Democracy for Dummies
Whaddaya mean, democracy is illogical?!
I’ll explain it to you s-l-o-w-l-y:
If Shimon and Reuven are running for the same position and you vote for Reuven, and Reuven wins, you agreed, so it’s voluntary. If you voted for Shimon, you agreed by voting at all. (In fact, you likely would have preferred to vote for the winner, to be “one of the guys”, right? Don’t answer that.)
If you voted for Reuven for specific reasons/promises (how naive!), and he did what politicians do, no matter. It’s called “Lo Plug”.
What if you didn’t vote at all, or voted because of peer or spousal pressure? You still agree. You should have voted willingly.
Voting means you agree with everything done to you and/or others by Reuven.
Your affected disagreement is just Yetzer Hara, as with the husband who refuses to divorce his wife. You really do agree.
To summarize, when we wish to know what Gilah thinks, we don’t ask Gilah. That wouldn’t be progressive or scientific. Instead, we ask Rinah, Ditzah, Chedvah, Shalom and Re’ut.
Just ask Reuven.