Rabbi Yoav Elan’s Temple Tour
A recommended intro.
A recommended intro.
They have many.
Breishis Rabbah 1:14:
א”ר אבדימוס, אם נתת מכיסך צדקה הקב”ה הוא משמרך מן הפיסין ומן הזמיונות מן הגולגלאות ומן הארנונות.
We need a translation for each and every term.
I don’t yet know who to credit for this picture or where it was taken.
First go here, then click on “Translation” and navigate.
Best part? It includes Rabbi Kaplan’s brilliant footnotes!
This article was one of our most popular. But once the webmasters noticed the increased traffic (I presume), they removed almost everything. That site is almost an empty shell now.
Published on Jun 29, 2011
Great (law school) classroom talk about NOT talking to the police!
Note: This applies to Israel, as well.