don’t acknowledge it and take it seriously. Torah-true Jews talk a good game about protecting themselves and their children from foreign influences that are antithetical to the Torah, and I believe most of them are sincere, but they remain blissfully ignorant to how much spiritual poison they are inviting into their lives — and even paying handsomely for the privilege. We are personally supporting the very people and entities who work day and night to destroy us from within.

We cry foul that the pseudo-Jewish corporation known as the State of Israel sends “aid” to our enemies, even as they pretend to fight a war against them, but when we support Erev Rav institutions, are we not doing quite the same?

I’ve spent the last few years exposing various such institutions, and urging the community to separate from them. We cannot necessarily put them out of business — after all, they are richly funded by the government, large corporations, and other spiritually impure sources with spiritually impure intentions — but we can certainly punish them and limit their ability to target our people.

No one can argue in good faith that we are not obligated to do this, that this is in fact not the call of the hour.

Yes, it would be difficult in the short term to enjoy the full range of kosher products if we stop relying on big organizations that long ago sold whatever souls they might have once had. We might need to stop outsourcing kashrus to huge multinational corporations and give up eating processed foods with dozens of ingredients from all over the world, and instead revert to simpler, more natural foods with local kashrus supervisors that we personally know and trust — God-fearing people who actually work for us, not for a board of directors and mega-sponsors.

Yes, it would be difficult to adopt different models of educating our children if we stop outsourcing this most critical responsibility to soulless institutions. It would mean caring less about what people think and more about the safety and development of our children. It would mean making different career choices, adjusting our lifestyles, and putting more of our trust in Hashem and ourselves than in cultish, predatory indoctrination camps.

Yes, it would take time to learn how to protect our health and deal with medical problems without relying on the eugenic deathcare system for all our needs. If we recognize that hospitals are places where people with years to live were sent to die horrible deaths in isolation during the Covid era…

If we recognize that the vast majority of doctors and other “experts” who remain in the system knowingly harmed their patients during the Covid era to protect themselves and their miserable jobs…

If we recognize that those who didn’t do this knowingly are astonishingly ignorant and blindly follow protocols from a chart like an amateur who follows a recipe and believes he is an expert chef…

If we recognize that the deathcare system is less interested in keeping you healthy than making money off of you as long as your life is still considered useful, until such time as they will profit more from the termination of your life…

If we recognize that they view us and our bodies merely as products to be managed, controlled, and experimented upon, and not as unique, infinitely precious human beings with God-given souls…why do we continue to entrust ourselves to these demons in white coats any more than absolutely necessary until the system can be replaced, and why are we not collectively working in earnest to do just that?

Yes, it would be difficult to “keep up with the news” and “know what’s going on” if we stop turning to the media — and even the “alternative” media — that we know with certainty lie to us and distract us for a living. But what person in his right mind addictively turns to known liars and propagandists day after day for information?

What person in his right mind continues to allow such people and companies to decide which “stories” are important, choose which “narratives” are worth discussing and arguing over, influence his opinions even slightly, and manipulate his decisions on critical matters without his even realizing it?

What person in his right mind would even glance at such material, let alone spend endless hours hungrily taking it in and sharing it, then consider himself “informed”, even “awake”, yet somehow impervious to all the poison he just consumed? Why does he believe he is “more prepared” after this frequent exercise in time-wasting, stultification, and self-harm, which never leads to meaningful, productive action?

So yes, it would be more difficult to maintain the illusion that you are informed and not controlled if you quit the pseudo-Jewish propaganda sites cold turkey and cancel your subscription to Erev Rav print media. You might have to find other ways of occupying yourself on long Shabbos afternoons (Torah learning and enriching time with family remain the best options) without allowing un-Jewish influences couched in a “Jewish family magazine” into your home.

But isn’t it ironic that the very people who are on a crusade against Internet and smartphones (and with good reason) allow Erev Rav publications to subtly erode their families in much the same way, just because they feature kosher recipes, hagiographies about rabbis, and “yeshivish” lingo?

Why are there protests in many neighborhoods outside stores that sell smartphones, yet no one seems to care that these sinister publications are sold in seforim stories and Kosher supermarkets everywhere?

Who’s the hypocrite? Who’s the fool?

The truth is, we all are, to varying degrees. We all need to take serious steps in the right direction, with the eventual goal of separating ourselves from the Erev Rav and their influences completely.

And yes, it would take time to replace the Erev Rav, the fake-Jewish leadership, girfters, and corrupt useful idiots, with authentic, Torah-true shepherds. We need a total house-cleaning, from the local rabbis without an ounce of yiras shamayim and accountability, who promoted death shots to their communities and got away with it, to the chief Erev Rav, who, without exception, work for evil governments and other kofrim, and act as liaisons to manipulate us down the path of destruction.

But how can we not at least start the process, beginning with driving the lowest hanging fruit out of town? If we cannot be bothered to clean up the mess in our own backyards, why should Moshiach come and take out the trash on top?

It begins in our own homes, and extends outward to our local communities.

What will you do to start?


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*   *   *

Speaking of enemies from within collaborating with enemies from without, I just uploaded JOWMA’s Deleted Seminar Promoting Immorality and Murder of Unborn Children. (This is the full version; I previously made a montage of excerpts here).

Warning: This presentation is obscene, highly disturbing, and completely antithetical to the Torah. Viewer discretion strongly advised.  It is posted in the interests of preserving the evidence against this sinister front group that has infiltrated and waged war on the Jewish people from within.

Officially called “Women’s Health Webinar: Family Planning”, posted on May 7, 2023.

There is nothing healthy about this family un-planning abomination. These ghouls don’t even look or sound Jewish, let alone religious.

After receiving pressure JOWMA deleted this seminar, then reposted it with a disclaimer, then deleted it again and made it available only via their hotline with a passcode.

Note: JOWMA has received official support and funding from the “Orthodox” Union: Not surprisingly, both organizations heavily pushed the poison shots.

More information about JOWMA is available at, other articles on my site, and videos here.

The Israeli Government Pretends to Apologize…

Israeli Government: Sorry About That

This comes from the Slimes of Israel: “Miki Zohar, the Likud’s culture and sports minister [of all people] issued an apology on behalf of the government to the residents of the southern communities slaughtered by Hamas on Saturday and to those who paid the ultimate price.

“The preparations were not in place for an attack like this…. The government, the state, was not ready for an attack like this,” Zohar says on Army Radio.“In the name of the government of Israel, and in the name of the whole State of Israel, we ask your forgiveness for what happened. Because the responsibility is on the government of Israel and the whole State of Israel.”

That’s right, folks, they’re sorry. Mistakes were made. Sorry we let you down. Let’s move on now.

Since Ms. Zohar and her colleagues are clearly too distraught to get into the details of their little boo-boo — after all, our pain is their pain, plus they are also busy saving the planet with Klaus and company — allow me to issue a more detailed apology on behalf of the apologists:

Dear people who were slaughtered,

We’re sorry we (officially) were caught totally by surprise. Although this attack was planned for many months, and we have some of the best intelligence in the world, they sure fooled us, and you paid the ultimate price. Whoops.

We’re sorry we ignored warnings from top foreign officials in the days leading up to the attack. We thought they were kidding, and we didn’t want to scare anyone. It’s not like this was a new strain of flu they were raising the alarm about.

We’re sorry we ignored warnings from soldiers stationed at the border that Hamas was training in plain sight for just this sort of invasion. We thought they were bluffing, or getting in some exercise, or just enjoying some paragliding in the sun. Did you ever go paragliding? It seems really fun.

We’re sorry we removed the surveillance balloons from the border. In hindsight that was pretty dumb, but who could have known?

We’re sorry we cleaned out the armories from the border communities, leaving them unable to defend themselves. But look on the bright side. At least the guns weren’t stolen by terrorists. And guns are really unsafe; you might have had an accident. So it’s a wash.

We’re sorry you got incinerated by thermobaric weapons, and shot, and beheaded, and raped to death, and then had your dead bodies looted, while the skies were clear and you were stranded for around eight hours. That is completely unacceptable, and we are working hard to make sure the world condemns it in the strongest of terms.

We’re sorry they took so many videos of it without your consent and posted them all over social media. That must be really embarrassing. We’re urging everyone not to watch these videos, because they are extremely upsetting, and if too many people get extremely upset it would endanger our ability to keep endangering you.

We’re sorry we didn’t send out a single helicopter to mow down the executioners. We still haven’t come up with a good excuse for that one, but we said we’re sorry, so don’t be a jerk about it.

Look, this is a hard time for all of us. This is not the time to ask questions. The time to ask questions is when we say so. At that time, we will appoint people to ask questions and we will help them draw the right conclusions, and we will promise to do better, and that will be the end of it.

Asking questions now will hurt morale, especially the morale of people who are trying to protect you who didn’t protect you when you were being slaughtered, and that would make you a threat to the state, and then an apology from you wouldn’t be enough.

So, please, in the name of the State of Israel, we’re sorry. Now get lost.


The Government

PS: Since many people don’t trust us, we’re working on making it illegal not to trust us (see here). Specifically, if you accuse us of letting this happen on purpose, we’ll lock you up and take away your stuff. This isn’t like all those threats we made against the people who incinerated you, beheaded you, and kidnapped you. This time we mean it.

To keep us safe.

Why Are Jewish Soldiers Listening to their Commanders?!

Video Evidence of the Lies and Betrayal

After viewing the information in this email, I need you to share it as widely as possible, especially with the brave Jewish soldiers whose lives are being endangered for all the wrong reasons, while the Jewish communities across Israel are left almost entirely defenseless.  Every single one of them needs to know this immediately.
According to the official story from the Israeli military and Erev Rav establishment, parroted by all the media in the world, the Hamas executioners infiltrated from Gaza at approximately 7:40 AM.  Just one of countless regurgitations of this lie is in The Washington Post, here.
Newly discovered security footage from Kibbutz Be’eri, where over 100 Jews were slaughtered, shows the savages invading the kibbutz and beginning the murderous rampage at 5:55 AM — after they had managed to cross the border, “take out” the bases (which we are supposed to believe were defended), and traveled several kilometers.
See the video here (credit to Sacha Roytman, who originally posted it here).
This is supported by a report from a local resident that has been widely shared, who said that the infiltration actually began at 4 AM. See the full report here.
Another video gleefully shared by the Arab savages shows them taking their sweet time hunting Jews, slaughtering them, burning down homes, and rounding up hostages. Watch it here.
This is not how people look when they know a military response is likely to come at any moment.  It’s how they look when they know how much time they have to engage in their sport without anyone interfering with them.
They were wide open targets as they traveled several kilometers back and forth on open land near the border.  A single helicopter with a machine gun could have mowed them down.  But the Hamas executioners knew there would be no helicopter or any other response from Israel’s military at any point during the EIGHT HOUR KILLING SPREE.  They knew exactly how much time they had to complete their operation and go out the same way they came in.
They knew this because they were told how much time they would have.  They knew it because it was planned and agreed upon on both sides of the border.  There was collaboration at the highest levels. That is the only plausible explanation. It is indisputable.
We currently have hundreds of thousands of Jewish soldiers at Israel’s southern and northern borders, under orders to idle there without even proper food and clothing (private citizens, who already pay upwards of 70% in taxes, are raising money to bring them basic supplies), while the Erev Rav puppet leaders make blustery statements.
While this is happening, the home communities of these reservists — their wives, children, and elderly parents — are left naked and exposed, as the Yishmaelites across the country are sharpening their swords.
The numerous traitors who collaborated with Hamas to slaughter and terrorize our people, lied about everything, and concocted an absurdly porous cover story, are the same people giving orders to our soldiers.  Perhaps continuing to listen to them is not the best idea.
Perhaps instead of idling and suffering by the border, awaiting orders to enter a death trap, they should return home and protect their families and neighbors.
Perhaps the people giving the orders should be apprehended and interrogated — all in an entirely legal and non-violent manner, of course, by the hundreds of thousands of brave soldiers conveniently assembled by these same people.
Is this not their moral right?  Is this not their moral duty?
The question is not which people in power committed high treason and a host of other crimes against our people.  The question is which of them truly had no knowledge of any of this, no role to play, no complicity, no Jewish blood on their hands.
Before we follow any further instructions from anyone in power or in the media they control, or allow them to distract and mislead us any further, it would be appropriate to find out.
Whoever refuses to accept that this was a betrayal at the highest levels, and that we should continue to do what we are told, might as well walk into the gas chambers as the previous batch of corpses is being shoveled out, convinced there’s a hot shower waiting for him.
This is the truth.  Deal with it.
*   *   *
Yesterday Frontline News released an emergency warning that the Arabs in Shomron were evacuating their women and children in preparation of an attack on nearby Jewish communities, who were left without significant military protection.  Thank God, this report went viral all over the world, and the Erev Rav establishment was forced to send reinforcements, as this “surprise massacre” would no longer be a surprise.
The official propaganda in Hebrew from the Erev Rav establishment is here.  They didn’t move in troops to protect the Jews.  They did it to protect themselves.
Our efforts make a difference.  Don’t stop.


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