Chazal Avoided Using Money?!

Here’s yet another Chazal some Jews have maliciously perverted to attack free-market capitalism:

Pesachim 104a:

מאן ניהו בנן של קדושים, רבי מנחם בר סימאי. ואמאי קרו ליה בנן של קדושים, דלא איסתכל בצורתא דזוזא.

Ah, must be he hated cash for all that we know it “represents“. Or, certainly, he was so involved in Torah study, he never had the time (that is to say, studying only those sections which don’t necessitate recognizing money…).

Nonsense! The sole issue was the Middas Chassidus of gazing at “everyday” Avoda Zara symbols not used directly for worship – then set on the coinage. That’s the gist of Tosafos Shabbos 149, and Tosafos Avoda Zara 50a (if I remember correctly).

Conclusion: Rabbi Menachem bar Sima’i would do what all Jews ought to do with cash. He would also avoid taking a good look at it.

Those who say these things… I wish it was ignorance of Tosafos, or “added” faux-depth. It’s not. The truth is too painful to enunciate.

Does Lubavitch Permit Placing a Tanya upon a Chumash?

So claims “Hatanya Kadisha Vekocho Ha’eloki”. I’m not sure that is even the worst thing in that awful, silly book.

Chabadpedia is a little bit better:

לחומש ישנה קדושה מיוחדת, ולכן אין להניח כל ספר אחר (ואפילו תניא) על גבי החומש.

הרבי בכניסתו ל770 נצפה פעמים רבות בהורידו ספרים שונים מעל גבי החומש, או שהורה לאחר להוריד.

למרות שאין להניח תניא על חומש, גם אין להניח חומש על תניא, כיון שגם הוא נחשב כ”חומש” של תורת החסידות.

Hashem, please send us Mashiach now!

Aruch Hashulchan – Have We Finally Found a Winner?

Medieval Torah authors divided all actions into three:

  1. Chovah. (Obligation)
  2. Issur. (Prohibition)
  3. Reshus. (Neutral)

Rabbi Chaim Greinemann noted that this division is not accurate. On a superficial level, sure, Halacha keeps most deeds neutral. Nevertheless, once there is no obligation to do something, there is always some alternative, preferable action, occupying the same time and space (e.g., Torah study!).

(I could explain this more effectively if I had the time.)

Maybe-maybe this is is what the Aruch Hashulchan means in his Hilchos Shilu’ach Haken, 292:4:

דכל רשות שבתורה היא כמצוה, רק לגבי חובה רשות קרו לה.

The title is based on critical past posts of the Aruch Hashulchan.

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