The Threat Is Not the Sodom Promoters, but the Great Enabler: The State

Israel’s Pride Revolution

Sunday was an enlightening day in Israel. The gay pride “community”, which was recently expanded to include bisexuals and cross dressers who demand to be recognized as members of the opposite sex, held public demonstrations throughout the country.

While a deadly pandemic is sweeping across Israel, they could think of nothing more important than gathering to publicly display pride in men sleeping with men or pretending to be women. Love is love, as one of their mind-numbing slogans goes, and apparently pride is pride as well. Whatever they feel simply must be expressed, however they feel like expressing it.

I call this day enlightening because certain facts about this movement, the authorities who support it, and the response of those who oppose it all became more clear. All these facts were previously clear to the discerning eye, but now they are clear to the naked eye.

The movement

The organizers held Sunday’s events under the theme “The revolution is not yet complete”. In so doing, they have done us a tremendous favor by openly acknowledging that this is in fact a revolution. Homosexuals, et al. are not persecuted in Israel. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where they are truly free, and in fact Israel actively promotes itself as a warm home and tourist destination for practitioners of these lifestyles that fly in the face of traditional values.

At the same time, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is attacked by these same people for not being “progressive” enough. Even within Israel, these demonstrations are held exclusively in Jewish-majority cities. The organizers have literally zero interest in holding events in Gaza, Ramallah, Jericho, Hebron, or East Jerusalem, where gay people live in fear of execution. Not a single word about that. Instead, they protest the fact that gay people within Jewish areas are not yet allowed to hire a woman to bear a child for them at the expense of taxpayers, and are fighting for this “right”. Chelm.

The so-called mainstream media, including the Jerusalem Post and the Times of Israel, dutifully play along, bemoaning the oppression of gays in Israel, celebrating every time a gay person is elected to public office as a sign of “progress”, and supporting them in whatever cause is next on their agenda. Those who oppose whatever they demand are condemned as far-right extremists and murderers-in-waiting not only in editorials but in news pieces. 

This is no longer portrayed as an opinion, but as a fact that cannot be disputed. You will never see an opinion in the “mainstream” press so much as questioning anything about the revolutionary movement. There is literally only one side to this issue.  You are simply not allowed to tell them no.

The fact that someone born with a Y chromosome is a man can be disputed, but the notion that one who does not support the gays in whatever they demand is a hate-filled extremist who must be reigned in by police cannot be disputed.

Indeed, the organizers did us a great favor by stating that this movement is not really about any particular right or societal injustice, but a revolution. There can no longer be any doubt that if they achieve whatever they are demanding today, tomorrow they will come up with a new demand to push the revolution forward.  

Those who allow themselves to be convinced that it really is unfair that people who choose not to marry and have children naturally must be allowed to have state-sponsored surrogate children are suckers. This isn’t what they want, and giving it to them will neither satisfy them nor appease them. It will only encourage them to launch the next phase of the revolution.

What the revolutionaries declare “oppression” today would have been laughed at by their predecessors just a few years ago. Oppression today means not being given everything I want and demand, with apologies, this very minute.

The goal of the revolution – as with all revolutions – is to overthrow the social order and create an entirely new system. This new system is hostile to Bible-believers with traditional family values. The revolutionaries do not wish to simply live in freedom among religious, God-fearing people who promote moral boundaries. They wish for the promotion of God-fearing moral boundaries to be denounced as primitive, banished from the educational system, and outlawed as a hate crime. Nothing less will please them.

It is especially noteworthy that there is no public voice of dissent within this revolutionary movement. One would expect that among the thousands of activists who supposedly just want to be “accepted” as equal members of society, there would be some expression of acknowledgment of the many sacrifices and accommodations those who don’t share their values have made for them. The vast majority of people living in Israel – Jew, Muslim and Christian alike – are not happy to see people parading through their cities proudly flaunting behaviors that they find provocative and reprehensible. Those with traditional values have, with few exceptions, raised hardly a peep of protest as the demonstrators have pushed the envelope with each passing year.

Perhaps a little thank-you is in order? A little gratitude for allowing – and in many cases supporting – very painful changes in society that fly in the face of their sacred teachings, which are still dear to them? A little acknowledgment of the fact that such changes are extremely difficult for them to witness, and appreciating their willingness to make room for people whose lifestyles fly in the face of everything they believe in?  A little love and tolerance toward those who have had to stomach many things they find abhorrent?

No. Not a single word of acknowledgment and appreciation for religious people who are not thrilled to see the rainbow – God’s symbol of wrath for immorality – flying in their face wherever they go. Religious people are intolerant, primitive, homophobic, racist, oppressive hypocrites. That is the official position of the revolutionaries and their media bedfellows. This position is relentlessly broadcast, as nuance and appreciation for the enemy would weaken the cause of the revolution.

Again, this has been clear to the discerning eye for many years, but the revolutionaries have achieved enough power, influence, and support to now state it openly. This has nothing to do with rights, equality, tolerance, justice, love, or any of their other empty buzzwords and slogans. It is a revolution to purge Biblical values from society and persecute those who uphold these values.

The authorities who support it

Bible-bashers have all the momentum on their side, so it is no wonder politicians and the authorities kowtow to them. It’s good for business, plain and simple. Supporters of this movement can say anything they want about religious people with traditional values and get away with it – their free speech must be protected, after all. They routinely speak of traditionalists in the most inflammatory of terms, the likes of which are reserved for no one else, even actual terrorists with blood on their hands. Unbridled rage and incitement against traditionalists is justified as a legitimate expression of their feelings. These are people in pain expressing their grievances. We must try to understand them and support them in their struggle.

Religious people, on the other hand, must walk on eggshells whenever they bring up the subject, if they dare bring it up at all. They face a real danger not only of being harassed and bullied by supporters of the movement, but extra-legal persecution from the authorities. Israel grants tremendous leeway for people to be investigated, arrested, and even incarcerated for long periods of time without even being charged with a crime. The mere suspicion of thinking about committing a crime – which in and of itself can be broadly interpreted – is sufficient grounds to destroy a person’s life. This is not theoretical. It has happened countless times to religious people more to send a message and keep others in line than to prevent actual crimes.

Traditionalists who still dare bring up the subject know they are walking a tightrope. They do not enjoy the benefits of free speech or anything resembling it. One careless word can have detectives bursting into their home in the middle of the night, guns drawn, to ransack the place in search of “evidence” and haul them off to a dungeon for interrogation, without the right to legal counsel. This is Israel, the self-proclaimed “only democracy in the Middle East”.

Religious people must make it abundantly clear that they do not advocate violence or breaking the law in any form, and are merely discussing theoretical ideas (on that note, I do not advocate violence or breaking the law in any form, and promote love even for those who engage in behaviors that violate my beliefs). Have you ever heard a gay-advocate insert the disclaimer that, while Orthodox Jews are hate-filled terrorists, they do not advocate violence against them? That they are criticizing only the sin, not the sinner? Never. But religious people must do just that, otherwise, they are guilty until proven innocent, and it is impossible to prove innocence.

Religious people are schmattas.

The response of traditionalists

The response of those who support traditional Biblical values was never strong, and now that the deck is stacked against them it is virtually nonexistent. It is not too late to turn things around, but it will require more widespread participation and a complete change of approach.

The few people who come out to protest gay pride parades have their heart in the right place. I admire their willingness to stand as a minority that is detested by the media, persecuted by the police, and ignored by those who share their traditional values. Twenty-seven of these activists were arrested by police on Sunday, and according to media reports they did not commit any crimes. The “mainstream” media has expressed no objection to this, and in fact seems extremely satisfied with this heavy hand against “extremists”. It seems their only concern is that such “extremists” still exist and must continue to be deterred altogether. Supposedly this proves the need for continued “struggle”.

Politicians have been predictably silent. They know religious people can be trampled upon and will still support them when the time comes, so long as a few crumbs are thrown their way, and even if not.

We can whine and complain that the deck is stacked against us – and it’s true – but this will get us nowhere. We need to look inward to determine why the majority that does not want gay parades in their streets is being completely overwhelmed. We also need to understand why the message from anti-tradition activists is winning over so many people, while we are failing to capture the minds and hearts of society. Not only is our response to the challenges woefully insufficient, it is a dismal failure.

The public relations tactics employed by the anti-tradition revolutionaries have much in common with those of Black Lives Matter, radical feminist groups, and the BDS movement against Israel. Their cardinal rule is to portray themselves as perpetual victims, an oppressed minority struggling for basic rights against a cruel Goliath that wishes to destroy them.

There is often a kernel of truth to the message – blacks have faced a long, uphill road against racism, for example – but this kernel is hijacked to foment an endless war on society replete with lies and exaggerations. Those who challenge any of these lies and exaggerations are condemned as disloyal to the pure, noble mission that the group supposedly stands for. Those who fully identify with the goals, but raise concern about any of the means to achieve these goals, are similarly attacked without mercy. Either you fall completely in line with the “rights” group, or you are the enemy of all that is right and good, and shall be dealt with accordingly.

Successfully portraying themselves as righteous victims struggling against “the system” attracts young people seeking identity and purpose, lost souls seeking affirmation, and those with a spiritual void to fill. The media – which tends to be dominated by such people – eagerly latches on to their story, and sensationalizes it with compelling hyperbole, while ignoring the flaws, hypocrisy, and even crimes of the activists.

Politicians see which way the wind is blowing and quickly jump aboard the bandwagon. And just like that, you have a runaway movement.

This brings us back to the response of those who defend traditional family values against this growing tide. I was forwarded an announcement about a counter-protest against the gay parade the very morning of the event. I only received it because someone who knows someone thought I might be interested. The announcement was not widely circulated, and it seems it was limited to a small group of people who all know each other. If there was any effort to engage larger segments of the population who share their concerns about the revolution against traditional family values, there is no evidence of it.

I attended protests against the Pride Parade in the past but did not attend this one. I was turned off by the lack of organization in a last-minute announcement, the lack of effort to attract a more diverse group of supporters, and the manner in which they attempt to spread their message. Again, I want to emphasize that I think these are good people, and I admire their willingness to speak up when few others do and to sacrifice for their values. However, I disagree with their methods, and it is time to recognize that they have not only failed, but they have been counter-productive.

These protests typically consist of a few dozen people, most of whom are hilltop-youth types and look the part. They are surrounded by a battalion of police and soldiers, many of whom do little to conceal their contempt and hostility for them. Most likely undercover agents rove around as well. Occasionally a protestor is set upon and hauled away on some pretext, while the others rush to capture it on camera and jeer about a police state. The police get to flex their muscles and send a message, their prey gets a badge of honor from his group, the rest of the protestors have something to complain about, the lawyers are kept busy trying to get the kids out of prison, and the media gets footage of extremists causing trouble. Everyone wins.

The rest of the protest consists of people yelling slogans like “it’s not pride, it’s an abomination”, and loud speeches from political has-beens and never-will-bes. There will be banners with similar slogans, a prayer service, and lots of milling around. The media will smile at wild-looking people and invite them to be interviewed, effortlessly lure them to say something inflammatory and barely coherent about gay people, then show the world how crazy and dangerous religious people are.

Not a single politician or rabbi who is remotely mainstream will be present at a rally whose purpose is ostensibly to uphold traditional values that are most dear to them. They will be attacked for being cowards – which in many cases is surely true – yet the failure to attract all but fringe elements cannot be blamed entirely on cowardice.

It seems there was a plan on Sunday for protestors against the parade to try to infiltrate the other side, posing as gay supporters, and disrupt their event. No such incidents actually occurred, and we should be grateful for that. Can you imagine what the media would have done with that? How the government would have unified like no other time to condemn religious people and traditionalists, using this as a pretext to “crack down” even more on those who oppose “gay rights”? How rabbis and other religious leaders would also unite to condemn their own communities, which had nothing to do with this, and call on them to do soul-searching and repent for the sins of others?

The pro-gay activists would express outrage and fear at how they were “violated” and “endangered”, all while thanking God (figuratively speaking) for their good fortune. The foolish behavior of a few opponents would push their revolution forward by years, and they would milk it for all it was worth. Indeed, left-wing activists stage crimes just for this purpose; a real one is a gift that doesn’t stop giving.

Five years ago a mentally disturbed man with a criminal history stabbed several people at the gay pride parade in Jerusalem, including a teenage girl who died. This tragic event has been cynically used ever since as ammunition against all those who oppose gay parades. The criminal is portrayed as proof that religious Jews are dangerous, extremist, murderers-in-waiting who must be reigned in by police. Those who dare oppose gay parades immediately become suspects of planning a terrorist attack.

It makes no difference that the attack was universally condemned with complete sincerity. No one who opposes gay parades took any satisfaction in the wounding and murder of participants. There is not a single voice in the Orthodox Jewish world promoting violence against marchers or justifying it. If Orthodox Jews learned that someone in their community intended to hurt marchers, they would stop him and call the authorities.

The capacity of Orthodox Jews to be provoked and offended, yet respond without violence, is virtually unmatched. The dream of the Orthodox Jew is to devote himself to Torah study, hasten the redemption, spend time with his family, and perform community service. Unlike left-wing activists, who are perpetually angry, who blame society for all their problems, and who exploit anger as a virtue to advance an agenda, Orthodox Jews view anger as akin to idol worship, the lowest of human traits. There is no doubt about any of this – the media and the authorities know this quite well – yet the lie that Orthodox Jews are a violent threat is perpetuated like the blood libels of old.

In light of this, the idea of infiltrating the pro-gay group and causing a disruption is incredibly foolish. Do they really believe that pulling a high school prank would advance the cause of traditional family values? Do they really believe that calling homosexuals pigs and beasts will garner interest in the rabbi’s next class? Do they really believe observers will see the pro-gay crowd fighting for “equality”, playing music, and having fun, then look at the religious side, and choose the latter? Do they have any self-awareness or long-term plan to engage the masses? It seems not.

What’s most disappointing is that we don’t need to resort to slogans, stunts, and bully tactics like the anti-tradition crowd. We should be able to win over the hearts and minds of the public to stand for traditional family values, if only we really tried. There is nothing more foundational to a society, and more fulfilling, than a wholesome family life. The pro-gay crowd offers carnal gratification without moral boundaries, posing as “love”; a lifetime of anger; denouncing their predecessors as primitive and condemning the future to alienation. The traditional crowd offers a wholesome family life; inner spiritual peace; grandparents we admire and grandchildren who will admire us. We should win that contest hands down.

Instead of having unkempt teenagers shouting slogans at poorly organized events, we should be reaching out to the masses and teaching, teaching, teaching. We should be showing the world how rich the Torah is with lessons that the contemporary world desperately needs. We do not need to shy away from the Torah’s position on sexual behavior and gender identity, nor should we, but the lesson needs to be deeper than shouting a prohibition.

At the same time, protests against the Pride parades need a completely different approach. First, they should be organized well in advance and widely promoted. The left-wing activists have a well-oiled and well-funded machine, and they are incredibly organized. Traditionalists need to get their act together and up their game. Those who promote the message need to be presentable.

The actual protest should not consist of shouting at marchers. This sends a poor message and plays into the hands of those who need to play the victim card. The protest should be a gathering of a wide cross-section of citizens who are concerned about the values (or lack thereof) being flaunted in their streets against their will.

Residents of a city or neighborhood should demand the right to petition for publicly funded events they find disturbing and provocative to be held elsewhere. The vast majority of Jerusalem residents do not want gay activists from other cities and countries marching through their streets, and they should not have this imposed upon them. It would be difficult for any journalist or politician to side against this.

The protest should be more against the politicians who force this upon them than the actual marchers. The marchers cannot be swayed, but the politicians certainly can. The protestors should make it clear that politicians who do not respect the needs and sensitivities of local residents with traditional family values will be replaced by those who do. That will get their attention much better than a prayer service.

Here’s an even better idea. Invite those in favor of traditional family values to line the streets and simply turn their backs on the marchers. Jews, Muslims, Christians, and secular people who respect tradition would stand side by side, backs turned to those promoting licentiousness, without even saying a word. Men would stand together on one side of the street and women on the other, further demonstrating that gender is inviolable and chastity is a virtue. Grandparents would stand with children and grandchildren, all proud of one another, quietly displaying what the revolutionaries will never have.

Can you imagine such a thing? The Messiah might come right then and there.

There is no reason why this can’t happen.

Leftist activists speak of “changing the narrative”. They have successfully portrayed themselves as righteous victims fighting for such noble ideals as love and equality, while traditional people are primitive and hate-filled. They have parlayed this farce into revolutionary changes to the law, the educational system, and society, while traditionalists have backpedaled, confused and disorganized.

It is time for the overwhelming majority of people across faiths and ethnic backgrounds to wake up, come together, and stand up for traditional family values. If we continue to stay on the sidelines, we will have these values taken from us.

We truly have so much to be proud of and our values are worth standing up for. Let’s finally do it, and let’s do it right.


The Land of Israel Is Compared to a Woman

Courting Israel

Chazal teach that the Land of Israel is acquired with suffering, which is not the best sales pitch for aliya. Moving and acclimating to any new environment is difficult, but it seems moving to Israel has a built-in spiritual requirement for the transition to be difficult in the beginning. Why?

Making aliya is not like any other relocation. People relocate for many reasons: education, work, marriage, opportunity, health, medical, family, or simply to make a change. Many of these reasons may factor into when one will choose to move to Israel, but it should never be the driving force behind the move. The real reason to move to Israel – and to remain there – is because it is the home of every Jew, and every Jew belongs there.

The process of moving to Israel is, in many ways, like a courtship. There is the infatuation stage, typical of those who come for a trip or a year in seminary and “fall in love” with Israel. In most cases, infatuation quickly wears off, especially because vacationing somewhere and living there are two completely different experiences. The traveler is left with some fond memories and then returns to real life, finding someone else to love.

There are those who develop a greater connection to Israel and wish to visit periodically, for holidays or special occasions. They support the economy as tourists, show support for Israel in various ways, and admire those who “make the leap”. Ultimately, however, they are betrothed to another land, and their relationship with Israel can best be described as casual dating.

Then there are those who have a second home in Israel and come for extended visits, maybe even a sabbatical. When push comes to shove, however, their connection with another land is simply too strong to commit to Israel. Their love is strong and sincere, but they are like those who need to see other people, too. They can’t be tied down to one person.

Israel is like a beautiful princess with every virtue. Many admire her beauty and praise her virtues, competing for her love. But, like any woman, she wants to be desired not for her beauty and charm, but for her neshama. She has to ensure that those who love her are sincere. Her heart is tender, and she does not want to be hurt.

So, like a true princess, she is coy and enigmatic. She does not display all her beauty and bare her soul to all who come to court her – just enough to be tastefully attractive. She tests her suitors to determine whether they are sincere or superficial. She makes them work for her heart, and those who give up easily have proven themselves unworthy of it.

Those who are worthy of her will not be deterred by the challenge of winning her heart. They know that the beauty she allows them to see is only a fraction of her true beauty. They know that the unflattering aspects of her personality are largely a protective shield. She plays hard to get – but she is worth the effort.

Many are discouraged by her defense mechanisms. They call her rude, ugly, immature, unreliable, cold, unlovable. She is none of those things – entirely the opposite – but she will not give herself to those who will abandon her in difficult times. Her suitors must be tested and prove their commitment.

For more than seventy years, the Jewish people have been “dating” Israel. Many have fallen in love with the land and built beautiful lives here – not perfect lives without any problems, for such lives don’t exist, but beautiful, deeply satisfying lives.

Many others came not looking for love but with a list of demands, scrutinizing the land with a microscope, sneering at any blemish. This land is not good enough for me, they proclaimed! The land was hurt by their betrayal, and responded with the pride of a true princess. I see many blemishes in you as well, she replied, with no need for a microscope or scrutiny. You are covered in warts from head to toe. I was willing to overlook your faults if you loved me, but since you don’t love me, I will make your life intolerable. You can return to your mistress. One day you will realize what you gave up.

Still others have flirted with Israel, enjoyed a dalliance with the land, but can’t make a commitment. The land waited patiently for them, offering her love, but has been deeply disappointed by the lack of reciprocity. Like any woman with dignity, she has finally made an ultimatum. You need to decide once and for all. Either settle down with me, or we cannot see each other any further.

For generations, the Jewish people have dated Israel. It’s time to settle down and get married.


Copies of my sefer, Go Up Like a Wall, are available at no charge upon request

‘If a White Person Is Born Blind and Has No Idea What All This Is About, Does He Get Off Easy?’

Serious questions about the rules of racism

Things are changing very quickly, and I need help understanding the new rules. I’m not making fun or being disrespectful. There are serious questions. If the group-thinkers can please clarify the following, I would be very grateful.

  1. A bi-racial couple has two sons, one black and one white. Lots of questions here! Is the white son born with white privilege, while the black son is a victim? If there is only one spot available for a school play, a summer job, an internship, etc., how should they decide who gets it? Can the white parent take away the black son’s privileges? Should the white son give his stuff to his black brother to atone for his ingrained racism? Is it appropriate for the white son to call his black brother “my brother”, or is that racially insensitive?

  2. If someone has Aunt Jemima in his pantry, what should he do with it? Can he still use it as part of a grandfather clause? Are grandfather clauses racist? Can he return it to the store for a refund or exchange, or must he assume responsibility for the act of purchasing it?

  3. If a black man has no problem with Uncle Ben’s, is he an Uncle Tom?

  4. The Bible has many racially insensitive passages. What should be done about it? What are black churches doing about it? Can the offensive passages be updated? Should there be different versions for different races?

  5. If all references to slavery are being erased, will Black History Month be shortened to a week?

  6. If a white person is born blind and has no idea what all this is about, does he get off easy?

  7. Do white illegal immigrants, or whatever they are called now, have to atone for being privileged Americans?

  8. If a black person is born inside a white body, and he identifies as black, where does he fit in?

  9. If I help find examples of racism in corporate America, can I get a cut? You know, a finder’s fee?

  10. I don’t mean to change the conversation or hijack the narrative – this is your time – but when all this is finally settled, can you tell the Germans to kneel to the Jews?



I don’t think I’ll be putting this up on Facebook…

‘Anyone Who Dwells Outside Israel Is As if He Worships Idols’ – The Simple Meaning

Idol Worship in Exile

The Rabbis taught: One should always dwell in Israel, even in a city that is mostly heathen, and not dwell outside of Israel, even in a city that is mostly Jewish – for anyone who dwells in the Land of Israel is likened to one who has a God, and anyone who dwells outside the land is likened to one who has no God, as it states “To give you the land of Canaan, to be for you a God.”

But does anyone who does not dwell in the land not have a God?! Rather, it is coming to tell you that anyone who dwells outside the land is as if he is worshipping idolatry. And so by David it says, “For they have driven me out today from being gathered in the inheritance of Hashem, saying ‘go worship other gods.’” Now who told David to go serve other gods? Rather it is telling you that anyone who dwells outside the land is as if he is worshipping idolatry. (Kesubos 110B)

Contemporary events lend insight into this famous Gemara that, on the surface, is difficult to comprehend.

At the very outset, it must be noted that this teaching is not an allegory or a philosophical remark. It is codified by the Rambam as Jewish law – the same Rambam that some Jews rely on for staying in galus. I have no doubt that clever Jewish minds will split hairs or otherwise explain this away to justify remaining in their steplands until the bitter end, but that is their choice. The Rambam has nothing to do with it.

The Gemara first likens a Jew who dwells outside of Israel to one who has no God. This is extremely difficult; God is everywhere and is with Jews in galus as well. The Gemara therefore likens him to one who worships idolatry, but this too is difficult. We can understand that a Jew in exile may lack some measure of God’s protection and closeness. But how can we say that they are like idol worshipers? Our Talmudists, Geonim, and many of our holiest people lived outside of Israel. How can the Gemara make a blanket statement that seemingly associates even them with any semblance of idolatry? Instead of solving the initial problem, it seems the Gemara only made it worse.

Yet all we need is to look around and we will see how true both comparisons are. The Jew in galus knows deep down how quickly things can change. Even if he lives in a democracy in which all ethnicities have equal rights, the Jew is never secure. On the surface they forget – they drive it out of their consciousness – but the Jew instinctively knows that he is a stranger in a strange land.

He is not like the gentiles, no matter how much he tries to imitate their ways, or even outdo them. Unlike his neighbors of other ethnicities, he must suppress much of his identity, even if he may be outwardly Jewish and proud of it.  Even if the Jew achieves some measure of power, he must always rely on the gentile to safeguard him. Even if the Jew is a wealthy landowner, he is really just a tenant.

Because of this, the Jew will make many accommodations to get along with his gentile neighbors, hoping to be tolerated. His gentile neighbors of other ethnicities do not feel this same instinctive need to ingratiate themselves with Jews or others. It is not built into their psyche.

They do not have to wonder whether their brothers and sisters are “too visible”, have “too much power”, or contribute enough to the community to earn the good graces of their neighbors.

They do not instinctively feel the need to be polite and kind to the doorman, the delivery man, the policeman, or the person they pass every day on the street just in case…just in case if things get bad, maybe that person will remember the Jew was kind and hide him or help him escape. This is something Jews are taught. We should be polite and kind to all people to sanctify God’s name…but also because it might one day save a Jew’s life. He might one day wave you to the right instead of to the left, just because you said good morning. You never know.

The gentile does not have to think like that. Only the Jew.

Rather, only the Jew in galus.

This is what the Gemara means when it says the Jew outside of Israel is like one who serves idols. Of course he does not actually serve idols…but he must ingratiate himself to those who do.

A guest does not criticize the lifestyle of his host, at least not while in his home. A Jew therefore does not criticize the lifestyle of the gentile while in his land. The guest can be thrown out, and so can the Jew. Even if the host is gracious, it is likely to cool the relationship – something the Jew cannot risk.

The Jew cannot even decide when his synagogue may be opened or closed. The Jew must make sure his yeshiva curriculum conforms to standards set by gentiles. The Jew must ensure that his right to kosher meat and circumcision is not challenged. So the Jew doesn’t make a fuss about his host’s, shall we say, idiosyncrasies.

The Jew looks the other way. He engrosses himself in his religious studies and his community, ignoring all that goes on in the society around him, so long as it does not directly pertain to him. He censors his religious texts if necessary. He is both ashamed and fearful of expressing certain Jewish ideas that might not go over well with his gentile neighbors. They can afford to offend the Jew without fear of reprisal. The Jew cannot take the chance.

He is a stranger in a strange land, no matter what.

He does not worship idolatry, but he dare not say boo about it.

Today we see Jews kneeling to show solidarity with people who hate them. They pay homage to a man who was murdered not because they are leaders in social change, but because they must follow. The same rabbis who compose eloquent expositions about the responsibility of the Jew to speak out (after seeing how the winds were blowing) have nothing to say about fifty million abortions in America, nothing to say about gay parades and the war on the nuclear family, nothing to say about religious business owners under attack by the anti-God movement, nothing to say about men dressing up as women and forcing others to play along with their charade.

But a man is murdered thousands of miles away, and suddenly the Jew must speak out!

The Jew in exile is a shmatta. This is what the Gemara is telling us. A Jew who lives in Israel – even if he must live among heathens – is still in his home. His mere presence in Israel is a powerful theological statement that cannot be ignored. Even if he must fear the heathen, the heathen is the stranger.

The initial comparison in the Gemara of a Jew in exile to one who has no God is not inaccurate, either. We see this illustrated in our time as well. The Jew in exile claims that he cannot earn a living in Israel; God cannot and will not support him there. He is afraid that there is not enough water; God will not send enough rain for His people. He claims that there is not enough room in Israel to accommodate all the Jews; God gave them a home that is too small. He fears that one missile could wipe out the entire country; God’s chosen land for His chosen people is a death trap.

Is this not someone who can be likened to one who has no God?

Perhaps the Gemara backed away from this initial comparison only because for thousands of years it was unfair. The land of Israel was closed to the average Jew. He simply had no choice. It would be unfair to liken this Jew to one who has no God, for this Jew devoutly yearned for the day when he could return, and made the best of the curse of exile until then. He is likened “only” to one who worships idols, for he must remain in the good graces of his host.

Today, however, we see that both comparisons of the Gemara ring true. The Jew in exile licks the boot of his gentile host because he must, no matter where he dwells, and he does not speak up about social issues unless it is expected of him.

But the Jew in exile also does not believe that God will sustain him anywhere else. God has already brought back many millions of Jews just like him, defeated their enemies over and over again with miracles, and sustained his people despite their best efforts to sabotage themselves. God has enough water, and food, and money, and land, and protection for all His people. The Jew in Israel knows this, even if he is secular, for he lives it every day of his life.

The Jew in Israel who keeps no mitzvos has a closer connection to God than a devout Jew in exile, for he is home. He can also speak up about any social issue he pleases – and he does so loudly and proudly – because this is his home.

We are long past the stage of arguing over whether a Jew has a religious obligation to live in Israel, or whether God wants the Jews to be here, or whether the right time is now or some distant future. It is time for all the Jews in exile to thank their gentile hosts for their hospitality, let them sort out their own social issues, pack their bags, and return home.


‘Social Justice’ Jews Reap What They Sow – Happy Now?!

The Suffering of the “Progressive” Jew

For all the different categories and stripes of Jews that exist and have existed throughout history, there are really only two that matter when you boil it all down: those who accept the divine origin of the Torah, the divine wisdom of the Sages, and the binding authority of both; and those who don’t. The rest is commentary,

The measure of our commitment to something is what we are willing to sacrifice for its sake. Throughout Jewish history those who belong to the first camp have made every sacrifice imaginable for the sake of Torah-true Judaism. It is their commitment that made it possible not only for the Jewish people to survive, but to flourish throughout thousands of years of exile and persecution.

The primary reason for the existence of the second camp is an unwillingness to commit to life as a Jew. By this I refer not to heroic commitment under the pain of persecution – those who falter under such trials should not be judged – but those who find even the most basic demands of life as a Jew too onerous to accept.

Very few people have studied the Torah thoroughly, compared it to other religions and ways of life, and decided that Judaism is inferior to any of them. It is virtually impossible for someone to study the Torah thoroughly and need any further convincing that God exists and the Torah is His handiwork. Those who draw other conclusions do so almost entirely out of ignorance and personal convenience, often camouflaged by intellectualism.

They want to be free. They want to be up to date. They want to fit in with society’s norms and expectations. They want to “think for themselves”.

They say the Torah is primitive, outdated, no longer relevant. They say the rabbis were power-hungry conspirators who made things up, or at the very least were simply “interpreting” the Torah as they saw fit, with no divine knowledge or authority. We know better now, they say. We have a better way.

Oh, how these people must be suffering right now! Their world is crashing down around them.

They thought that by casting off the Torah they would find freedom, but they have become prisoners of a cruel society that demands more from them with each passing day. They thought they would find acceptance and love, but they are being rejected by their own comrades. They thought they would be safe, but they face the threat of merciless persecution for any word they say, or don’t say, or said decades ago. They cast off religion and mocked believers, but traded it in for a new religion that demands unswerving obedience, unfailing allegiance, and truly perfect faith.

It is true that the Torah is demanding. It holds everyone to high standards and holds us accountable for our actions – no excuses. You traded it in for an ideology in which anything goes and the most barbaric behaviors can always be excused. Now you are reaping what you have sown. Is it better?

You say the Torah has too many laws; it is too burdensome and intrusive. You traded it in for a society that is lawless, yet invents new, mostly unwritten laws so quickly that no one can keep up.

The Torah’s wisdom is infinite, yet its commandments are finite: 613 to be exact. There are many laws that stem from these 613, but they are all clearly derived through a divine process that has held true for thousands of years. In fact, it is explicitly forbidden for anyone, even a prophet, to create a 614th commandment; this is one of the 613. We have the same 613 commandments our ancestors had from the day they were given. We know there won’t be any new ones. We have a system in place to settle doubts and guide us in all situations, even when we cannot conclusively settle a doubt.

Compare to your new religion. Every day you have new commandments, all of which demand an upheaval of your thinking and lifestyle. What you watched on Netflix today will be declared racist tomorrow, and you will be retroactively guilty. All who came before you are guilty and you must denounce them. You must be ashamed of your ancestors and abhor your elders for being unenlightened.

Your children – if you burden yourself with any and don’t kill them before they are born – will feel the same about you. You will be compelled to teach them that nothing is sacred, that whatever is old is outdated, that they must figure it all out for themselves. Then you are shocked and heartbroken when they scorn you, reject you, rebel against you. If you live long enough to become elderly they will see you as a burden and, if your “quality of life” is not deemed sufficient, facilitate your premature death. You reap what you sow.

In order to appease everyone, you adopted the belief that everything is true, that nothing is true, that people make up their own truths, which much always be respected. This is nothing but a clever way to deny the existence of God, whose seal is Truth, and whose existence mandates objective truth. You thought this would absolve you of the responsibility of seeking objective truth and adhering to it. Instead you must seek endless appeasement of those who make up subjective truths, even when they contradict one another.

You didn’t want rabbis – those supposedly evil, self-centered, power-hungry, racist, sexist, elitist rabbis – telling you what to do. Instead you have truly evil, self-centered, power-hungry, racist, sexist, elitist atheists telling you what to do. Unlike the rabbis, these people have no objective Torah sources on which to base their beliefs. Unlike the rabbis, you cannot question or challenge the legitimacy of their opinions, for there is no basis on which to debate them. Unlike the rabbis, you have no recourse but to blindly accept their authority and obey. Rabbis can teach you, their goal is to make you wiser. The leaders of your new religion have nothing to teach; they can only make demands.

Rabbis consult other scholars and analyze clear legal precedents before issuing rulings. This knowledge is available to everyone, and specious rulings will quickly be challenged by the community. What process did you trade this for in your religion of progress? Activists and social engineers make the rules, in conjunction with the media. There is no debate, no questioning, no analysis of the pros and cons, no comparisons to precedents – and no dissenting opinions. You see which way the wind is blowing, and you follow. Or else.

How open-minded and progressive.

The most devout among us are quiet, private, unassuming, humble, and sacrifice for others. The most devout among your “progressive” religion are loud, brash, arrogant, self-righteous, and only make demands of others.

You must align yourself with extremely bad and scary people if your religion of progress demands it. You must always look the other way and submit in the name of progress.

This just in. It’s not just that Netflix show that now renders you a racist. It’s the Lego set, the joke you told in high school, the children’s show, the movie you watched as a child with your grandparents, the doll you bought for your child, the costume you wore. You protested too much when you were called a racist, or you didn’t protest enough, or you protested too loudly when it was not your place, or you didn’t say anything at all. You thought you understood how someone else felt, or you didn’t try hard enough to understand. Guilty!

You claimed that the Torah is primitive because it has sacrifices, but your new religion has sacrifices, too. Human ones. Constantly. Your mob of moral police hungers for new sacrifices, hoping their frenzied rituals of destroying someone and his family will protect them and their own.

You are horrified by the concept of a death penalty, yet you execute people in so many ways, without even a trial. Do you have trouble sleeping?

You know deep down that one day they will come for you. You are bound to slip eventually, or be turned in by someone seeking approval for finding a villain, or be found retroactively guilty for a sin that has yet to be invented. You must even pay for the crimes of others as if you committed them yourself. You are guilty, always guilty, if not today then tomorrow.

There is no concept of repentance in your “progressive” religion. You will cry, and grovel, and plead for another chance. You will disgrace yourself. No one will have pity on you and no one will come to your defense – the accused stands alone, for he spreads guilt like a virus to all who come near.

The religion you abandoned reaches out to the lowest sinner, embraces him, and raises him up with love. The religion you abandoned does not expect perfect results, only a sincere effort. Look around at your tolerant, loving, slogan-chanting friends, as they look for something and someone to destroy in the name of progress. Will they respect your sincere effort if you stumble? Will they love you when you unwittingly, inevitably sin?

You reap what you sow.

The religion you abandoned will accept you back even now, with true love, despite all the sins you have committed. Your people will embrace you and admire your efforts. They will encourage you when you falter, as inevitably you will, because they have faltered as well in their own way and it’s okay not to be perfect. They will expect great things from you, not because you are fighting for the cause of the day, but because you are fighting for your own greatness.

Your elders know a lot more than you gave them credit for. They have what you need. Knowledge. Wisdom. Character. Morals. Peace. Godliness. Truth. A link to the past and a guide for the future.

Maybe it’s time you humbled yourself, truly opened your mind, listened, and learned.

When you stumble, your repentance will be personal and private. Your dignity is precious to you and to others. What a truly progressive idea.

We won’t get you fired and we won’t boycott your business.

The way of life you embraced has shown you how empty and sinister it is. The religion you abandoned is what you were seeking all along.

It’s time to come home.


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