Even Matza Is Really Chametz!

Some have the custom of avoiding Matza on Pesach beyond the necessary minimum. And you thought the Kitniyos prohibition was off…

There are a number of difficulties one might pose, but perhaps the best one is to simply wonder at the Rambam in Hilchos Avoda Zara 11:16 who writes:

לישראל שהם חכמים מחוכמים…

“… the Jews who are wise sages…”

Alright, now let’s enstupidate.

‘Serious But Manageable’

That’s the eternal slogan of every politician.

Let’s translate: The threat is “serious”, so you do need me to keep taking your money for your own good, but not so serious you should be responsibly independent or, worse, consider firing me to hire my betters.