
Some Jewish scholars have fatal “Spectatoritis” – they don’t do any real work (neither for nor against; neither with nor without profit), so they don’t know anything beyond the activity of book reading (ergonomics?). Nor do they recognize their knowledge might be lacking.

We learn not only from reading, but also from doing. And when your books are wrong, they must be corrected by experience. Hyehudi has already mentioned this idea, but it bears repeating.

Disclaimer: For Informational Purposes Only

Here’s an impressive Allied forces simple sabotage manual written for the average citizen under especially hostile regimes. For strictly historical interest, of course! I read many of these manuals, and this one specimen is one of the least awful, practically, and in terms of writing style.

Note: The technology has changed since, but the social dynamics of humans have not.

Here are the various file formats for selection from Gutenberg. Here is the plain-text version, and here is the one with the library stamps and vintage fonts (self-sabotaged, really).

I can hypothetically think of so many hypothetical current, local, and halachically licit applications to the adages within (hypothetically speaking, of course!).

It’s not as though Jews in Israel are living under a hostile regime, of course, perish the very thought! (And that’s why I can’t supply any internal hyperlinks.)

Who Trump Reminds Me Of

Perhaps you can relate.

Sometimes a thought bugs me again and again until I recite it. Then, having done its job (?), the thought leaves, and I get some mental relief.

Whenever I think of Donald Trump, he reminds me of Robert Moses.


Rambling on about Early Marriage

Sorry I made you wait for this one. That doesn’t mean it came out better.

1. Marriage is an investment in many ways, so you want to start the compound growth early. The benefits which marriage grants grow over time, so you want the clock ticking already. This is true for love, which only matures with time (earlier marriages>fewer divorces). And it used to be commonly understood more humans = more wealth.

2. Generally speaking, when something is the right thing to do, that thing ought to be done ASAP. This goes for every other Mitzvah, too (including Shacharis, which isn’t unrelated): Zehirus brings Zerizus. “The Garden of Wisdom” is very good at explaining the poor judgment in intentionally extending bachelorhood.

3. The younger you are, the more patient you will be with children.

4. Breeding is the original, and still the best, non-government retirement plan for old age. The younger you marry, the more children, and ergo, the better the chances at least some of them will have the ability to help support you.

5. And don’t be scared of raising children; they tend to help raise each other, assuming they are closer in age to one another – which is another reason to marry early.

6. Also, married men are shown to be richer (unless you divorce and keep halving everything)!

Bottom line: Pray for yourself and for your children to marry early!