How Opinion Has Shifted!

How to Stop an Intermarriage” is a book with some fame written for the general Jewish public. The copyright is, I believe, 1976.

On page 4, homosexuality is equated with drug abuse, to make the point that parents should certainly try to help their children out of some situations.

Why Briskers Can Afford to Be Stern All the Time

… R’ Zvi-Hirsh Appelbaum, a Torah scholar and dry goods merchant from Brisk, was exiled to Stoibtz during World War I, as was the Hazon-Ish. R’ Zvi-Hirsh helped the Hazon-Ish’s rebbitzen, Batya, in purchasing goods for her store, and even received permission from the Hazon-Ish to open a competing dry goods business. He became the Hazon-Ish’s talmid-havver [pupil-peer].
One summer night, the Hazon-Ish invited R’ Zvi-Hirsh to join him the following morning in a 4:00 A.M. swim in the Neman River. When they were in the water, the Hazon-Ish started to splash his companion playfully, and R’ Zvi-Hirsh asked him, “Rebbi, what is going on?” The master replied, “אויב מען קען שטיפען קען מען מחדש זיין [If you can frolic, you can create novellae (in Torah)].”