Anarchism: The Only Workable Peace Plan for Israel
Only Jewish anarchists can make peace. See, the Arab world’s full list of demands apparently consists of just 3 items.
- End the occupation of Palestinian areas.
- Grant the “right of return” to non-Jews, as well as Jews.
- Grant equal rights to non-Jews.
Impossible? Unjust? Not at all. Easy. Just end the state.
Occupation by state entity will end, as individual Jews simply follow their means and aims, hopefully, according to Jewish law. Arabs will continue doing whatever they were doing beforehand, but with less motivation, since there is nothing sensible to complain about. The only difference is they won’t suffer under the yoke of a foreign, created/imported and installed vassal state of Israel, whether Chamas or Fatach (unless they want to). Anyone may buy or sell private property, but Jews are already the majority, even without mentioning strong demographic trends, and ‘there shall be none to make them afraid’ of losing their investment, as in Amona.
The Right of Return means nothing but the state’s limiting itself against preventing entry to public highways, seashores, and private airports. Once there are no redistribution schemes, there is only individual Jews, most of whom are at least “traditional”, and their individual choices. There will be no “laws” preventing the boycott of those who choose evil, and no state-created monopolies, to weaken the effects of such a boycott. Most land sold to Arabs is done by the state, and reminding Jews of the prohibition of doing so is threatened as illegal “racism”. Everything by the law, and no trespassing or anti-religious forced association.
And equal rights? That’s the easiest of them all. No state means no invented, positive “rights” for anyone, Jew or not.
Wait, what about the Jewish aspirations? Isn’t anyone going to show them any love?
No state, no problem. Act as individuals and a nation as per your current religious standing – just not with authoritarianism.