Where Does It Say the Final Redemption Comes in Two Stages?
- Yerushalmi in the beginning of Brachos.
- Zohar Vayishlach 170a.
- Tanchuma Devarim 60:1
- Megillah 17b.
Found in Rabbi Brand.
Found in Rabbi Brand.
Men of great inherited wealth, men who get their income from capital or capital gains, have favored the progressive income tax because they don’t want new competitors rising up who make their money on personal wage or salary incomes.
Halachically speaking, don’t bend the pages of Torah books, and Rabbi Kanievsky says only scholars may write marginalia (although this is not agreed upon by others).
Again, please read it (about 2,000 words)!
Here. He isn’t for the Rambam’s application of it.
All I would add is the Chazon Ish who comments on these sort of Rambam rulings saying he must have possessed alternate readings we lack. Although, since later Jewry does indeed lack these alternate versions, we do not Pasken this way ourselves.