Response to Rabbi Avraham Steinberg’s Corona Vaccine Mongering

Yesterday there was an outrageous article on Arutz Sheva by Rabbi Avraham Steinberg. The views expressed in his article parallel the publicly expressed views of many rabbis, and pushed the envelope even further in the demonization of those who want no part of the experimental vaccine.
The Eretz Hemdah organization in Jerusalem, which includes an academy and a rabbinic court, sent out an email yesterday with Rabbi Steinberg’s “ruling” and jumping on the bandwagon, declaring that it is a “Halachic obligation” to take the vaccination, and they dismissed any safety concerns as if they are prophets.
I felt compelled to respond, and thank God that Arutz Sheva published my response.  It was by no means a sure thing.
I am also working on a longer piece explaining how it can be that so many prominent rabbis can be wrong, and how we are obligated to recognize when this happens. We need to strengthen ourselves in the face of relentless propaganda, deceit, and rabbinic malpractice.  The truth is on our side.  There is no doubt of this.
God is watching to see who stands with Him.  In fact, God is doing us a great favor by exposing all the phonies and Erev Rav among us.  When they are destroyed, we will recognize it as the blessing it is, and not the catastrophe we would have otherwise taken it to be.

Response to Rabbi Steinberg

I allow myself to publicly challenge Rabbi Steinberg’s recent response to questions on the experimental vaccine. Not only do I allow myself, I consider it an obligation that I cannot shirk from through humility or fear. I am thoroughly convinced that his five “fundamental background facts” are anything but, and that the conclusions he draws based on them are dangerous on many levels. One does not need to be a talmid chacham or a world-renowned scientist to see this, as I will demonstrate point by point.

1. Rabbi Steinberg begins by writing that “COVID-19 is an international epidemic which has caused innumerable deaths the world over, including several thousands of our brothers in Israel.” He further notes that many of those who have recovered have suffered ongoing problems, in addition to the collateral damage to society from the situation.

This is true, but it is missing vital context. The number of deaths that have actually been caused by Covid-19 is entirely speculative. There have been countless reports from all over the world that hospitals have been listing covid as the cause of death even when patients died of entirely unrelated causes, such as car accidents and gunshot wounds. Whistleblowers have reported being instructed to list covid as the cause of death if even a tiny, harmless trace of the virus was found in the body. Governments and drug companies have a deep vested interest in inflating the numbers of covid deaths to exaggerate the fear, justify extreme restrictions, and ultimately convince people to take their expensive new drugs.

How many reported covid deaths were actually due to covid? We deserve to know. But the Israeli government has buried its protocols on the virus and its response to it for THIRTY YEARS (just as they did with the Yemenite Children Affair). This means that all freedom of information requests related to the situation, including a deeper look at the actual causes of death, are being denied.

What are they covering up and why? We deserve to know. Until the Ministry of Health comes totally clean, we cannot trust the numbers they feed us, nor any decisions based on these suspect numbers.

2. Rabbi Steinberg writes as fact that “to date, all of the methods employed to contain the epidemic have failed.” This is technically true, but extremely misleading. All of the methods that have been employed to contain the epidemic run in direct contradiction to the methods determined by Israel’s leading epidemiologists. This was the subject of an important documentary by Orly and Guy. In fact, they noted that Israel’s corona cabinet does not have a single epidemiologist, and in fact has refused to seriously consider their expert guidance for containing a virus. The epidemiologists are almost entirely against lockdowns and the other measures Israel has employed, and have detailed plans on file for how to handle an epidemic.

Consequently, the fact that the methods that have been employed have failed does not mean that the only response is an experimental vaccine. In this case, it suggests these methods should never have been used in the first place, and the epidemiologists should have had a seat at the table from the beginning.

In addition, many doctors worldwide have reported great success with a combination of vitamins and repurposed drugs, such as Dr. Zelenko’s protocol. These have been in use for many months, and potentially could have saved countless lives. Inexplicably, Israel’s Ministry of Health is expending all its efforts on promoting an experimental vaccine when there may well be much safer, more effective, and inexpensive treatments.

Could it have something to do with the contract the Ministry of Health signed with Pfizer, in which Israel obligated itself to vaccinate millions of citizens and share medical data with this foreign drug company? Is it possible that other treatments would have obviated the justification for lockdowns, restrictions, ongoing fear, and the urgency for an experimental vaccine?

These are questions that the establishment must be made to answer before another person is injected.

3. Rabbi Steinberg claims that the vaccines have “passed the accepted stages of research…received the accreditation of the most authorized regulatory agencies in the world, have proven to be extremely effective…[and] they have proven to be very safe.”

This is extremely misleading. As of today the FDA’s fact sheet on the vaccines writes as follows. All are direct quotes:

  • There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

  • The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.

  • The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

  • The duration of protection against COVID-19 is currently unknown.

  • Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials.

  • The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA-approved or cleared product.

    For Rabbi Steinberg, the Ministry of Health, or anyone else to claim that the vaccine has proven to be safe, or that it is even fully approved, is medical malpractice of the highest order. Again, one does not need to be an expert to see the wide gulf between the claims being made to the public under the guise of “facts”, and the actual facts being stated in plain English by Pfizer and the FDA.

4. Rabbi Steinberg writes as “fact”: “All the claims of conspiracy, and the alarmist fake news surrounding the vaccines, are unfounded, fake news, and a person should not take them into account. While there do remain several open questions, they don’t carry enough weight to avoid vaccination.”

In light of the above, I will leave it to the reader to decide if raising questions and concerns about the vaccine renders one a conspiracy theorist, a peddler of fake news, or any of the other disgusting epithets that are being slapped on people who have good reason to be skeptical.

As Rabbi Steinberg is also the author of the Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics, I must also question if it is medically ethical to smear those who have concerns about putting any drug in their body for any reason whatsoever. This is especially the case when the government has buried its protocols, there is a massive propaganda campaign to pressure people to take the experimental vaccine, and people who raise concerns are being bullied and censored. This is hardly the climate that should surround any medical procedure, and it runs counter to the most basic principle of informed consent.

If we cannot ask questions and receive clear answers, if in fact those who express concerns are mocked and slandered, then informed consent is absent, and it is unethical to administer the drug.

5. Rabbi Steinberg writes as fact that those “who refuse to be vaccinated cause damage to themselves, since they are liable to become very sick, and even to die. In addition, they cause damage to others…Hence, halakhically it is an obligation upon everyone to be vaccinated…”

Once again, this is extremely misleading. Being that the FDA and Pfizer openly admit that much is still unknown about the vaccine, and it is still being studied in clinical trials, one cannot in good conscience claim it is factual that one who refuses to take the experimental vaccine is causing damage to himself. On the contrary, he may well be sparing himself great damage and even death.

Furthermore, those who do choose to vaccinate can still get covid and pass it to others. At best, it temporarily reduces their chances of developing severe symptoms if they get infected. It does not immunize them against catching covid, nor does it prevent them from spreading it. To malign those who choose not to vaccinate as people who are violating a Torah commandment to protect their lives and the lives of others is unacceptable. It unfairly manipulates people to take an experimental vaccine, and it fosters a climate in which those who don’t are slandered as murderers. I object to this in the strongest of terms.

I will add that there is no obligation in the Torah to risk one’s health and wellbeing by taking an experimental drug for the sake of making others feel safer, or to potentially lower the chance of someone else getting sick. It is forbidden to pressure anyone to make such a choice.

In light of these “facts”, Rabbi Steinberg proceeds to smear “vaccination refusers” as criminals, and declares that it is permissible to force them to be injected with a drug against their will, punish them in a variety of ways, and isolate them from society. This is nothing short of horrific, and it violates the Nuremberg Code. No human being in good conscience can condone this conclusion or the rhetoric that is being used. My blood boils as I write these words.

I will conclude on a positive note. Rabbi Steinberg and other members of the establishment have done us a great unintended service. Whereas those who were skeptical about the vaccine until now needed to make arguments based on the nitty-gritty of science, and get sucked into debates about their worthiness to express an opinion on the matter, it has now become much simpler. Considering the ruthlessness with which the establishment is trying to force this drug on the population, the trampling of basic medical ethics, the absence of informed consent, the demonization of millions of Israelis who have chosen not to take the experimental drug, the blood-lust to rob them of their medical autonomy and God-given human rights, the veil of secrecy placed on the protocols, the suppression of information, the misrepresentation of facts, the lack of liability, and how the whole thing stinks to high heaven, the argument no longer needs to be about science.

When people who have done everything to lose our trust and nothing to gain it are desperately trying to inject drugs in people, we should want nothing to do with it.

Aryeh Deri has expressed a desire to go house to house injecting people. Ayelet Shaked has referred to dissenters as vermin. Betzalel Smotrich is eager to punish people and force them to vaccinate. The mayor of Lod wants to deny municipal services to people who don’t vaccinate and compel them to stay home indefinitely. Yuli Edelstein, who studied foreign languages in university, seems a bit underqualified to run the Ministry of Health – unless his experience as a Refusenik makes him the perfect man to force people into compliance. His rhetoric leaves no room for doubt as to his intentions. The Prime Minister himself wants a list of names of all those who haven’t vaccinated, presumably so he can punish them. He has rabbinic approval from Rabbi Steinberg and others who have blessed this horrific tyranny.

He wants names? Put my name at the very top. I fear God more, and will stand for His people.

One final note: many countries around the world, including Japan, Australia, India, and South Korea have all decided not to vaccinate their people at this time. They are waiting to see what happens with the human lab rats in Israel. Are they all crazy conspiracy theorists who are anti-science and don’t value human life?

The commandment to safeguard our lives and the lives of others indeed rings loud in our ears. It compels us to do shev v’al ta’aseh, wait until the protocols are released, the tough questions receive detailed answers, and the public is granted complete medical autonomy without fear of retribution in any way.

Someone who refuses to take a drug for any reason, especially under such a cloud of darkness, is not a criminal. He is responsible. Those who behave like despots to forcibly inject people are the real criminals, and God will judge them for every ounce of suffering they inflict on His creations.


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When All Else Fails, Read the Instructions (that is, the Torah)!

Torah or Tyranny

The history of the human race can mostly be summed up as follows: God creates the world and tells Man the rules. Man breaks the rules, then makes different rules that he thinks will work better or that otherwise suit his desires. Man fails every time.

We live in a generation that considers itself the most enlightened in history. This assertion goes largely unchallenged not because it is true, but because those who are most slighted by this sanctimonious claim – all previous generations – are no longer here to protest it.

While technology has advanced exponentially, it is difficult to argue that the moral state of the human race has advanced in kind, let alone reached historic heights. Consider the state of the world today:

South America is controlled by authoritarian governments and drug cartels. Those who oppose the ruling class tend to be assassinated.

North America is controlled by increasingly draconian governments who serve the interests of large corporations and foreign entities. Censorship and bullying is the norm. The fundamental freedoms citizens used to take for granted have been eroding for many years, and currently hang by a thread. Those who oppose the current ruling class are being branded “domestic terrorists” by the establishment, to justify war against them.

Western Europe is also controlled by increasingly draconian governments, though their citizens had fewer freedoms to begin with. When citizens make large protests, the government considers them the enemy, not a voice to be heard and respected. Those who oppose the ruling class are persecuted.

Eastern Europe is controlled by authoritarian governments and oligarchs. Those who oppose the ruling class tend to wind up in prison or suffer tragic accidents.

The Middle East is controlled by totalitarian governments and dictators.

Israel, which proclaims itself the only democracy in the Middle East, has followed the Western World as it generally does. Hence, its vague allegiance to “democracy” has also been replaced with a draconian government that serves the interests of large corporations and foreign entities. Citizens are pawns with the illusion of rights. More on this later.

Africa is controlled by dictators and powerful tribes.

Asia is controlled by authoritarian governments, totalitarian governments, and dictators. The Chinese totalitarian system seems to be the role model of Western governments.

The overwhelming majority of the human race lives in abject poverty, regular poverty, or is dangerously close. The governments of the world view their citizens as subjects to be exploited, pawns to be manipulated, threats to be eliminated, or nuisances to be controlled. World leaders view laws that restrict their authority not as sacred guideposts, but as obstacles to be wiggled around or removed.

This is the most enlightened generation? This is the result of thousands of years of “progress”?

Capitalism, socialism, communism, democracy, autocracy, and the rest seem very different on the surface, but they all have one thing in common: sooner or later the money and power will be in the hands of a privileged few. Everyone else will struggle to get by, and will live in fear of the establishment.

Even democracy – that great achievement of recent generations – is easy to subvert and corrupt, or simply to vote out of existence. Tyranny is inevitable in democracies as well; it merely takes longer to develop.

This week’s parsha contains a high percentage of the laws God gave the Jewish regarding the societal structure. It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss them in depth, but even a cursory reading of the parsha shows the great emphasis on protecting the weak from the strong, integrity of the justice system, and safeguards against corruption.

According to the Torah, leaders are not only equally accountable to the law, they are held to a higher standard than ordinary citizens. With greater power comes not just greater responsibility, but greater accountability. Only God created and – just as critically – enforces such truly just laws. Man-made systems pay lip service to this idea, even as those in power constantly remind us that they play by different rules, if any rules at all. Even in democracies, the ability of citizens to hold their leaders accountable for gross misdeeds is extremely limited at best.

According to the Torah, there is no such thing as the rich having any privileges over the poor. Wealth is a God-given blessing, and a responsibility to help those less fortunate in order to secure continued blessing. Wealth does not confer on people greater status, presumptions of wisdom, or power according the Torah. A wealthy businessman with a multi-million dollar court case must wait his turn if the pauper is there first. Judges are obligated by the Torah to fear no one, favor no one, and to adjudicate as if their own money and lives depend on getting it right, for in fact they do. While they are judging the people, God is judging the judges.

Indeed, fear of Heaven and dependence on God to be actively supervising society are built into our judicial system. A capital case can only be reopened to acquit one found guilty, but never the reverse. This is not because the Torah is against harsh punishment of criminals – just the opposite – but because we recognize that our powers to mete out punishment must be limited in certain ways, and that God is actively involved in the judicial process. We are constantly reminded that we are only servants of God, and our leaders are only custodians of the Torah, to safeguard us from tyranny.

It is no coincidence that man-made systems remove God for the purpose of engaging in tyranny, or co-opt a religious system to terrorize people in God’s name. No man-made system limits the power of its leaders specifically in the name of God, relying on God to pick up where our ability to mete out justice must be constrained. Only in the Torah do we find that the sections describing positions of authority, such as kings, judges, and prophets, are devoted almost entirely to limiting the power of those in these positions.

Couldn’t all of mankind use more of that right now? Why did we ever think we could do better?

Another unique feature of the Torah is that the laws are finite and inviolable. In fact, the prohibition of adding or removing a single commandment is one of the 613 commandments, and a supposed prophet who seeks to add or take away from the Torah is executed as an obvious fraud. Only God could create a system that would be suitable for all times, places, and circumstances. Only divine wisdom could create laws that are permanent and unalterable.

Many people wrongly believe that rabbis have the power to change the Torah, when in fact their role is to teach it, instruct us on how to behave in cases of doubt, and properly apply its inviolable laws to different situations. Our sages have the authority to enact laws only for the sake of safeguarding the Torah; they cannot change a single letter.

Man-made systems are malleable by definition. Whoever created the system has no innate superiority over those who come after him, who will be sure to add new laws and discard old laws as they see fit.

Those who enjoy power in these systems have little better to do with themselves than constantly create new laws, issue new decrees, create a jungle of laws that no one can keep up with, then selectively enforce them against those they wish to suppress. Whatever is a basic right today may very well be criminalized tomorrow. This happens in every man-made system, and it is reaching extremel levels all over the world in our time.

Moreover, man-made systems specialize in vague laws that can be broadly interpreted and selectively enforced for political reasons. Take, for example, laws against “incitement”. What is incitement exactly? Whatever the people in charge want it to mean. The same is true for “endangering national security”, “enemy of the people”, “hate speech”, “causing a public disturbance”, “endangering public health”, “spreading misinformation”, and so much more.

Laws such as these are intentionally obscure to enable those in power to interpret them and apply them as they see fit. Corruption and double standards are inevitable. Anyone can be criminalized at any time.

God’s system stands in direct opposition to this. The laws are not only finite, they are clearly and fully defined through tradition and the interpretive process that were given along with the Torah. While details of commandments are under dispute, there is a clear process for determining a prevailing opinion as well, and there are no vague laws for leaders to interpret to give advantages to some and persecute others. Even a king who wishes to punish someone for treason must submit to a rabbinical court.

In a Torah system, authorities must outright violate the Torah to engage in tyranny; there’s no subterfuge. In man-made systems, they simply call it something else and make it legal.

As we near the end of days, God is making it clear for all to see that there are only two choices: Torah or tyranny. Every world power, representing every system of government, has normalized tyranny all together. There can no longer be any illusions that one system or another will give mankind the freedom it wants and deserves. They can only turn to God.

Many people wrongly believe that the Torah constrains a person, and they prefer to be “free”. We are learning how right Chazal were when they taught that the only truly free person is one who lives according to the Torah. The only truly free system is one that is based on the Torah. Those who try to create a more “open” and free system inevitably descend into tyranny, and it doesn’t take long.

Back to Israel. The great hope of the Jewish people after thousands of years of exile and persecution, the great modern Jewish experiment, has unequivocally failed. Far too many Jews foolishly believed that simply returning to our land was good enough. Israel would be a refuge from the ravages of exile, a guarantee that it would never happen again. Yet now it is happening in Israel itself. The government has turned against its own people and normalized tyranny. The masks are off, and there is nowhere left for them to run.

Even religious Jews believed that settling the land and building Torah-observant communities was good enough. As long as the government basically left them alone, they didn’t need to concern themselves with the overall spiritual character of the country. Now they are learning that Torah needs to be the law of land, and they need to take responsibility to make Israel a truly Jewish state. They can’t just be concerned about themselves and their own four cubits.

Israel’s dysfunctional government, with its eclectic mix of right wing, left wing, religious, non-religious, anti-religious, and many additional factions has historically never agreed on anything. They hate each other. But right now, for the first time in history, they have all united around a single idea: medical tyranny is normal and moral.

People who do not constantly prove that they do not have the flu-like strain of the day should not be allowed in public. People who refuse to be injected with an experimental drug should be demonized and discriminated against. They should not be forced, of course; that’s illegal. But “force” is another one of those words that can be defined and redefined to suit the whims of those in power. The definition is changing on a daily basis. Those clever, man-made laws to prevent tyranny ultimately enable it.

All incumbent political parties openly support this; there is not a single voice of outrage. They differ only in the degree of terror they wish to inflict on non-compliant citizens – all for the greater good, of course. It’s always for the greater good.

This brings us to the final lesson from the Torah system. Only God can decide what is for the greater good. Only God can play God. The tyrants wish to own everything, know everything, control everything, decide who is essential, whose life has value, who should be allowed to participate in society, and to what extent, and turn every God-given human right into a privilege that must be constantly earned by conformity to their edicts.

They want to own the world and take God’s place. But God owns the world, He controls everything, and He doesn’t want to give up His business. The final war is between those who turn to God, and those who want to take God’s place.

All the man-made systems have reached their natural end. All man-made roads lead to tyranny. All of humanity now faces a straightforward choice, regardless of where they live.

It is Torah, or it is tyranny.

Whose side are you on?


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The Corona Vaccine Looks Suspicious

31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

  1. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical treatment, not a vaccine. I do not want to take a medical treatment for an illness I do not have.

  2. The drug companies, politicians, medical establishment, and media have joined forces to universally refer to this as a vaccine when it is not one, with the intention of manipulating people into feeling safer about undergoing a medical treatment. Because they are being deceitful, I do not trust them, and want nothing to do with their medical treatment.

  3. The presumed benefits of this medical treatment are minimal and would not last long in any case. The establishment acknowledges this, and is already talking about additional shots and ever-increasing numbers of new “vaccines” that would be required on a regular basis. I refuse to turn myself into a chronic patient who receives injections of new pharmaceutical products on a regular basis simply to reduce my chances of getting a severe case of a virus that these injections do not even prevent.

  4. I can reduce my chances of getting a severe case of a virus by strengthening my immune system naturally. In the event I catch a virus, there are vitamins and well-established drugs that have had wonderful results in warding off the illness, without the risks and unknowns of this medical treatment.

  5. The establishment insists that this medical treatment is safe. They cannot possibly know this because the long-term effects are entirely unknown, and will not be known for many years. They may speculate that it is safe, but it is disingenuous for them to make such a claim that cannot possibly be known. Because they are being disingenuous, I do not trust them, and I want no part of their treatment.

  6. The drug companies have zero liability if anything goes wrong, and cannot be sued. Same for the politicians who are pushing this treatment. I will not inject myself with a new, experimental medical device when the people behind it accept no liability or responsibility if something goes wrong. I will not risk my health and my life when they refuse to risk anything.

  7. Israel’s Prime Minister has openly admitted that the Israeli people are the world’s laboratory for this experimental treatment. I am not interested in being a guinea pig or donating my body to science.

  8. Israel agreed to share medical data of its citizens with a foreign drug company as a fundamental part of their agreement to receive this treatment. I never consented for my personal medical data to be shared with any such entity, nor was I even asked. I will not contribute to this sleazy enterprise.

  9. The executives and board members at Pfizer are on record that they have not taken their own treatment, despite all the fanfare and assurances. They are claiming that they would consider it unfair to “cut the line”. This is a preposterous excuse, and it takes an unbelievable amount of chutzpah to even say such a thing. Such a “line” is a figment of their own imagination; if they hogged a couple of injections for themselves no one would cry foul. In addition, billionaires with private jets and private islands are not known for waiting in line until hundreds of millions of peasants all over the world go first to receive anything these billionaires want for themselves.

  10. The establishment media has accepted this preposterous excuse without question or concern. Moreover, they laud Pfizer’s executives for their supposed self-sacrifice in not taking their own experimental treatment until we go first. Since they consider us such fools, I do not trust them, and do not want their new treatment. They can have my place in line. I’ll go to the very back of the line.

  11. Three facts that must be put together:

  • Bill Gates is touting these vaccines as essential to the survival of the human race.

  • Bill Gates believes the world has too many people and needs to be “depopulated”.

  • Bill Gates, perhaps the richest man in the world, has also not been injected. No rush.

          Uh, no. I’ll pass on any medical treatments he wants me to take.

  1. The establishment has been entirely one-sided in celebrating this treatment. The politicians and media are urging people to take it as both a moral and civic duty. The benefits of the treatment are being greatly exaggerated, the risks are being ignored, and the unknowns are being brushed aside. Because they are being deceitful and manipulative, I will not gamble my personal wellbeing on their integrity.

  2. There is an intense propaganda campaign for people to take this treatment. Politicians and celebrities are taking selfies of themselves getting injected (perhaps in some cases pretending to get injected), the media is hyping this as the coolest, smartest, most happy and fun thing to do. It is the most widespread marketing campaign in history. This is not at all appropriate for any medical treatment, let alone a brand new one, and it makes me recoil.

  3. The masses are following in tow, posting pictures of themselves getting injected with a drug, feeding the mass peer pressure to do the same. There is something very alarming and sick about this, and I want no part of it. I never took drugs just because “everyone’s doing it” and it’s cool. I’m certainly not going to start now.

  4. Those who raise concerns about this medical treatment are being bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracized, threatened, and fired from their jobs. This includes medical professionals who have science-based concerns about the drug and caregivers who have witnessed people under their charge suffering horrible reactions and death shortly after being injected. When the establishment is purging good people who risk everything simply to raise concerns about a new medical treatment – even if they don’t outright oppose it – I will trust these brave people over the establishment every time. I cannot think of a single similar case in history when truth and morality turned out to be on the side of the establishment.

  5. This is the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race.

  6. It is purposely not being portrayed as the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race, and the fact that it is a medical experiment at all is being severely downplayed.

  7. Were they up front with the masses, very few would agree to participate in such an experiment. Manipulating the masses to participate in a medical experiment under false pretenses violates the foundations of medical ethics and democratic law. I will not allow unethical people who engage in such conduct to inject me with anything.

  8. The medical establishment is not informing people about any of this. They have become marketing agents for an experimental drug, serving huge companies and politicians who have made deals with them. This is a direct conflict with their mandate to concern themselves exclusively with the wellbeing of the people under their care. Since the medical establishment has become corrupted, and has become nothing more than a corporate and political tool, I do not trust the experimental drug they want so badly to inject me with.

  9. We are being pressured in various ways to get injected, which violates medical ethics and the foundations of democratic society. The best way to get me not to do something is to pressure me to do it.

  10. The government has sealed their protocol related to the virus and treatments for THIRTY YEARS. This is information that the public has a right to know, and the government has a responsibility to share. What are they covering up? Do they really expect me to believe that everything is kosher about all this, and that they are concerned first and foremost with my health? The last time they did this was with the Yemenite Children Affair. If you’re not familiar with it, look it up. Now they’re pulling the same shtick. They didn’t fool me the first time, and they’re definitely not fooling me now.

  11. The government can share our personal medical data with foreign corporations, but they won’t share their own protocol on the matter with us? I’m out.

  12. The establishment has recruited doctors, rabbis, the media, and the masses to harangue people who don’t want to get injected with a new drug. We are being called the worst sort of names. We are being told that we believe in crazy conspiracies, that we are against science, that we are selfish, that we are murderers, that we don’t care about the elderly, that it’s our fault that the government continues to impose draconian restrictions on the public. It’s all because we don’t want to get injected with an experimental treatment, no questions asked. We are even being told that we have a religious obligation to do this, and that we are grave sinners if we do not. They say that if we do not agree to get injected, we should be forced to stay inside our homes forever and be ostracized from public life.

    This is horrific, disgusting, a perversion of common sense, morality, and the Torah. It makes me recoil, and only further cements my distrust of these people and my opposition to taking their experimental drug. How dare they?

  13. I know of many people who got injected, but none of them studied the science in depth, carefully weighed the potential benefits against the risks, compared this option to other alternatives, was truly informed, and decided this medical treatment was the best option for them. On the contrary, they got injected because of the hype, the propaganda, the pressure, the fear, blind trust in what “the majority of experts” supposedly believed (assuming THEY all studied everything in depth and were completely objective, which is highly dubious), blind trust in what certain influential rabbis urged them to do (ditto the above), or hysterical fear that the only option was getting injected or getting seriously ill from the virus. When I see mass hysteria and cult-like behavior surrounding a medical treatment, I will be extremely suspicious and avoid it.

  14. The drug companies have a long and glorious history of causing mass carnage with wonder drugs they thrust on unsuspecting populations, even after serious problems had already become known. Instead of pressing the pause button and halting the marketing of these drugs until these issues could be properly investigated, the drug companies did everything in their power to suppress the information and keep pushing their products. When companies and people have demonstrated such gross lack of concern for human life, I will not trust them when they hype a new wonder drug. This isn’t our first rodeo.

  15. Indeed, the horror stories are already coming in at warp speed, but the politicians are not the least bit concerned, the medical establishment is brushing them aside as unrelated or negligible, the media is ignoring it, the drug companies are steaming ahead at full speed, and those who raise a red flag continue to be bullied, censored, and punished. Clearly my life and my wellbeing are not their primary concern. I will not be their next guinea pig in their laboratory. I will not risk being the next “coincidence”.

  16. Although many people have died shortly after getting injected – including perfectly healthy young people – we are not allowed to imply that the injection had anything to do with it. Somehow this is anti-science and will cause more people to die. I believe that denying any possible link, abusing people who speculate that there might be a link, and demonstrating not the slightest curiosity to even explore if there might be a link is what is anti-science and could very well cause more people to die. These same people believe I am obligated to get injected as well. No thanks.

  17. I am repulsed by the religious, cult-like worship of a pharmaceutical product, and will not participate in this ritual.

  18. My “healthcare” provider keeps badgering me to get injected, yet they have provided me no information on this treatment or any possible alternatives. Everything I know I learned from others outside the establishment. Informed consent has become conformed consent. I decline.

  19. I see all the lies, corruption, propaganda, manipulation, censorship, bullying, violation of medical ethics, lack of integrity in the scientific process, suppression of inconvenient adverse reactions, dismissal of legitimate concerns, hysteria, cult-like behavior, ignorance, closed-mindedness, fear, medical and political tyranny, concealment of protocols, lack of true concern for human life, lack of respect for basic human rights and freedoms, perversion of the Torah and common sense, demonization of good people, the greatest medical experiment of all time being conducted by greedy, untrustworthy, godless people, the lack of liability for those who demand I risk everything…I see all this and I have decided they can all have my place in line. I will put my trust in God. I will use the mind He blessed me with and trust my natural instincts. Which leads to the final reason which sums up why I will not get “vaccinated.”

  20. The whole thing stinks.


See for much more.

A MUST-READ Personal Letter About the Vaccine: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It!

A powerful letter


Dear Chananya,
Thank you once again for your more sane, Torah and chazal-oriented approach to what has happened to the world.
I have read a couple more of your recent articles…and I have been effectively excluded from attending an outdoor minyan because of the shield (-only) I wear…and that others were “uncomfortable” with it (never asking whether I had good reason, a background, or suggesting simply that I should stay home if I couldn’t breathe with the other type of mask).  I am boycotting a local grocery as well also because of how I was treated because of the shield by an opinionated staff member who was hugely disrespectful.
Unfortunately, so-called medical science has not learned its lesson in 80 years and more.  Yes, we know that Nazis, yemach shemam, conducted experiments on humans during the Holocaust, the greatest inhumanity to man.
But there was also an experiment, 30 years and more in its duration, on North American soil, both in the US and Canada.  Perhaps you heard of (or saw pictures representing the effects of) the drug Thalidomide.  Children were born with shortened or no limbs in the 50s and 60s.  That was the visible damage drug of its time.  Unfortunately, there was a drug with greater-reaching, with far more invisible effects, marketed to otherwise healthy women from the 1940s-1970s, known as Diethystilbestrol, or DES.
I offer a quote from a friend’s email:

“A friend of mine is a second generation DES (Diethylstilbestrol) survivor/victim.  She wonders whether her experiences and that of other DES second and third generation people might be of interest to this group.  She is willing to share her story. The pressure placed on women to take DES from 1941-1971 is relevant to the current situation for multiple reasons.

 First of all, DES was prescribed for mothers attempting to avoid miscarriage.  However, many of these women did not have a history of recurrent miscarriage and yet, physicians prescribed the medication for them.  In other words, women without reproductive issues were influenced to take DES to prevent a problem that did not exist. Similarly, healthy people are now being pressured to partake in an experimental substance for a virus with a 99% recovery rate.

Next, DES was also marketed and prescribed as safe despite that the manufacturers were aware of possible carcinogenic effects. In the case of the experimental COVID vaccine the pharmaceutical companies and their political as well as health official allies are downplaying the fact that the biological substance may have severe side effects. Worse, in the current context people are compelled to partake in an experimental vaccine without being appropriately, ethically and morally notified about their role as subjects in a research study.

A third similarity is demonstrated by the way that DES was marketed and prescribed as safe without regard for possible long term effects. Unfortunately, severe side effects became apparent only after millions of women and their children were exposed to DES. It took years for the medical establishment to finally acknowledge a link between maternal cancer of the reproductive system and the drug.   The damage was intergenerational and also affected the children born to mothers who had used DES.  So far the next two to three generations suffer from devastating conditions including but not limited to cancer and malformations of the reproductive organs, primary and secondary infertility, and premature births.  In some cases, the actual harm of this apparent medication took decades to manifest. This past week on Jan. 11, 2021  the chief coroner of Ontario, Dr. Dirk Huyer, lectured during a Webinar for nurses who are members of the RNAO.  He indicated that the experimental vaccine contained “a little bit of genetic material” that will enter into the body’s cells.  There is not yet enough evidence to demonstrate the long term effects of mRNA or as the official stated “a bit of genetic material” on future function. Similar to the DES fiasco, pharmaceutical companies and their allies are influencing citizens to expose their bodies to a substance without ensuring that the experimental vaccine is safe for the participant and generations to come.”
Further, once DES was discontinued for use with threatened miscarriage, it was still used as a (sic!) “morning after” pill–to prevent unwanted pregnancy!  Even later, it was still being used in so-called Third World countries–to fatten cattle and poultry to achieve a higher market price–so it remained in the food chain, again for monetary gain.
In case you have not guessed, I am the woman referred to in the above quote.  I have buried a daughter, Rachel, a.h., born at 22.5 weeks gestation, had multiple other miscarriages for my, B”H, 3 living children, a rough total of 9 pregnancies in all, attributable to the DES my Mother, a.h., took, trusting her doctor, though without history of miscarriage.  Rachel would have been 35 years old this past December.  Needless to say, between the marker birthday and the parallels above, my anger is triggered.  My youngest was born at 32 weeks gestation but she, thankfully, had the benefit of what those extra weeks offered in her development inside and she is 30 years old today.  Many DES daughters never got as far as being able to conceive.  The statute of limitations then was a paltry three years from discovery.  With the non-vaccine–the manufacturers are indemnified, so there is no challenging them for damages or wrongful death.
Further, I have had family members and friends subject to covid-related regulations and death, a half-sister who passed her 90th birthday in isolation due to a positive test in her nursing home and who died shortly thereafter… having given up… but symptom-free.
It is a shandeh that the “Emperor is naked” and the few who speak out to say so are censored or categorized as crazy and not to be believed for challenging the panicked, so-called ‘norm’, even as they are the ones willing to question, research, and risk their jobs.
Thank you for the work you do.  I think I need to get some fresh air…
Yom Tov,
Joyce Solomon

Chananya Weissman Psychoanalyzes the Corona Tyranny Toadies

A Short Thought and More Mask Police

I had another doozy of an experience earlier today. I davened mincha outside an actual shul, but I was on a park bench on the street, outside the shul limits. Someone approached me after davening, introduced himself, and asked me to wear a mask in the future, as that is the practice of the shul. I told him there is no such thing in halacha and I am not bound by it, plus I’m outside the shul area. He asked me to do it “out of respect” for the other people.
I told him to pretend I was beating my wife or abusing children and look the other way. That was not the answer he was expecting. He said even people who already had corona wear the mask out of respect and I can talk to the rabbi if I want. I told him I’m not a confrontational person, I’m minding my own business, and I’m happy to have a conversation with anyone, but I’m not going to wear a mask.
I also noted that there were about 20 people at the minyan, which is against the current arbitrary guidelines. Why is that? Do they only follow some guidelines and not others? “Yes!” he answered. I told him that obviously doesn’t make any sense. If anything, having more people there is a greater danger than having one person without a mask, so it’s really just about bullying and controlling people. I said the real reason this bothers him is because if more than 10 people daven there, it doesn’t make anyone look foolish, but if they’re wearing masks and I’m not playing along, it makes them all look foolish.
He suddenly found himself in a hurry to go somewhere and scurried off. Score one for sanity and the good guys.
